Manal Fakoury... Possibly the most Dangerous and Influential Islamist in Florida Politcs!

See this Link for full story:


A few of us in the know have been briefing elected officials and others about Manal Fakoury with mixed results, however the latest fundraiser at her Ocala home for Senator Bill Nelson has brought unwanted publicity and his Senate race may actually be the catalyst which finally exposes her Muslim Brotherhood connections.   

The controversy stems from a donation to Senator Nelsons Campaign by Ahmed Bedier, who is a former leader of the federally designated Muslim Brotherhood front group know as the Cou... ) aka HAMAS (the Palestine Committee in official court documents).


The stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in America is to "subvert and destroy America from within" just as they did in Egypt by getting themselves elected into office and/or positions of influence until these Islamist have the numbers to agitate for eventual violent overthrow. 

Ahmed Bedier in Egypts Revolution waiving Flag

Ahmed Bedier is no stranger to Revolution

                      This photo was taken during the overthrow of Egypt and posted on his facebook page with the caption "I was proud to be part of the Revolution".  It is now universally agreed that the Muslim Brotherhood was behind the overthrow of Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and other current unrest in the Middle East.

In addition to gaining access to those responsible for effecting change at the local, state, and federal level via these private fundraisers, (UVA) board members Manal Fakoury and founder Ahmed Bedier, continue their influence operations against elected officials during their annual "Muslim Capitol Days".  United Voices of America (UVA) has lobbied against "American Laws for American Courts", E-Verify, Border Security and Strong Immigration Bills. 

This is quite Interesting, when you consider over 86,000 OTMs (Other than Mexicans) cross the border annually  to include Islamic terrorists and over 50 cases of Sharia Law trumping U.S. law in American courts  have been documented in a report by Frank Gaffney of the Center of Security Policy.


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Comment by ACT Jacksonville on November 15, 2011 at 7:02pm

In addition, you seem to have very extensive knowledge Dr. Fakhouy for only meeting her at wedding in Orlando once.  Seems more like P.R. Damage Control.

Comment by amanda choate on November 15, 2011 at 6:35pm
Comment by amanda choate on November 15, 2011 at 6:27pm

Dr. Manal Fakhoury, the clinical co-ordinator for ORMC- Orange Regional Medical Center, she serves on the board for the Central Florida United Way. That Dr. Manal Fakhoury. I happen to have met her at wedding In Orlando, and she is beyond a doubt, one of the warmest, gentlest souls I have ever met. She is engaged in her community, beloved actually.

Here is how she describes herself on Facebook:


Community leader, philanthropist, health care professional and mother. Founder of the Salaam Project.
Manal graduated from the University of Southern California with a B.S., and from the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy with a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree. She completed a clinical residency at Shands Hospital. After completing her residency, she accepted a position as the Clinical Coordinator at ORMC where she is currently working. She is currently working on her MBA degree.

She married to Dr. Riadh Fakhoury, a Chiropractic Physician, and has five beautiful children.

Manal is the Chairwoman of United Voices for America, a civic engagement organization working to increase the participation of people of color, minorities and youth in the political process.

Manal is also serves as Chairmwoman of the Go Red For Women Movement through the American Heart Association, and Co-Chair of HUGS Charities Inc.. Manal is on the board of United Way of Marion County, Ocala Marion County Chamber of Commerce, Central Florida Community College Foundation, Public Education Foundation, Florida
Center for the Blind, Women of Worth, Discovery Science & Outdoor Center, March of Dimes and ABWA. She is a member of the Islamic Center of Ocala.

Manal enjoys traveling, exercising, and spending time with her family. She is working toward her black belt in karate

So finally sir, your anti Muslim rhetoric is fine with most here, but when you go so far as to denigrate as generous and giving a woman as Dr. Fakhoury ( yes there is an "h" in her name) I must say no. No I know from personal experience you are wrong, and not just mistaken, but wrong. You are wrong and wrong and wrongheaded.

You should try to find out more about this woman before you slander her here.

Your hatred for Muslims diminishes you and your arguments.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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