When we were in elementary school, this time of year was my favorite. We did not have much money so Christmas was always a little difficult because we didn’t get the toys and clothes others did. But Thanksgiving…that’s another story. We were like everyone else. No presents to worry about – only turkey and dressing and a table full of family.
We watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade until the football games began and that evening we topped off our day with Snoopy’s Thanksgiving Special. It was a great day because everything focused on family, food and fun. No running here or there because all the stores were closed and we were forced to stay home or go to Grandma’s for the food feast.
School crafts were the best too. Remember bringing in real pine cones from your yard and making crafts for the Thanksgiving table? We would cut out construction paper and make a turkey head and turkey feathers and tuck them into the pine cone. I loved making those and proudly displayed them on the dining room table as part of our Thanksgiving centerpiece.
The one craft that stands out the most for me was tracing my hand and coloring the thumb to look like a turkey head and the others fingers became the tail feathers. Each year I would watch my hand get bigger and the turkey would too! Then year one, we stopped making pine cone turkeys and hand print turkeys because “we were too big.” I loved being bigger yet I hated not being able to make our turkey crafts!
My children followed in my footsteps (or should I say my handprints?) and they continued on the tradition of these wonderful American crafts. Now it’s my granddaughters’ turn to trace their hands and continue the turkey centerpiece tradition.
Life is short. It went so fast. How can it be that I remember the feeling of the pencil as it moved around my hand and created the outline for the turkey head? How can something that long ago still resonate with my soul? How can I grasp the feeling of being a young girl again after all these years?
I believe it’s because we are made of a spirit that is housed inside these imperfect bodies (I’m speaking for myself here!). Our spirit remembers everything. Special smells will remind us something from our past or the playing of a song will rekindle a special moment in time.
Our country has a spirit too and we remember the spiritual blessings of the first Thanksgiving. The original Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed in 1621 by the Governor of Plymouth, Massachusetts. After the harvest crops were gathered in he sent this message to the townspeople: “All ye Pilgrims with your wives and little ones, do gather at the Meeting House, on the hill…there to listen to the pastor, and render Thanksgiving to the Almighty God for all His blessings.”
Although our country has changed and times are very different, the same spirit that was alive and well in 1621 is with us today. It longs for us to remember who gave us these blessings and it longs for us to thank Him for them.
Will you help Him feel that we care? Will you take a moment and give him a thumbs up for your life? Will you reach back in time and remember all the blessings you have been given? Will you take time to thank those who helped you along the way? Will you help rekindle the spirit of America and do something for future generations?
As Linus says in the Snoopy Thanksgiving special, “We thank God for the opportunity to create a new world for Freedom and Justice.”
I thank God for each of you and may you be blessed for standing up to protect Freedom and Justice in America. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and if you have the opportunity, trace the hand of a little one who will carry the mantle of Liberty after you are gone.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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