Now that I got your attention, let me explain. During the 2008 US Presidential Election, Obama, his campaign staff and Organizing for America were able to amass hundreds even thousands when they needed them. How could this newcomer triumph over his well-know opponent (Hilliary Clinton) in the primaries? The answer is simple and simply put, his supporters took action instead of just talking. Will we as conservatives take action or simply talk?
In the spirit of Organizing for America (did I just type that?) I'd like to put together a phone chain. When FCTP needs our support, be it a phone call or showing up to a City Council meeting, I want FCTP to be there in numbers that will make the media and our elected officials stand up and take attention!
A phone chain works as follows: The first persons "ignites" the chain by calling the next person on the list, that person will then call the next, and so on. Therefore, the burden or organizing doesn't fall on one persons shoulders.
If you'd like to be part of the phone chain please contact me, Kassi O'Brien at The Jacksonville City Council will meet again on September 28th, to vote on a property tax increase will we be there to stop them this time?
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