For Women Only: The Fried Green Tomatoes Brigade is Forming - Join Us!

WARNING:  This blogger has had enough.  Here's To Wanda!


I’ve waited more than 50 years to have the attitude I have today.


It feels good to be me even though times are tough. 


The news is filled with punks and spoiled brats occupying our streets, Congress and the White House. 


Since day one of the Tea Party Movement, we stood up to our Government with our signs stating:


  • “Stop the Bailouts”
  • “No Cap and Trade”
  • “No Government-run Healthcare”
  • “Audit the Fed”
  • “No more Taxes”


We were out there in 2009 marching to DC – 1.5 million strong.  Remember this picture of our movement?  




We marched, we sent a message, we cleaned up after ourselves, we went back home, we contacted our representatives about legislation, we began work on unseating progressives and RINOs and we kept watch and alerted our friends and family members about corruption, greed and attacks on the rule of law. 


We never once defecated on a police car, handed out condoms for use under blankets in Freedom Plaza, or held patrons of a restaurant hostage to listen to a ranting and raving speech in the middle of their dining experience.  See that video here: 


So where were these 99 Percenters back then? 


I’ll tell you where they were.  They were sitting at home in front of their computers playing video games. 




They were progressives making up lies about tea party members spitting on them. 


They were Congressmen calling us AstroTurf.


They were the President calling us a perverted sexual name along with the leftist media calling us Insanitea and making fun of us with more sexual overtones.   Remember these horrible media moments back then?  Here you go: -- be careful this is X Rated:


Back to my 50+ year old attitude.  Here goes:


I’ve had enough and let me tell you something – I think the average American citizen has had enough too. 


Play your games, Occupy Protestors.  Go ahead and make fools of yourselves and when you start your garbage with the average American citizen, watch out.  We are not going to take it anymore. 


Women in this movement are protecting their nests and if you dare to do anything to upset it, you will have to deal with the Fried Green Tomatoes Brigade. 


This Brigade is made up of women who are fed up with the out of control kids, congressmen and President.  You are all in trouble and when Momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy and Momma’s ain’t happy with you!


We have put up with your stuff long enough and it’s time to clean house.  We will do that beginning now as the Fried Green Tomatoes Brigade puts their support behind their conservative candidates and works hard to get them elected. 


We will do that by protecting our families if your nasty, filthy mouths come anywhere near us.    Occupy that!


Remember the wrath of Mom when you finally pushed her.  Well, you’ve done it now so be fair warned!


So what is the Fried Green Tomatoes Brigade?  It’s a new group being formed starting today.  If you are a woman and you are sick and tired of this garbage that is not only in our streets but also in the mouths of the President, Congress and the Media -- join us!  You can find us at


We will talk about local strategies and how the women of the movement can help take back our country to a sane America again.  


Last but not least – watch this video clip and be energized to take the wheel and join Fried Green Tomatoes Brigade. 



Views: 780


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Comment by Tracy on October 21, 2011 at 5:43pm

 And since you seem to be sooooo fascinated by my picture ,I've had the same pic up since I joined this movement when it started.I've been here awhile and won't be going away any time soon. So you have yourself a great night and review the videos and links I've posted and rest assured I'll have more to come soon!

Comment by Tracy on October 21, 2011 at 5:19pm

All caps does not denote that I am am yelling .I posted in all caps because its pretty obvious to me you are mentally incapable of telling the difference between sharing a cause and sharing a solution.Posting in all caps means you would have to see that sentence first and perhaps even ponder the meaning of that sentence.

 BTW, I am still waiting for you to defend the activities of these people.Saying that this is representitive of a small portion of the movement is unacceptable as I have more links to more foul behavior , pictures and even an email dump that SAYS exactly what the movement is about that I can post for you from around this country.Now please explain to us why you continue to defend the indefensible?

And really Amanda after the snarky way you've gone after people on this site you are now complaining because you are getting the same treatment you've dished? Give me a break.

Comment by amanda choate on October 21, 2011 at 5:00pm

They are an element, but they do not  represent the majority of the protestors.

Tracy I will tell you what, go on ranting as long as you like. If it feels good.

All caps. Screaming. Really? Is that how you act. You are faceless on this site, a bit anonymous, just your dog. Have a good night.


Comment by Tracy on October 21, 2011 at 3:57pm
Still waiting to hear what prompts you to continue to be part of and defend a group whose own actions you yourself have called indefensible.Please enlighten our group...
Comment by Tracy on October 21, 2011 at 3:49pm
A SHARED CAUSE DOES NOT MEAN WE SHARE A COMMON SOLUTION. The tea party stands for less government ,OWS wants more...
Comment by Tracy on October 21, 2011 at 3:47pm

Did I offend your delicate sensibilities Amanda by posting that pic?

You know what? I'm offended by that pic too,and by the idiots that made that sign... and I'm offended by the fact that you are on this board trying to defend garbage like this.

Comment by Tracy on October 21, 2011 at 3:32pm
What's the matter Amanda don't like people showing who these people really are? Those are your people Amanda defend them ....This is the movement we are supposed to respect remember?Don't go off on another tangent about the tea party.I want to hear your defense of YOUR people.Tell me why we should support this.
Comment by amanda choate on October 21, 2011 at 3:26pm

Tracy Indefensible acts are just that, indefensible.

Just like your posting of that obscene poster.

The WSJ published a poll that said the Occupiers have a 54% favorable rating versus the Tea Party with 27% favorable rating. Now how does that benefit a tea party agenda to have less than a third of the people in agreement with tea party policies.Those numbers will move. It is important that they move in our favor.

Comment by Tracy on October 21, 2011 at 3:24pm

Hey Amanda this ones for you, since apparantly I just made up that whole "sex with animals' chant by the .099%ers...

Comment by Tracy on October 21, 2011 at 3:11pm
WAITING....(I  hear crickets chirping) Where is your defense of this behavior? Where is the defense of this level of disrespect to fellow citizens?I'm sure you will have some excuse that can cover this type of behavior. PLEASE ENLIGHTEN US LADIES...

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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