New Year’s Eve is here and I know many of us are thrilled that this year is about done. I can truthfully say that I have never been happier to see one year end and another one begin.
This is the time of year when newspapers and networks create their list of those who passed away in 2010. There is usually a year in review and a special note about movie stars and politicians who died. Every now and then they will have a spot about a normal person who made an impact.
I read our local paper and watched a show last night and I was not surprised – but – the media is getting it wrong.
There is name after name of those who died and the great sacrifices they made. The biggest death that I did not see mentioned anywhere was the death of Liberty in 2010. Your liberties and mine were crushed under the mallet of socialist ideologists who think they know best about how to run our lives. I felt the shackles of slavery to government bureaucrats seal my fate on March 20, 2010 when the Federal government became my doctor. They made all types of promises that we could keep our insurance, our doctors and nothing else would change. Only those who could not get insurance would now be able to get it. Lie after lie was sent through the media to us about how great this bill would be and now we are discovering all the “unintended” consequences of its passage. Insurance companies are going out of business, our rates are going up, death panels are back in the news and those on medicare are now facing lackluster medical care because the government can’t afford it. We told them this would happen and they snubbed their nose at us and signed the bill with a pen filled with blood of those who will die at the hands of government officials.
Other liberties were attacked:
· The Financial Reform bill did not address the issues that caused our financial downfall. The big government giant – Freddie and Fannie - that caused the housing debacle was not a part of the financial reform bill. If you don’t fix the cancer, it keeps spreading. If you want to see list after list of “unintended” consequences of this bill, just Google “financial reform bill unintended consequences” and you will get a belly full of them.
· Business Owners were demonized as Corrupt CEOs by Corrupt Government Officials. When you demonize business owners and attack them through higher taxes and strict regulations, the ability or desire to hire people goes away and many businesses move to other countries. They move to places where they are appreciated and given freedom to grow their entrepreneurial spirit. Check out this one example of a Ford plant in Brazil:
· More spending and special gifts went to a bill for Black Farmers. While we want to right what was wrong with discrimination towards black farmers – this bill became a kitty for anyone who grew a potted plant on their balcony to receive a special payout. Michelle Bachmann tells us more about this settlement which cost us – drum roll please - $1.25 BILLION. We cannot afford this and it is one more example of giving money to special interests – our money – which is wrong. Listen to Michelle here:
· The Food Safety Bill passed which is nothing more than a permission slip for BIG GOVERNMENT REGULATORS to tell little farmers what to do, how to farm, what to farm, and when to farm. If you think that will not add costs to your food bill – can I sell you some really good land in the Everglades?
· Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell installed by the leftists’ favorite President Clinton will now create more unintended consequences. Again Google “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Unintended Consequences” and you’ll be amazed at what this door opens.
· Regulators from the FCC want more control; EPA wants more control, DOT wants more control; and any other regulator with an acronym is “passing legislation” through their departments instead of through Congress.
I could go on and on about the loss of our liberties and there are more we have not mentioned. I will stop here because today is the final day of 2010 and we need to bury it quickly.
2011 awaits and we are giddy with excitement. We hope those we elected on November 2 will bring some common sense back to Washington and will begin the hard work of repealing, defunding, and taking control of the czars and the regulators.
Our job is to continue to STAND and hold their feet to the fire and remind them why we sent them to DC. We may get discouraged and we may feel we can sit back now – and we can’t! We must STAND. We must remain vigilant and stay the course until Liberty is healthy again.
Speaking of healthy: I saw the doctor and my foot has a slight break and a big sprain. I’m in one of those blow up casts and loving it. It makes me feel safe and secure and I’m ready to STAND with all of you and watch 2010 disappear and 2011 rise up.
Happy New Year to all my best friends in the fight for liberty. We have work to do so party tonight and get ready to roll tomorrow.
God bless each of you in the New Year and please God, Save the USA.
Another great one to keep us STANDING when we our liberties are pushed and shoved:
Outstanding post, Billie! This is a prime example of what I wrote about your excellent leadership in the comments section below your post yesterday. Thanks, again.
Thanks, also, for allowing FCTP members to post comments in response to your briefings. Today alone, I learned a lot while reading comments from Tom and Roma Cox and Armando Delgado and appreciate their contributions to keeping all of us informed.
Billie, I'd like to expand on your point about government agencies like the FCC and EPA "passing legislation"--I call it legislating-by-proxy, because all of these agencies respond to the Executive branch of government. At any rate, a year or so ago, the FTC ruled that agencies that handled secured credit information had to implement special measures to protect that information. These rules, better known as "red flag rules", required any company that did not get paid at the time of the business transaction to implement costly security measures or be subject to stiff financial penalties. Unfortunately, among other businesses, these included lawyers and doctors; but to make a long story short, after much lobbying and law suits, last week Congress finally legislated that these "red flag rules" should be limited to agencies that do credit checks as part of their business practice. Unfortunately, the FTC will not aknowledge this legislation and, although asked, will not render an opinion on the matter. In effect, this renders the Congressional legislation moot because without a clear opinion from the FTC businesses are affraid that they could be sued by the government anyway. In effect, our constitutional separation of powers has been nullified, and in practice, we are at the mercy of the Executive branch that controls these agencies who make their rulings independently of cogressional mandates.
Thank you for the good news, Don.
Start with stopping the $2Billion from going to Soros for Petrobas-have you been watching its stock?? Where did our rigs go??
Offshore drilling is okay everywhere but FL or US?
We must launch a huge assault to replace the DNC puppet, Bill Nelson.
What goes around comes around. I just read an article from the Washington Times inferring that Rep. Darrell Issa is going to be turning things upside down as Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Apparently there are several Doms already scared about something he is going to present in regards to Obama's eligibility. The Shame Duck Session was more about demoralizing us and getting as much government control to the bureaucrats as possible before sane people started to take over.
This is going to be an incredibly contensious year with the House against the Liberals, Soros and the Lamestream Media and I beleive the Tea Party groups will swell incredibly once the new Congress is bringing people like Rubio and especially Allen West become very vocal and straight forward with the people by going over the media instead of through them.
Ron, I think it was the tragedy of the farcical lameduck be lame Congress memebrs and lame media trying to depress us.
Billie's message from DC in 2009 was : "WE have JUST begun... and so it goes, we fight on and look to each other for help, smiles, assistance. We will defeat this gov't monstrosity,even RINOs will fear us. We have had enough. We will find those '56 good men' and win our country back. We will not be told by the media who our candidates will be.
Take care of your foot, Billie. I hope it heals fast, but give it all the time it needs. I know it won't slow you down even one minute. We stand with you. We stand together. We've only just begun.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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