I had a dream last night and woke up in a cold sweat. It starts with the sun rising on an American beach while the seagulls fly across the horizon and people are jogging on the shore. The next scene President Obama is standing in his bedroom with a phone in his hand. He’s calling Nancy and Harry and they have this conversation. “Morning Nancy. Morning Harry. What shall we hit the American people with today? Got any ideas?” Harry and Nancy think about it for a few minutes, sip their coffee and dip their donuts and say “Well, we could totally change the financial system in America or we could take over the internet or we could give amnesty to all the illegal immigrants who are here illegally or we could really have some fun and try all three this week!” They giggle and laugh and say some rude remarks about those racist capitalists and then go about their day planning the demise of the American way of life.
The picture ends with all three hanging up their phones, they each grin as they walk away and the camera spans to a view of hard working people sitting in their cars on the freeway heading to work, a mom dropping her children off at school, a father kissing his family goodbye and those same joggers stopping to watch the sunrise. All these great Americans are unaware that their lives are about to be changed forever.
That picture is pretty close to reality and it’s time for you to do something about this and Stand Up for Freedom. Here are some items that did happen last week and you need to know about them:
1. INTERNET: With total disrespect to a Federal court’s ruling that the FCC had overstepped its bounds in trying to regulate the internet, the Obama administration said they would only “set meaningful boundaries” and it will now become a “utility” to be managed by the Government. That ladies and gentlemen is a takeover of our ability to do research, communicate and link with others across the world. The internet is a capitalist enterprise and now the government feels it is their job to monitor it, regulate it and turn it into a utility instead of letting the free market manage itself. I don’t know about you but I did not know the Internet was broken. Did you? Read more about it in the Wall Street Journal at: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703961104575226583645448758.html?mod=WSJ_hp_mostpop_read
2. FINANCIAL REFORM BILL: Isn’t it interesting that the Dow would take a deep dip and then rebound based on a “fat finger” of a trader? We understand reps of major US exchanges and the SEC got together for an emergency conference call to examine potentially erroneous trades in different stocks. Now we anxiously await the government stepping in to ensure that only people with “slim fingers” can work on Wall Street! If the government thinks the American people believe this one – they really are as foolish as they appear. The American people are talking at the kitchen table about this so-called mistake and we have that strange feeling of a “crisis” that needed to happen so it would not go to waste. Maybe then the FINANCIAL REFORM BILL (aka Wall Street Bailout Bill) would be elevated to a crisis? Check out the in-depth article from Heritage about Chris Dodd’s bill now being discussed in Congress. You will notice the bill does nothing to address Freddie and Fannie and the big winners in this bill are the trial lawyers – similar to the Healthcare Reform Bill! The American People lose and Wall Street has an eternal bailout program. Remember…that’s what set off the tea party patriots when all those bailouts occurred. This will only create more anger towards Washington and you would think Congress and the White House would figure that one out! (Or maybe they want the people to become even more upset??? Hummmmm) See the article at Heritage and learn more. http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/04/senator%20dodds%20regulation%20plan%2014%20fatal%20flaws
3. Speaking of Financial Reform – the Audit the Fed Bill is now up for a vote tomorrow (Tuesday, May 11). This is an important bill for all of us. The Fed is NOT transparent and we want to know why. The Fed has too much power and is in control of our financial well-being. What are they doing behind the doors of the Fed? We have no idea. That’s why the Audit the Fed Bill is critical to Restoring the Republic. To learn more about this bill and what to do about it -- go to http://www.jbs.org/news-center/birchtube/930
4. Speaking of Financial Reform again – This weekend the US agreed to help bailout Greece. Where and when will this end?
5. Illegal Immigration – The Obama Administration is not taking the Arizona bill lying down. They are threatening to sue the State of Arizona for protecting its borders from Illegal Immigrants. Take a look at this video and tell me if we are not in serious danger here with radicals forcing us to take anyone and everyone who wants to come to America – including those who are revolutionaries. This is a UCLA Professor who is paid to teach our children!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGqPo5ofk0s&feature=player_embedded
Read: Today’s edition of the Washington Times… http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/may/06/constitution-in-decline/
Our founding fathers put in place all the documents we need to live by and they are rapidly being destroyed by the progressives in power.
Contact: Everyone on the list at this page from our website.
Tell them you expect them to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States as they promised to do so when they took office. Let them know we are watching and for every vote they pass or every behind the scenes piece of regulation they create – we will do all we can to ensure they do not return to Washington when they are up for re-election.
Ladies & Gentlemen: It is your time to Stand up for Freedom. Do what you can by either calling, writing, faxing, voting, educating others, donating to conservative candidates and donating to the First Coast Tea Party. We are working hard to do all we can to secure the liberties for ourselves and our children and we need your help to continue this fight for freedom. Will you help? Can you do something big to help?
Donations can be made at www.firstcoastteaparty.org either by PayPal or via check and mailed to the address listed on the site.
God bless us all and continue to protect our liberties and freedoms, please.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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