By now you heard of Ordinance 2012-296. The previous communications have detailed the ordinance and its specific implication.  To site the Ordinance Preamble, “Whereas, the City of Jacksonville seeks to build a reputation as a welcoming community for bright and talented members of a workforce…..”; this is a suggested ordinance giving the Human Rights Council the powers to enforce the ordinance against businesses “should it be proven that they discriminate” on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identification.  The original ordinance also eliminated references to the United States Constitution and laws of the State and failed to define sexual orientation and gender identification.  Is this a new special class of people?   It suggests that Jacksonville is an environment that is hostile to the gay/lesbian/transgender people. This suggestion has been disproven by recent two national level survey’s that document that we rank number 3 and 4 for being a friendly city and a great place to live.


     This bill is in front of our city council for vote.  It has met some resistance from conservatives, Tea Party, religious organizations and other First Amendment Rights organizations. The opposition stands just as firm in their beliefs that this ordinance is needed so that they are treated fairly. While there are some personal level stories as to their treatment none relate to workplace/community or housing discrimination. We know that you cannot legislate the personal behaviors of some individuals who make a choice to be hateful to another.

     There is now an attempt to amend the proposed ordinance by reinstating verbiage to the US Constitution and eliminating “gender identification” and perhaps “sexual expression.” This however will not solve the issues that this ordinance in any form will create.

     I ask that you email the city council members listed below and feel free to utilize any of the information presented below.


                               Ask yourself and your council member:

   Are you willing to commit to the premise that Jacksonville is hostile to the gay/lesbian community?

   Are you willing to believe that only the gay, lesbian world is creative as your message so clearly stated in the council meeting last week?

   Are you willing to commit that this is the most important issue to attract business to Jacksonville?

   Are you willing to lay the legal and financial burdens of this legislation at the feet of thousands of the small business owners in our city?

   Are you willing to impose the so called special needs of these citizens while ignoring and removing the rights of so many others?

   Are you willing to take the responsibility for the thousands of other employees who while utilizing their freedom of speech about their beliefs both personal and religious may be sued or their employer sued by someone who finds an innocent comment “offensive to them”?

   Are you willing to accept the ultimate personal responsibility that comes with your support of this ordinance when it is now perfectly clear that the origin of this ordinance came FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE, with monies behind it being QUESTIONABLE?

   Are you willing to tell the pubic the truth that this is being pushed at the NATIONAL LEVEL by those who have a much larger and destructive AGENDA?

   Are you willing to be honest and know that this group of OUR CITIZENS are being used to push a much larger attack on EVERYONE’S freedoms? Specifically of SPEECH AND RELIGION?

                    This bill is not needed.  There is no systemic discrimination. 


In addition to the above questions the following information is provided for understanding.

The Ordinance:

1)     Creates New and Special Rights for Homosexuals: The ordinance creates new and special rights for homosexuals by creating a new protected class and a special legal classification based upon “sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression”.  


2)     Weakens Florida’s Marriage Amendment as the Union of One Man and One Woman:  The ordinance like others around the country have been used to undermine and overturn state marriage laws and state constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.  Gay rights activists around the country have used the collective scheme of nondiscrimination laws like this one to create a new protected class and legalize homosexual marriages in states like Vermont, Iowa, New Hampshire and Washington, DC.


3)     Removes All References to the U.S. Constitution:  The ordinance (unbelievably) removes all references to the “United States Constitution” in the city code and deletes all language referring to “civil rights found under the US Constitution”. The ordinance language thereby removes the rights, protections and limitations given to citizens by the highest law of the land. 


4)     Creates Legal Defenses for Pedophiles:  The ordinances gender identity and gender expression language would allow men to be able to use women’s bathrooms (and vice versa) in “public accommodations” based upon their subjective sense of whether they are a male or female allowing for pedophiles to have a defense for using girl’s bathrooms.  This shocking provision is being forced onto cities all around the country.  The security and privacy of locker rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms and other separate facilities are all compromised. 

5)   Creates More Lawsuits and Regulations for Businesses: The ordinance forces individual citizens, businesses and landlords in Jacksonville to be liable to be sued for money damages if they choose to not hire homosexual, transgendered, bi-sexual or gender confused persons in their small businesses, or choose not to accept similar persons as tenants in their private homes or apartments. 


6)     Violates Religious Freedoms- The ordinance forces Christians and other people of faith to violate their rights of conscience and good faith religious beliefs in business and employment situations and with housing decisions for private property owners.  


     I implore you to send a message to your city council NOW!  Tell them that you oppose this ordinance in any form.  Additionally, if you can get to City Hall this Tuesday for the next meeting PLEASE ATTEND.

Our physical presence makes a HUGE difference. 

     Send this to your list of small business owners so that they too can respond. Send it to your friends and ask them to email and support their city.

     While it appears to be most important to send the message to Lori Boyer, Jim Love, Greg Anderson. Robin Lumb, Bill Bishop, Ray Holt and Dr. Johnny Gaffney a message to each member is highly effective.


District 2: William Bishop                              

District 11: Ray Holt                                      

At Large (Group 4) Greg Anderson                 

At Large (Group 5) Robin Lumb                      

District 3: Richard Clark                                

District 5: Lori N. Boyer                                 

District 7: Dr. Johnny Gaffney -                    

District 8: E. Denise Lee                                

District 9: Warren Jones                                 

District 10: Reginald Brown                           

District 14: Jim Love                                      

At Large (Group 2) John R. Crescimbeni         

At Large (Group 3) Stephen C. Joost               

District 1: Clay Yarborough                           

District 4: Don Redman                                 

At-Large (Group 1): Kimberly Daniels            

District 6: Matt Schellenberg                         

District 12: Doyle Carter                               

District 13: Bill Gulliford                                


     In addition to your emails you can do more, there is a City Council meeting scheduled at City Hall tomorrow June 26th at 5PM. It is critical that as many people as possible show up as a public display of support  AGAINST this bill. Know that the opposition will be there in mass.

Thank you

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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 3, 2012 at 3:58pm

AGree Roma.  I certainly don't want to do that either, but I will not be forced to feel sorry for someone who is already doing enough of it for himself.  There are disabled people who lives are so badly effected, and each and every day they get up and move on.  Look at some of the injured military members and the loss of arms and legs, burns and things so horrible we can only imagine, and they get up, dust themselves off, and get back to the business of living after an uphill battle to overcome the wounds.  We should be thinking about the 2,000 young men and women who have lost their lives fighting recent wars and of all those who have come back wounded, and never ask for sympathy..............

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 3, 2012 at 3:07pm

You can take your phobic word and tuck it.  I am really sick of you saying I am afraid of you ergo that's why I don't accept you as your are.  I am not afraid of you and don't you darn well dare get off thinking you are some kind of shrink who knows me or what I am thinking and the folks on the wack job human rights council can take it and tuck it too for their phobic crap.  Quite truthfully, I already know more about you than I EVER wanted to and certainly never asked for you to tell me all about your issues.  This has nothing to do with me, and that is what is wrong.  You are jamming you down everyone's throat and even trying to make it legal for you to do something to me that no one else has a right to do.  You have decided we should all hold hands and be friends.  Understand.  It isn't going to happen.  I already have friends and we do not sit around talking  about sex non stop like you do.  All you think about is you, you, you, and your issues and it is all you talk about.......poor little me; no one understands me, so I will force them to listen to poor little me and all my problems................get the heck over it; I don't care to know all about you or the horse you rode in on...........get a life and live it like the rest of us do and like many, many gay people one does what you are doing!  And if I did the same thing, the folks that are on here, would shut me out.  You want to hear all about my doctor's appointments or my marital problems or my bad childhood or my ???? (examples only and no problems guys)   You name it, because what you are doing is not different.  You just like to think it is, because you are all about you and your "special" problem!  I am an older person, so maybe I could bitch morning night and noon about that and complain about all my problems?????  And don't you label the tea party either.   We have not said one thing out of the way at the council or on this site.  We have discussed the issues with this bill and the fact there isn't a problem in our city and MOST gays live her happily and are respected and successful members of the communities they live in............but most of them have a life; you don't seem to.

Comment by Maxine Jessica Roberts on July 3, 2012 at 2:52pm

Patricia, most of my comments that you are saying I am directing specifically at you are not directed at you, but the tea party as a whole. It is called an "Understood You." meaning it assumes a collective you of all commentary targets. 

Patricia Said this: >And I agree if we allow men to use the ladies room and woman to use the men's room because of some belief they are having about God making a mistake when he decided what sex they were to be

Just to answer you specifically Pat. This has nothing to do with god. Trans* people, once they understand their own condition, never blame God, or say he made a mistake.

I posted this video in another thread, but I figured I'd re-post it so you could watch. It explains the differences in Neurology, Hormones, and Psychology that can affect the development of a child that will eventually identify as Trans*

Science states that the hormones given to the fetus in the uterus affect the fetus' development. If it gets too much estrogen during a phase when the brain is being formed, then the brain may exhibit more feminine physical traits. More testosterone means more masculine physical traits in the brain. All of this is independent of the gonads developed by the child. 

So a child may have had feminine hormone exposure during brain development, but then male hormone exposure during gonad development. The end result is a child who has a female shaped and wired brain, with a male body pumping alien hormones through the body and into the brain. 

Ultimately the child starts to feel weird getting progressively worst as they age. They may exclaim before puberty, just as puberty starts, or just after it starts, that they feel wrong, alien, they dont feel comfortable. 

Most children hide this feeling from their parents because of abuse inflicted on them when they act out on these feelings. They hate themselves because they don't feel real. Then they get onto a hormone replacement therapy and they start to feel normal, their body goes to proper body shape, (Girls growing hips and breast, boys dropping their voice and growing body hair.) experiancing what is essentially a second puberty. 

When you say the things like what you have said in that post, that is transphobia. Because you are expressing an a persistent, irrational fear of a specific objectactivity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it. You also refuse to educate yourself about issues around that phobia and refuse to try and understand those issues. 

This lack of education and understand then affects the things you say dealing with the subject and makes you look uneducated and hateful. 

When you constantly refer to a transwoman as "Male, He, or It" you are exhibiting your fear of them by using demoralizing words that negate their experience. 

Hatred isn't born it is taught, the reason I keep coming here to try and teach you about trans* issues is because you keep disrespecting trans* people and their experiences. 

Yes Patricia this whole comment was directly aimed at you, but it also affects others here who have done the same thing, including some of you who call me "he, man, male, it." And you have. And that is disrespectful to me, as I present my self as female, I appear female, I look female. 

I don't have a "5'oclock shadow" I spent a lot of money on laser hair removal, not to. (out of my pocket, not on health insurance.) and I've spent even more money on hormones and doctors (again out of my pocket not on health insurance.) to look female. Presenting to you how I feel inside. 

When you negate all of that experience, effort, time and money by calling me He. It is intentional, and it is hurtful.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 3, 2012 at 2:02pm

PS John.  Love the cartoon..........don't know where you find them!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 3, 2012 at 2:00pm

For the type of things Obama wants to do, he must kill morals and religion wholly. He is going to have a country where we kill babies in the womb and euthanize old people. He has not convictions, morals or anything that would make someone a human being, and he wants to turn everyone into a carbon copy of himself inside. And I agree if we allow men to use the ladies room and woman to use the men's room because of some belief they are having about God making a mistake when he decided what sex they were to be, then what is next and considering all the changes Obama has made, this garbage is anticlimatic.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 3, 2012 at 1:29pm

No one is bashing Max, and I take offence at that remark. Max came on here and made the remark about us all being too phobic and calling gays pedaphiles. No one has called gays pedaphiles that I notice on this blog or any other blog on the site? We discussed how this law could be used by pedaphiles to defend them being some where they aren't supposed to be. I also note that the word phobic is right out of the human rights council, Delaney, liberal playbook any time you disagree about someone or something they want you to accept without question. It is kind of a "catch all" word that allows them to label you as the problem without ever having to admit, the problem may not be you at all or that you are entitled to an opinion that differs from theirs.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 3, 2012 at 12:57pm

And as far as my saying I wouldn't comment and now you are mad I have.  Max's comment brought me back.  Max is way off base, and everyone can change their mind about doing something they said they wouldn't although it doesn't happen often where I am concerned.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 3, 2012 at 12:53pm

Jay, how about 5 oclock shadow?   Do lots of women have that too?  It is not all that hard to tell someone who is a man but dressing and presenting as a woman in some cases.  And yes, I have seen woman who are more masculine looking but there is little mistaking they have been a woman for life and are women.  Many trangenders transition beautifully, and if they get to know you well enough and tell you they are transgender, you might be blown away.  Many transgenders carry off the transformation so well, they are accepted as female and unquestionably are very female in all manner including appearance, voice and demeaner.  Others, not so much, and while transitioning, it is pretty obvious, so how would a female feel when they come out of the little compartment and discover a man dressed as a woman sharing their bathroom.............everyone is different.   I would probably wash my hands and leave promptly, but others might react more or ignore the person totally and leave as soon as possible.  I don't see anyone hanging around to adjust their underwear or clothing!  None of us are experts and as aptly pointed out by our fine city council member Daniels, neither is anyone on the human rights council, but they are big into the dialogue Max used about phoebic behavior or attitudes.  I am somewhat curious if that is where they "phoebic" came from (actually doubtful this group of wanna be shrinks would get it right, and I see many people being accused of things they never said or did in spite of your saying if "someone is accused they are" crapola.  People have been convicted of murder who were later found to be innocent of the crime).  If you don't accept any group or just about anything going on, the human rights council is more than happy to solve the problem by telling you that you are phoebic when in reality, you may just plain not like the person or the horse they rode in on.  And, so far at least, we still have feedom of association as no one has created the living hell of forcing you to chum around with someone you abhor.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 3, 2012 at 7:07am

Jay, at a stage in their transformation process, they may be presenting as women, but they are clearly men.  They may make a good transition as many men do, but if you are someone who looks very masculine to start with, the process may never change the manly appearance.  As I said, I sat next to a couple of transgenders at one of the committee meetings.  They were very nice, but 1 at least (who sat right next to me) was clearly a man and was not womanly in that he had dirty long fingernails and unshaven legs with a skirt on, and the clothes were not neat but crumpled looking like they had not been pressed or ????.   Because of his appearance, he would have been clearly recognized as a man even in the ladies room with other woman.  Personally, I wouldn't have said anything, but I would have finished what I was doing and cleared out of the lady's room.  I don't know how other woman would have reacted.  Most people are polite to everyone, but the shock of realizing a man was using the ladies room dressed as a woman and at least looking somewhat like a woman might have been disconcerting.  And like you, I don't mind Max coming here, but I do mind the Max has decided to make this conversation about phobia and calling gays sexual predators when nothing could be further from the truth.  Personally, I take great offence that I was attacked for something I did not do and would not do.   If Max is going to come here, then Max should enter into the conversation in a productive way, and not come in with accusations of things that are not being done!  And Jay, I don't care what you talk about.  I already said I am through with it.  I will continue to post articles, but if you swing these blogs around to another subject, I am just going to try to get myself off the feed for them and go about my business.  I am pretty sick of the Ron Paul issue except perhaps his legislation and some of his comments about things.  I don't get pushing him as  a presidential candidate (we already have chosen Mitt Romney or the majority of people did).

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 2, 2012 at 9:11pm

Nothing confusing at all, but I am hard pressed to understand why Max comes here
since Max thinks we say bad things about gays and transgenders or perhaps since the comment in parens below is a Max comment, maybe Max wants to effect limits on our freedom of speech?  Or maybe tell us what is acceptable for us to say?  Certainly would appear that way since Max can say whatever Max wants but the statement made by Max says  the following:

"The amount of Phobia and Bigotry in this blog post comment section is too damn high!"

This is a private web site that Max signed onto, so I guess Max is here to monitor our comments and report back to someone?

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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