I had a friend who was in the Event Planning business.  He helped me plan a big event for the “grand opening” of my consulting practice ten years ago this month.  He was a perfectionist and was well known in the event planning world nationwide.  He is a master at planning a party.


When the night came for our “grand opening” at a local club, he showed up after the other invitees were already enjoying the party.  I greeted him at the door.  His first question to me was “Is there love in the room?”  I was stunned by the question and asked him what it meant.  He replied, “When I plan an event, I want everyone in the room to feel loved.” 


As I looked back at the crowd and their happy demeanors, I assured him he had accomplished his goal that night. 


After that evening, everywhere I went I thought about that and wondered if I had left “love” behind me when I exited a room.


It is easy to turn a room into a magical night of wonder and beauty with lights, decorations and plants,  It’s not as easy to do that as a person because there are just some people who will not like you. 


You are too different from them.  Your upbringing might be polar opposite of theirs.  Your thinking did not match theirs.  They saw things from another viewpoint than you.  There are many reasons for people to get “cross-wise” with each other.  It’s just human nature.


We see it in the politics happening in America.  Polar opposites are trying to be in charge of the people.  The media and even our President have attempted to paint Occupy people as the same people who are in the Tea Party Movement.  The pictures, videos and behaviors tell the world that we are very different.  Some of the signs may read the same, but the people holding them are not the same. 


The tea party members have used the rule of law to expose corruption.  The Occupy members have used intimidation to expose corruption.  The tea party members have not used violence while many in the Occupy movement have.  The tea party members love our flag, our founding documents and our history.  Many in the Occupy movement feel these items are holding us back from “change.”


As mentioned yesterday, I wonder how all this will end.  It will end and when it does, America will be different.  If the difference is good or bad – time will tell us the end of the story.  It may not be in our lifetime but it will be in our children’s and grandchildren’s. 


My hope is the ending will be filled with love.


Love for America that has stood the test of time and opened her arms to those fleeing tyranny.  Love for our history that will determine our future.  Love for our Judeo-Christian faith that was the foundational footing of our Founding documents. 


If that is the love that is left behind in America, I will feel we have accomplished our goal.  It’s all about the love and no matter how different we are, we can come together on that one – can’t we?


The baby boomers of the Tea Party Movement are hippies from the 60’s and the 70’s.  We hung peace signs on our bedroom walls, painted them on our VWs and embroidered them on our hip huggers.  We were looking for the love during the Vietnam War and reality hit when our friends came home either in a casket or to a spitting crowd who hated them instead of the leaders who sent them to war.


As I look at the young people camping in parks, I see a few new hippies of today.  They are hanging out with some bad guys who are spitting in the faces of those who serve in the military and stomping on the flag that we love.  My prayer today is that we will begin to see a rising up of those seeking peace and love for America rising up within the Occupy movement. 


We will never forget what happened to our country during our lifetime.  We will stand strong against the forces of evil that once again is trying to take us down.  As for those young ones who seek peace, we encourage you to rally with us and feel the love of America’s greatness again.  Together we can overcome the evil that haunts the halls of our institutions.   There is a better way to do this – and violence will not end in peace.


Is there still love in America?  I believe so and I believe two very different groups can come together with one common cause.  That cause:  Loving America and all she stands for.  She deserves to be loved back as she loved us.


On November 6, 2011, the First Coast Tea Party will rally together with songs of love for America with our Tea are the World Concert starting at 2:00 PM.  Speakers who love America will be there beginning at 4:00.  You can find the details at www.fctpcommunity.org


We encourage all God-fearing, America-loving patriots to show up and stand together for the sake of our country.  Prayers from pastors will ring out and we are sure you will hear God Bless America at some point during the day. 

In the meantime, take a look at this beautiful video of the Elephant and the Dog.   When the human race can’t get it right – leave it to the animal kingdom to figure it out.  Which are you…the elephant or the dog?


Views: 437


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Comment by Steve Tikas on October 25, 2011 at 8:35am

Tracy if you read my entire statement I said the same thing you did that if OWS got it's way we would move even farther away from our founding principles.  I'm not defending their actions I simply said that what fueled their movement is the same thing that fueled the Tea Party. The groups have different methods and want different things in the end but the groups were started due to corruption and the economy.


As far as TPers being locked up you may well be right I don't know it didn't happen.  There was quite a few people and groups that made that list it wasn't directed at just the Tea Party.  Actually if someone saw my comment about violence may be needed in the future I would probably have made that list myself.  It might be even worse since I made it on the TP website. 


Back to my question though are you saying you would or would not support violence at some point?

Comment by Tracy on October 25, 2011 at 8:34am

Pretty funny too that we got tagged with extremism and the .0099%ers have not despite being endorsed by not only socialists and communsist but the nazi party as well


Comment by Tracy on October 25, 2011 at 8:25am

" violence is sometimes needed to accomplish the ends that we seek, which is a return to our founding principles." OWS does not seek to return us to the founding principles it seeks to install socialism or worse.And lets not kid ourselves here.If the tea party had done half the stuff that these people have done we'd be locked up as terrorists.In fact didn't we make the homeland securities watch list at one point? http://s.michellemalkin.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/hsa-right... 

Comment by Steve Tikas on October 25, 2011 at 8:22am

Mr. Langenfeld


Keep your faith and remember the good Lord doesn't put more on us then we can handle.  God bless you and your family during this time and will find work in God's timing once you have finished going threw whatever test he is placing on you to bring you closer to Him.

Comment by Tracy on October 25, 2011 at 8:18am

Where did the 1% phrase come from? A rich white guy of course!Obviously though despite all his guilt  over inheriting a fortune,I don't think he's given away his wealth yet.He'd rather have the rest of us do it through backdoor taxes placed on EVIL corporations...


Also a CNBC article which FINALLY mentions who started the movement.Its about time the media caught up with the rest of us.BTW correction to adbusters anticapitalist magazine(funny how they don't mind using capitalism,huh?) ...Robin Hood took back the peoples money from the TAXMAN.He did not steal from the people.I think if he were around today Robin Hood would fit better into the tea party movement which also seeks to stop tax abuses on the people of this country.
and of course a little history on Adbusters
Comment by Tracy on October 25, 2011 at 8:07am
One activist says a lady should be hanged for supporting the Marines... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8TQ1N2VooXo#!
Comment by Kurt R Langenfeld on October 25, 2011 at 8:01am

as i sit here with tears running down my face,i'm thinking wh can't we be like the dog and elephant?

that is a great video thanks made my morning, see that's what JESUS was talking bout loving your self and loving your neighbor. and also we need to stop asking GOD to Bless to bless this country, as he already did when he gave us this great big beautiful country to live in. we as a people need to bless GOD each and every day and thank him for his goodness and his son. i belive if we start blessing GOD he will hear from heaven and heal our land. chronicles chap 7 verse 14. read it people GOD has said this,and GOD is a keeper of his promise's. just ask me how i know.

but good morning my brother patriots as it's now 9:00 AM tuesday morning, another day in the LORD. your brother in arms,and the lord Kurt Langenfeld

and may i ask that y''all pray for me to find work.

Comment by Steve Tikas on October 25, 2011 at 8:01am

No matter if people want to admit it or not the driving cause behind the Tea Part and OWS are the same and that is the problems with our economy and our corrupt government.  What is vastly different is the way the two groups are going about making change and what the final goals are for the two groups. 


Billie is right when this ends this country will be different but in what way is what remains to be seen.  I hope it ends with us returning to liberty and freedom and not down the road that some in the OWS movement wants it to go which will only lead to less liberty and less freedom and a bigger government. 


I do have a question many in this group talk about the violence that OWS has done (which at most amounts to civil disobedience) and make it sound like violence is always bad.  Lets not forget how this country was formed and that violence is sometimes needed to accomplish the ends that we seek, which is a return to our founding principles.   If we look at the reasons that set off the Revolutionary War it is amazing how many things our current government is doing that resembles the King of England at the time of the Revolutionary War.  I am by no means advocating violence at this point I'm just saying that in time that may be the path that has to be walked.  I hope I'm misunderstanding the group because in the end it may well be violence that is needed to regain our country and I would hope that everyone in here could see that fact and be willing to fight if that is what it comes to.

Comment by John Ray on October 25, 2011 at 8:00am
Good for you.  When people do things, even if you don't agree with them, it makes a lot more sense to look at what the logical reasons may be, and how you can relate to them.
Comment by Tracy on October 25, 2011 at 8:00am

Quote from an "occupier" in this video "Our troops are the terrorists !!!"



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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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