"It's not our fault" says Obama regarding Solyndra


Obama Plays Blame Game on Solyndra – “But Understand: This Was Not Our Program, Per Se”

While on Four State Energy Excuses Tour, President Gets it Backward on Solyndra and Keystone, Claiming Credit for Approval of Southern Portion of Keystone Pipeline While Blaming Others for Solyndra – Washington Post Calls Out Obama for Solyndra Remarks


During a four state public relations blitz this week, President Obama sat down for an interview with American Public Media’s Marketplace and gave a stunning response when asked about Solyndra, stating, “Obviously, we wish Solyndra hadn't gone bankrupt. Part of the reason they did was because the Chinese were subsidizing their solar industry and flooding the market in ways that Solyndra couldn't compete. But understand: This was not our program, per se.

While the president claims he’s not responsible for Solyndra, the facts say otherwise. After the Solyndra loan guarantee was rejected in the waning days of the Bush administration, it was quickly placed back on the fast track shortly after President Obama’s inauguration. Despite repeated warnings from OMB and DOE experts, Solyndra’s loan guarantee approval was rushed through. When the warnings of failure by the DOE and OMB experts came true and Solyndra was out of cash in the autumn of 2010, the Obama administration doubled down on their bad bet, restructuring Solyndra’s loan in early 2011 and putting wealthy investors at the front of the line ahead of taxpayers. As they say, the rest is history, and taxpayers are now on the hook for half a billion dollars.

Obama could not fool ABC News, which reported Thursday, “Obama mischaracterizes congressional support for the program, however. The loan to Solyndra was not part of a program developed by both Republicans and Democrats. Rather, it was entirely funded through the 2009 Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which did not receive any GOP votes.”

ABC News also reminded the public that the president took credit for Solyndra’s success when visiting the plant, reporting, “During a May 2010 visit to Solyndra, Obama explicitly credited the Recovery Act with supporting the company’s early success. ‘Less than a year ago, we were standing on what was an empty lot,’ Obama said at the time. ‘But through the Recovery Act, this company received a loan to expand its operations. This new factory is the result of those loans.’”

The Washington Post Fact Checker weighed in on Friday, writing, “We find it hard to believe that any reasonable person could interpret Obama’s remarks this week as anything but a distinct effort to put the blame for Solyndra in some one else’s pocket. The president should accept responsibility, not shirk it.”

President Obama's revisionist history did not stop with Solyndra. While trying to shift blame away from himself on Solyndra, he was simultaneously attempting to secure undue credit for the popular Keystone XL pipeline. Just hours after making the comments to American Public Media, President Obama made public remarks that sought credit for approving and expediting the southern leg of the Keystone Pipeline during a visit to Cushing, Oklahoma. Conveniently, the president did not emphasize to the crowd that he delayed and eventually rejected the necessary permit for the entire Keystone XL pipeline to be constructed. The truth is, the southern leg of the Keystone XL pipeline is being constructed in spite of President Obama – not because of him.

Republican Solutions: The American Energy Initiative
In contrast to the president’s efforts to divert blame and claim credit, House Republicans have put forward real solutions – pursuing a comprehensive all-of-the-above energy plan that includes increased production here at home balanced with imports from our northern friends in Canada. Under the American Energy Initiative, the House has passed a number of legislative solutions to strengthen America’s energy security; to date, Senate Democrats have refused to approve any of these bills.

This ongoing effort embraces a true all-of-the-above approach and is focused on solutions to increase all forms of American energy and stop harmful government policies that are driving up prices.



Energy & Commerce Online | Press Release Permalink

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Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on March 26, 2012 at 10:57am

I have no fear greater than the loss of my freedoms and the God and country that granted them. I swore an oath to this country when I enlisted 35 years ago. My enlistment came to an honorable end my oath still stands and will for the rest of my days. I will speak out against fraud and those who perpetrate it no matter what their affiliation. 

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on March 26, 2012 at 10:21am

Those that know me and have read my post know that I am an advocate of the costitution and the bill of rights. They also know that I am a supporter of the 1st and 2nd amendments. I was at a gun show two weeks ago at that show I visited the FCTP booth at that booth they were giving out voters registration applications with a stamped envelope I took two and passed them to a couple that I knew who were not registered to vote now they are. I also took a blank app. and made copies I carry those with me if I come across a person that is not registered I give them a copy. I can only hope they send it in. 

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on March 26, 2012 at 9:48am

Oh, You can bet that I will be at the voting station in November. The only way to keep me out of there would be to burn it down and even them I will write my vote on the concrete out side the burnt building. I just hope that eveyone will do the same.  

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on March 26, 2012 at 7:25am

So Roma, now that it has been exposed that the repulican party is committing voter fraud to get one of their globalist candidates elected what is going to happen? How do we deal with the people that are sworn to uphold the law when they are the people breaking the laws? The media is in the sewer with them so where do you go for justice? This is exactly why we can't get people to the polls I hear it all the time people tell me that their vote will not matter because the parties will put who they want in their. 

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on March 25, 2012 at 7:15pm

Roma , last year I was on a trip to La. when I stopped at a rest area in the panhandle while there I noticed several trucks pulling two and three trailers at the time I thought it odd for a tractor trailer truck to be hauling three trailers when I left I noticed those trucks were from Mexico. In the past goods comming into the country from Mexico where staged near the border if the cargo was comming to the states an American trucker pick up the load and delivered it to its destination NAFTA changed all that now the Mexican driver can deliver it. That leaves a void in the boarder and cuts an American driver out of a job.

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on March 25, 2012 at 6:52pm

Roma, your post with Perry backs up my post about the environmental impact of a highway or railway. Think about it the pipeline runs under ground allowing wild life to inhabit the land without being impacted. Highways and railways have traffic that will cut off grazing land, water sources, and places animals in harms way not only the animals the users of the highways also. There are buffalo in that part of the country. A buffalo could do a lot of damage to an automobile or even a school bus.





Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 25, 2012 at 6:10pm

Roma, who is "they refused the northern leg for environmental reasons"?  The "they" might explain a great deal if it is the EPA and Obama's strong arm since the congress won't let him get away with crapola any longer.  The EPA needs to be severly cut back and limited, because they are a progressive idea to replace elected officials and act however they wish without approval.  Who is "they"?

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on March 25, 2012 at 5:49pm

I do know that there is less enviromental impact to build a pipeline than there is to build a highway or to put up a high tension power line.

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on March 25, 2012 at 5:43pm

Roma , not sure but it sounds like some agenda 21 garbage  what I do know is in the past oil companies paid royalties or compensation to private land owners for the right of way rights to their property. Iam not a real estate lawyer but I was under the impression that they had to at least offer you fear market value before they could take your property. And that eminate domain could only be used if it were for the greater good of the public. But that was before we became a socialist nation. 

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on March 25, 2012 at 3:50pm

Steven, you didn't screw anything up.  I knew exactly what you meant and that's why I put another statement.  Some folks may not realize the folks that were there didn't have much respect for Obama trying to hijack something he had no part in creating or allowing............if you didn't watch it or read about it, you might not know.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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