See this Link for full story:
A few of us in the know have been briefing elected officials and others about Manal Fakoury with mixed results, however the latest fundraiser at her Ocala home for Senator Bill Nelson has brought unwanted publicity and his Senate race may actually be the catalyst which finally exposes her Muslim Brotherhood connections.
The controversy stems from a donation to Senator Nelsons Campaign by Ahmed Bedier, who is a former leader of the federally designated Muslim Brotherhood front group know as the Cou... ) aka HAMAS (the Palestine Committee in official court documents).
The stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in America is to "subvert and destroy America from within" just as they did in Egypt by getting themselves elected into office and/or positions of influence until these Islamist have the numbers to agitate for eventual violent overthrow.
Ahmed Bedier is no stranger to Revolution
This photo was taken during the overthrow of Egypt and posted on his facebook page with the caption "I was proud to be part of the Revolution". It is now universally agreed that the Muslim Brotherhood was behind the overthrow of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and other current unrest in the Middle East.
In addition to gaining access to those responsible for effecting change at the local, state, and federal level via these private fundraisers, (UVA) board members Manal Fakoury and founder Ahmed Bedier, continue their influence operations against elected officials during their annual "Muslim Capitol Days". United Voices of America (UVA) has lobbied against "American Laws for American Courts", E-Verify, Border Security and Strong Immigration Bills.
This is quite Interesting, when you consider over 86,000 OTMs (Other than Mexicans) cross the border annually to include Islamic terrorists and over 50 cases of Sharia Law trumping U.S. law in American courts have been documented in a report by Frank Gaffney of the Center of Security Policy.
Click to read full story:
Mrs. Choate,
Thank you for proving my argument with your own words..... so refreshing that we finally agree!!!!
I applaud your brilliant observation two post down...."You should be able to achieve consenus, but unanimity needn't be a goal. If it is then what is sought isa blind allegiance. And if that is what is required, I should leave this group. But intellecual deadends are all that await."
ISLAM requires BLIND Allegiance under the penalty of DEATH and they have UNANIMOUS CONSENSUS or IJMA on this issue as I explained and posted an article in this debate by Dr. Farooq who teaches atan American University.
SO now that we agree Islam is a Group You would not want to be part of due to intellectual Dead Ends... you might want to finally ask your friend Mrs. Fakhoury why she would work so tirelessly to sway the American Public it is anything else????
Amanda, why don't you just pack it in and give up? Everyone in this group is a thinking person, with their own values. Apparently, your values are a bit different than ours. Islam is not a religion, it is a theocracy. We do not want Islam and Sharia nor socialism or any other ism. You are wasting your time here. At this point, I doubt that anyone will pay anymore attention to you as it is also a waste of their time. Take you muslim loving self and go bye bye.
Why can't these comments be read consecutively in sequence, without having to hunt for the next page, which seems to jump around without any reason, - very frustrating!
Sounds to me like Mrs. Choate should be in NYC with OWS getting scabbies, among other things.
Chris Christie? LOL! The same Chris Christie who appointed Sohail Mohammed to NJ Supreme? And the same Chris Christe who went to the WH state dinner for the commie murderer?. I could go on, but won't. What a joke using him as reference. He has sold his soul to Passaic County, and others.
Amanda is OBVIOUSLY not a Tea Partier. Goodness Randy, you have the patience of Job.
God bless all patriots and have a Happy Thanksgiving.
And may God bless America.
Mrs. Choate,
Now Governor Christie become your authority on ISLAM and Sharia Law. I have posted actual legal code for Muslims as my basis or authoritative Islamic Sharia Law and Quranic verses which carry authority and now you use the opinion of a Governor with very dubious ties to Islamist as you apologist, when you could simply provide Manal the opportunity to prove how truly "Moderate" she is and that she does not follow those barbaric legal code such as killing a person who is an apostate for exercising their CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED right to RELIGIOUS FREEDOM.
You have used every excuse not to confront the issue. You began this debate by defending you FRIEND but refuse to use a simple tool which would prove you correct and destroy my argument if she as a SELF PROCLAIMED CIVIL RIGHTS worker would just sign this document which we all can agree is a Human Rights and Civil Rights Issue.
To support the civil rights of former Muslims, also known as apostates from Islam, I sign “The Muslim Pledge for Religious Freedom and Safety from Harm for Former Muslims”:
I renounce, repudiate and oppose any physical intimidation, or worldly and corporal punishment, of apostates from Islam, in whatever way that punishment may be determined or carried out by myself or any other Muslim including the family of the apostate, community, Mosque leaders, Shariah court or judge, and Muslim government or regime.
Signature: _________________________________________________________________________
Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Organization/Title: __________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________________________________________
To all:
As I am being rebuked on many fronts, lets get to it.
I am against paying into a failed policy that is Medicare. There is absolutely no provisions provided by anyone anywhere that the money I am forced to pay in now will provide me any coverage thirty years from now. So put me down as a wild eyed liberal on that one. Ditto for Social security.
I criticize politicians that align themselves with corporate interests that place the interests ordinary citizens behind these same corporations. So when I hear Newt took money from Fannie and Freddie and 37 million from insurance interests while promoting a federal mandate for health insurance, I will rail against him.
When I discover that Herman Cain, a former lobbyist, is out selling books and doesn't bother to learn foreign policy and that his tax plan will raise my taxes 7-9 thousand dollars, he too shall bear my wrath.
I do not believe that corporations possess the same rights I do.
I do not believe that cash is equivalent to speech.
I am for the Koch brothers rights to seek to sway the rules in their favor and equally for my right to discern the differnce between what is their best interest and mine.
I loathe hypocrisy. It is rampant in politics. Republicans in this field have exhibited a tone deafness in this regard.
I admit that my two favorites chose not to run, has Mitch Daniels or Chris Christie joined my choice would have been clearer.
I think the Dream Act makes economic and moral sense.
I believe there are two kinds of freedom and they are equal in every respect.
Freedom from and freedom to.
I read a post from Patricia McBride, (sorry for dragging you into this Patricia) in which BoA was transferring 75 trillion dollars worth of derivatives into their FDIC insured operations. So whereas they had privatized the profit, they transferred the risk onto taxpayers. And I realize they have stuck it to us again. So I have empathy for the Occupiers.
I believe that we can build a state in which private enterprise flourishes and state and federal governements do the the things that they do well, with more than just a nod to efficiency and economy, rather a full out effort. That they respect the effort it takes to fund their departments and agencies.
So I wonder what this woman would have to do other than renounce her religion that would satisfy those here. So villify me and her that is cool it is your perogative.
But here is Governor Christie on this same subject:
Happy Thanksgiving!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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