As a woman of faith, I must confess that I never paid too much attention to the Saturday before Easter yet this year I feel the significance of it.

When in DC a couple of weeks ago, we had lunch with two individuals from long-standing conservative foundations who have been fighting for our country for a long time. They have been at it much longer than most of us who awoke during the bailouts and said “Enough.” They have been in the heat of battle in DC and they are both thrilled that the Tea Party Movement is here. They describe us as “reinforcements” who have joined them in DC on the battlefield!!

As we talked, I mentioned how difficult it was to see how we were being “attacked” for standing up for our principles. One of them said, “That’s a good thing, Billie. When you are attacked it only means you are doing great work. Otherwise, they just leave you alone.”

This week, the Tea Party Movement is once again under attack and their desire is to put fear into us and get us to "sit down and shut up." Those who might be reading this blog with that in mind I have four words for you – “Not going to happen!” Instead we are "Standing Up for Freedom" and we'll be doing it by the hundreds of thousands!

Yesterday was Good Friday and the day that those in the Christian world know as one of the darkest days in our walk. At that time, those who had followed Jesus watched as this “good and humble man” who had taught them the message of love was betrayed by one of them, handed over to an angry mob and hung on a tree to die. Hope for those who followed Him died on that tree and they scattered in fear as to what might happen to them.

Reflect on Saturday with me. What were they thinking? Were they contemplating the darkness of a world without a future and without hope apart from the love this “man” had taught them? Do you believe that some of them were even wondering, “Was I a fool to follow this man?” “Did I give up my career, my money, my life to follow a man who is now laying in a tomb?” Maybe deep down inside those thoughts were there…but unknown to them, an exciting day was coming in just 24 hours time.

This Easter message is one for those who have given up so much to Stand Up for Freedom for their country. Many of you have given your money, your time, your energy, your careers and even some of you have walked away from your friends or family members who do not understand your passion in this movement. For those sacrifices made, please know we understand and appreciate all that you are doing.

Use this Saturday to reflect on the principles this country was founded upon. Use this Saturday to think of America the Beautiful. Use this Saturday to think of the lives lost on the battlefield to bring freedom to others across this planet. Use this Saturday to look into the future and see how you can move forward to Restore the Republic with others in the First Coast Tea Party. And, then, tomorrow when you wake up – a new day will be upon us and hope will be restored again.

Enjoy your Saturday ‘cause Sunday is coming!

Enjoy "Let Freedom Ring" from the White House -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4NX7QswymI

Views: 36


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Comment by Timothy G Sparks on April 5, 2010 at 9:48am
Great post Billie. Your part reflecting on the lives lost on the battlefields to preserve out freedom brings to mind a class trip I made to Washington DC at age 13. Of all the things I saw, including the Washington monument, the Lincoln memorial, etc.., The single most impacting event of my youg life at that point was walking through the graves at the Arlington cemetary. To this day I can see the thousands of gravestones lined in perfect rows, mute testimony to the ulitamte sacrifice made for my freedom. I wondered at that time if I would be called (Vietnam), and if so would I have the courage they had shown. I was so humbled to be there to witness such valor at such cost. Were they afraid. I assume they were frightened to death, but none ran away. Instead they fought on for their fellow soldiers, their families and their county, even to death. At age 13, I wondered how I could ever measure up to such a standard.
In retrospect I am reminded of a passage from Hebrews, stating that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who have gone on before us. Heroes eveyone, who stand sentinel over our country, and it is they we can look to as our true patriots. Our fight is for them, to make certain their sacrifice was not in vain; to preserve the heritage given us by their blood, and to hand it to our children intact. We can do it. Never give up!
Tim Sparks
Comment by robert sanford on April 3, 2010 at 6:48pm
Great tie in to the Easter message of the resurrection. Looking forward to the April 15 th Jacksonville event.
Comment by Kate Svagdis on April 3, 2010 at 5:58pm
Good post, Billie! Wake up and put your runnin' shoes on, God's waiting!
Comment by LeAnne J. King on April 3, 2010 at 3:15pm
Thank you Billie. I am so thankful to be a part of this group. As we remain faithful to God's word and cloak ourselves in His armor, He will bless our efforts. On this Easter eve, I say thank you to all those who have worked so tirelessly to restore this country. For indeed, tomorrow brings us hope.
Comment by Tim Baird on April 3, 2010 at 1:00pm
Well said Billie! I look forward to new battles and standing shoulder to shoulder with all the fine members of FirstCoastTeaParty.
Comment by Peggy F. Talbert on April 3, 2010 at 11:57am
Thanks Billie, I agree with everything you said, and I will not give up. As long as I am Breathing, I will stand with you and the Tea Party Movement. We must "stand up for our God Given rights and freedoms". WE cannot , and will not "sit down and shut up".
Comment by John F. Mobilian on April 3, 2010 at 11:23am

Wonderful post. It lifted my spiits and helped remind us all as to the importance of what tomarrow is all about. The resurection of Jesus Christ. That should make everyone feel incredible. It surely does it for me.
As for the position of the Tea Party Movement, I just want everyone to understand this and not worry about the idiots in the "Lame" Stream Media. If the Democrates and the Liberals and the elitists in the media were not worried about this movement, they would not be spending so much time trying to discredit what we stand for. We stand for Independence. We stand for Freedom. We stand for smaller government. We stand for less free handouts to those who find it easier to just sit back and TAKE. We stand for the values that our founding fathers wrote down on that piece of parchment paper know to most of us as the Constitution. It still means something to us, even though the man in the Whitehouse thinks it is an outdated piece of junk.
We WILL be victorious in November when we vote all of these "Blind Sheep" out of office and get those in office who want to put this country back on the road to success.
Term Limits are the ONLY way we are ever going to take our country back from those who think we work for them. I for one have had it. Has anyone else?

Happy Easter to all of my friends at the First Coast Tea Party and my God Bless You All!

Comment by Mary Ann Mobilian on April 3, 2010 at 11:15am
I agree completely with the statement that the negative attention and pressure that the Tea Party Movement is experiencing is a positive sign. If we weren't threatening to the liberal, progressive agenda then we would most certainly be ignored. Contrary to the effect that the lamestream media and liberals may have been hoping for, I have been motivated by the false accusations and bad press. Let's "Change the Change" in November with our vote!!
Comment by Peggy Hall on April 3, 2010 at 11:07am
Beautiful Billie. Thank you for your hard work. I pray every day for God to guide us in saving our Republic. With Him as our guide, we cannot lose. As a tribute to a freedom fighter, Todd Beamer, LET'S ROLL!
Comment by John Saputo on April 3, 2010 at 10:20am
It is in the hearbeat of every American to seek with joy and a sense of destiny new life after the death of winter. I as a Christian believe that the Messiah of Israel died for my sins and initiated the New Covenant to Israel and is extended to all nations. That is not a political statement but I want to live in a country where I am allowed to make it and live it without persacution or excessive taxation. It is time for all men of all religious persuations to at least protect the ideals of freedom without the tyranny of a socialist state of seizure and intimidation. Happy Resurrection Sunday to all people everywhere!

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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