The headlines got to me again today.  The call out for Democracy seems to be the buzz word of the year.  

I remember watching the Egyptian Arab Spring unfold and tried to understand what was really going on.  The Mainstream Media and the White House supported it and used the words “democracy” for all.  They helped the people in the street become “free” from the hands of their leader, Mubarak.  This was supposed to be a good thing.


This week, the truth about the Arab Spring in Egypt finally made headlines and since I’m a professed Christian, this one really got to me – “Christians under siege in post revolution Egypt.”   Could this really be happening?


See for yourself at:


These words moved me -- “Outside the Coptic Hospital in Cairo, where bodies of 17 slain protesters were brought, a Coptic woman named Iman Sanada with a small cross tattooed on her wrist, lamented the deaths and shrieked: “It’s my right to live as a citizen and not a second-class citizen.”


Remembrances of Sunday School lessons swirled in my head and Moses stating to Pharaoh, “Let my people go” resonated in my soul.  History repeats itself and I thought, “Oh Egypt, will you never learn your lesson?”


More headlines caught my eye.  The red flag of Communism is Occupying the streets of America.  The Communists are marching with Occupy Chicago and one of their leaders is identified as Organizing for America’s organizer for President Obama.  You can find this information at


In the article, the leader states, “we plan to use the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic of mass occupation to restore democracy in America.” 


There's that word again... democracy.  I thought, “America is not a democracy, Mr. OFA Leader and Communist instigator.  America is a Constitutional Republic that is the best type of government possible for ALL people because it gives us the freedom that no other form of government can.”  See more about the differences between a Republic and a Democracy:


Suddenly the words of the pledge filled my head  -- “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands – One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.”


As the pledge swirled in my head, I read an article about the Occupy Movement where President Obama supports their efforts.  You can find the article here:


He stated:


"American people understand that not everybody's been following the rules," he said. "These days, a lot of folks doing the right thing are not rewarded. A lot of folks who are not doing the right thing are rewarded. That will express itself until 2012 and beyond until people feel they are getting back to old-fashioned American values."


Read that again.... “Those who are not doing the right thing are rewarded and we are going back to old-fashioned American values?”    


On the surface, his words “sound” good, but ring hollow for those who are truly seeking American values. 


What about those who seek Justice?   The family members of murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry want justice from our government for the crime committed against him.  Brian is considered “collateral damage” in the Fast and Furious scandal that the mainstream media is trying to push under the rug of secrecy.  Our government is responsible for the death of Brian Terry and where is Justice for him?



What about those who sought to choose their leader through the civic duty of voting?   Americans want to know why the Black Panthers were not prosecuted for doing wrong as they intimidated people FROM voting in the 2008 election.  Pictures and videos proved they were guilty and justice was not served and no one was committed of this crime. Why? 


Is this what Democracy looks like? 


Just when I thought I had read enough, another headline caught my eye. 


Occupy Orlando being led by the Muslim Brotherhood


The Muslim Brotherhood, really?  Are these the same ones who are killing Christians in Egypt?  That could never happen in America, could it?  Read and watch the video from Occupy Orlando here:


Can we take anymore of these headlines?  Shall we turn our head and pretend it isn't happening here?  No is the answer.


The headlines are not for the weak but we are not weak.  We are strong. 


Americans are not like any other country on this planet. We will not allow occupiers, communists, decievers, liars or Islamic extremists to take our country -- our Republic -- down. 


We will fight and we will win.


Here’s why. 


Good wins over evil.  Always has, always will.  Evil can be recognized easily and it shows up in words of hate, lies, injustice, immorality, and deceit.  Be wise and listen intently to the words of those who shout in the streets about "injustice" or "democracy."  Remember these words of scripture from Matthew:  "Be aware of wolves in sheep's clothing."


Good shows up in documents written on behalf of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  That is our foundation and that will be our resurrection too.  Remind yourself of your rights as an American citizen and they can be found in the Bill of Rights.  Look them up.


So fear not - America will rise again and she will rise up because you will rise up.


How do I know?  Because the words of Isaiah 41:10 began replacing the headlines I had just read.  Isaiah’s words “…do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you”


Protecting the Republic is not for the faint of heart but fear not, God is with us and He will lead the charge. 


I think we'll end this blog with our song as a reminder to the greatness of America and the Republic for which she stands!



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Comment by Steve Tikas on October 21, 2011 at 10:57am

100% with you on that. I think that one thing that all of us can do is teach our children right from wrong and educate our children on liberty and freedom.  Like we were talking about the breakdown of the family is a large part of the problem.  Single mothers trying to raise children or families that both parents work and the children are raised by the TV or some day care are the breeding ground of these problems.  I'm not trying to say a single parent can't raise a good child as my mother did it with me but it makes it so much harder to do.  Look at stats of children with only one parents and the higher percentages of dropouts, crime, poverty, drug abuse, and all sorts of other problems that we are talking about. 


On a slightly different topic has anyone looked into the concept of Nullification.  I have been looking into it goes along with the 10th amendment but I was wondering if anyone else has looked into the group.  it sounds great on the surface but not sure how much of it is realistic or doable.  If anyone has looked into the group or the concept let me know what you think.  Thanks.

Comment by amanda choate on October 21, 2011 at 10:52am

The notion that we are not to be trusted with democracy feels icky to me. Direct democracy is usually the catalyst of change. Workers rights, womens suffrage, civil rights, all came as a direct result of people marching in the streets. And we are a better nation for it. Heck the Tea Party, the Boston one was a reaction to government being unresponsive. All the meetings and pleading before were met with deaf ears, it was not until this action that the British finally reacted, with armed troops sent to put down the insurrection.

I am certain this blog post was very cathartic for Billie, she was able to slander these protestors, with a wide variety of names, spoiled brats, communists, jihadis, liars, decievers, extremists. Attacking through insinuation, alliances with every nefarious orginization should could think of from Black Panthers to the Muslim Brotherhood to Mexican drug lords.

Billie we are indeed a republic. This type of government dates back to Aristotle in his book Polity.

Republics are formed to protect the minority from the "tyranny of the majority".

So who is this tyrannical majority?

You posit that it is these people who have marched in the streets, the Occupiers.

But what I fail to see is this, if they are indeed the tyrannous majority, what exceptional policies are directed to them, that make it unfair for the minority?

I am serious, I fail to see what great benefits being a member of this group are being derived from our government.

Unless being jobless and in debt are somehow a really great deal. Plus to add to this, they, the young people out there,were just handed 16.4 trillion dollars of debt that they will now be expected to pay off. Plus 53 trillion dollars of unfunded Medicare bills that they get to pay off at the same time. 

 All the while enduring this vile criticism of their  efforts to make their voices heard. The Tea Party started this debate, and while not everything meshes, much does. The Tea Party's anger at DC in part resulted from DC's complicity with these very same Wall Street bankers. The privatizing of profits and the socializing of risk. No to bailouts!

I always find it repugnant to attack my fellow Americans with anti-patriotic slurs. I cannot think of one percent of the people I have met who do not love this country and what it has stood for these many years. Very, very few. Among those I have found they tend to have been so marginalized by their country, Vietnam vets specifically, that I actually respect their disassociation.

But I respect all forms of peaceful protest and even some forms of civil disobedience, it is what has always brought forth a better nation, even if it just for having the debate forced upon us. ( I am thinking of the Whiskey Rebellion here.) The tea party started a great national debate, a debate that has not yet been resolved. Let speech ring from every corner, hamlet, city and town.


Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 21, 2011 at 10:49am

Steve the problem is that the government is protecting the groups that are distroying our liberties by letting them openly voice their views and suppressing those that speak out against them. Take gays in the military for example the reason you don't hear opposition to it is because the young men and women who oppose it fear disciplinary action and would just as soon do their time and get out of the service. So eventually we will have an all gay military or none at all.

Comment by Robert B. Steup on October 21, 2011 at 10:29am

I agree that the government has no business involving censorship! The Tenth Amendment says it all.

 "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

That simple sentence rules out most of our criminal government as it exists today!

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 21, 2011 at 10:19am
Mr.Setup you are right on target it is all about education and standing with one and other on morals and the rights granted to us in the true writings of the constitution not the subversive version being pushed on us and our children by the left wing controled departments and commities. We are under attack and it is up to each of us to educate and enlist every freedom loving American we possibly can. It is vital that the younger generations are envolved without them there is no future.
Comment by Steve Tikas on October 21, 2011 at 10:08am

Mr. Steup-The problems that you speak about are due to two problems primarily the breakdown in the family and the fact that we have lost sight with the idea of liberty for all.  Government should not be involved in censorship of any kind.  The should not do anything unless someones life, liberty, or property are violated and pornography and homosexuality doesn't effect any of those things. 


I think they are wrong and immoral but that is not for any level of government to dictate, and especially not the federal government.  If we don't want our children seeing and being part of those things it is our job as parents to make sure they don't, or do the best we can, it is not for the government to do for us. 


Everytime we turn to the government to handle something that we can deal with as individuals we loss more and more of our freedom and liberties.  Everything can be turned to somehow be said to be for the good of society or for the greater good (those are collectivist terms used by communism, Stalinist, and all of the other isms) but freedom and liberty are the only two things that are for everyone's good and not just the greater good.


I don't think that public school is the place to force people to pray.  I also think that if a child wants to pray they should be able to as long as that prayer doesn't effect the normal flow of the school day.  The fact that our Constitution has been made all but obsolete is due mostly to the education system that doesn't teach US history and the good that we have done around the world.

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on October 21, 2011 at 9:43am
Wow! Amanda that is a pretty strong response. Obama had everything to do with this. If he had not taken the lead at the begining of this NATO would never have flown the first sortie and gotten us into a war we should never have been involved in. This is nation building and with our economy as it is we can't afford it. As it stands those people are not able to govern themselves. If they were there would be some sort of control over their army and Gadafi would have stood trial for his crimes. The rule of law is what makes us civilized and separates us from the savage horde that seems to be in control of the middle east at present. Obama threw the first rock and then jumped behind everyone else. He is weak and confused and out of his league and in my view should step down.
Comment by Robert B. Steup on October 21, 2011 at 9:41am

Our Constitution was designed for moral and informed citizens. We have lost both! Today people listen to campaign speeches, if they even bother to do that much. We all have the internet. Spend some time looking up the records of the candidates. Their are there to find. Base your choice on their record, not their promises. Would Obama have been elected if voters knew about his record?

Our job as Tea Partiers, conservatives, patriots is to get people educated and involved. Invite your family, friends and neighbors to join web sites such as this one. There are many more.

Involve them in discussions. Here we are just "preaching to the choir"! Learn about the Constitution, teach others.

Some of the goals of the U.S. communist party are:

 "Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and
    a violation of free speech and free press.
 Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and
    obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
 Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural,
 Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social"
    religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual
    maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on
    the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and
 Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned,
    out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations
    on a worldwide basis..."

These are the things we must fight!

Comment by Steve Tikas on October 21, 2011 at 8:37am

Mr. Upshaw,  Thank you for that link it is full of a lot of great articles.


Almost everything negative that people say about Ron Paul is either an outright lie or due to not really understanding his position.  Part of that is his fault he does seem to have a hard time expressing his views in a way that the majority of people can understand.  It is much easier to read his writing then to try and listen to him speak.


If people want this country to be returned to the greatness that we all know is here Ron Paul is the only real answer.  All of the other candidates will only slow the progressive downward spiral that we are on.  The reason I say that is because all of the other candidates don't truly believe in the concept of true liberty.  They think that liberty means they, and the people that agree with them, should be free from government intrusion but if your neighbor has different view the government should do something about that.  That is not liberty that is soft tyranny. 

Comment by amanda choate on October 21, 2011 at 8:15am

Mr. Barrow,

Forty-one years of dictatorship and not the benevolent kind, gets one exactly what one deserves. The very people you oppressed, beat, imprisoned, tortured, maimed and killed, put a round through your noodle. Though Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham went to his tent palace and were offering arms deals and Trump was going to let him stay at his estate until the media found out, these actions cost the US $800,000 to remove uranium he simply left beside a runway.

This is how dictators end their rule. If Obama had anything to do with it, which I say is very little, then congratulations to him. Good riddance.


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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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