Florida is in the spotlight today.  If Mitt Romney wins - the media and the GOP elite will confirm his "right" to the Republican Presidential Nomination.  They will claim Florida as the win and the rest of the states whose voice has not been heard, be damned.


I've seen this before as a young 20 year old.  I was not able to articulate it as well as Jeffrey Lord has done in this article.  I hope you will read this BEFORE you go to the polls and vote today.


I still believe the American people are smarter than the establishment and will choose wisely the person they wish to be their President.


Go Vote...Be Wise



Newt Battles Mush From the Wimps

Palin targets Establishment GOP "cannibals" terrified of party's conservative base.

"Ford Declares Reagan Can't Win" -- Headline in The New York Times, March 1, 1980

Yet still more mush from the wimps.

To borrow a famous Reagan phrase: "Well, there they go again."

Somewhere an exasperated Gipper is doubtless shaking his head.

The war between conservatives and the Republican Establishment -- and make no mistake, this is a war -- is on once more.

The people who brought the GOP losing candidates from Dewey to Dole are at it again.

Last week's assault on Newt Gingrich -- with various Romney supporters seriously and deceptively trying to tell unwitting voters that Gingrich was never really a real Reagan ally -- in reality has nothing to do with Newt Gingrich at all.

Read the rest of the article here:  http://spectator.org/archives/2012/01/31/newt-battles-mush-from-the...

Views: 1496


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Comment by Jack on February 1, 2012 at 12:11pm

Bill, stop please just stop.........................Ron Paul only got 7% of the vote last night. You can hope all you want to, you are not going to persuade enough people to ever get him elected.

The best that we can hope for at this moment in time is to get someone other than Romney nominated. To get as many of our TP candidates elected into the house and senate as we possible can. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. We are not going to get there over night. We would be better off with Ron Paul replacing Ben Bernanke as chairman of the federal reserve. Can you at least agree on that? That that job is tailor made for him?

You Ron Paul guys are running people off and doing more harm than good. You really need to turn it down a notch. It is just not his time. The country as a whole is just not ready for it yet. We have got to concentrate on the here and now, one step at a time, on goals that we can actually accomplish in the short term. I know you guys have the best of intentions but you cant force the american people to change over night. It is going to take small steady steps. Going down the wrong road for the right reasons still gets you nowhere but lost. Last night was a HUGE backstep. We have to accept it and move on. We have to make adjustments as a TP group, move forward, unite together and decide what we are going to do about it.

Comment by Bill Jefferson on February 1, 2012 at 11:49am

Jack:  You are right.

Comment by Jack on February 1, 2012 at 11:44am

My point being is that during the midterms the TP was out here comparing the candidates. They endourced candidates in all the races, they rated them on a conservative scale. They held votes before hand and rallied around the choices that we made. We endourced Mike Hogan for mayor. We endourced Rick Scott for govenor. Then for the primaries we stayed neutral. The TP refused to take sides, yeah sure we had access to all of the candidates events and such but what did we really do? Nothing. For whatever unexplainable reason we did nothing. We tucked our tails between our legs and said that they are all good and none of them are better than the other but they are all better than Obama. We held no vote, we took no sides. We remained neutral, diluted and divided. And now after allowing the washington establishment to once again choose our candidate for us we are suppose to applaudand praise ourselves and pretend that we had some kind of affect and influence on the out come. Sorry, that would be to deny reality.

The washington establishment is the entire reason that the TP was created. Fighting them is our whole purpose in being. We are supposedly tired of being controled and ignored. However, after lastnight we proved that we really are insignificant as a whole. They can continue to ignore us, they can continue to control us, they can continue to pick our candidates for us, because after all is said and done we really are inconsequential. We are more than willing to sit down and shut up and vote for who ever they force apon us. It makes me sick...................

Comment by Fred Gottshalk on February 1, 2012 at 11:01am

I personally think, Ron Paul is Congress's court jester, and they just keep him around for laughs.  He has no substance, no proof just a cultish following.

Comment by Fred Gottshalk on February 1, 2012 at 10:59am

So, people who are part of the establishment, have favor poured on them...............HHHHMMMM!!

Since Ron Paul has been in Congress for 30 years, does that include him???

Comment by Fred Gottshalk on February 1, 2012 at 10:56am

Shout it from the rooftops, Patricia.  Again, I say if Ron Paul has so many theories about how bad gov't is; without proof, then it is just another theory.

Show me the proof that Santorum is not the only moral guy on the podium.  If he was part of the establishment, then R & D would not have spent so many$ to get him out of office. 

Comment by Bill Jefferson on February 1, 2012 at 10:54am

Very well.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on February 1, 2012 at 10:48am

None of you have any respect for anyone else's rights, so although I might even wish to find out more about Mr. Paul, his rabid followers turn me off to the point I don't want anything to do with someone who attracts the people he does.  You are not alone and I left another organization, because I could see the handwriting on the wall from the last time Paul ran until this time, none of them had given up the ghost, so it isn't about the country at all with Paulbots, it is about Mr. Paul without regard to the country at least from what I have seen and experienced.  Now since everyone is gone but me and all you Paul people, I will just click on Don't Follow, so you don't continue filling my Email box with post after post after post of the same crap.

Comment by Bill Jefferson on February 1, 2012 at 9:25am

A big of Poetic Realism to consider.  From DCDave:

Republican Leadership?

by DCDave
"Conspiracy theorists begone!
Would you kindly leave us alone
To govern this once great land
With our heads buried deep in the sand."

David Martin

Comment by Bill Jefferson on February 1, 2012 at 9:17am

My comments were not meant to be personal, for that I apologize.  I should have stressed IN GENERAL that  people who fell for the "Gingrich is a conservative and good guy" ruse (MY OPINION), were scammed by the Main Stream Media who are employed (literally employed) by the Foreign Globalist Cabal that (IN MY OPINION) has taken over our country (literally) from within.  It does not get any more serious than that!  So yes, I have a tendency to get a little animated with my rhetoric and my way of expressing, but IN MY OPINION, we are in deep deep trouble and IN MY OPINION, the people -- especially Conservative Tea Party believers --  who should know better -- are falling for deceitful Main Stream Media trickery!  IN MY OPINION -- we have only one chance and that is to get behind the ONLY man who is not a member of the Globalist, One World, Business As Usual, Insider, Screw America, Screw Sovereignty, Let's bomb some country CABAL...... That ONE man, that ONE candidate who stands up and tells the truth, (and has for 30 years), is Ron Paul.  PS:  He's still fighting against these (IN MY OPINION) Fake Republican, NeoCon RINO's that he's running against.  HERE is his last Upbeat and Positive message of HOPE for Our Country!  http://freedomslighthouse.net/2012/01/31/ron-paul-delivers-speech-a...

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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