There are days when this whole Tea Party Movement thing gets to you. You wonder if it is worth it. You want your life back. You want to relax. Go on vacation. Talk about a movie you recently saw or just walk on the beach and hear the waves splash against your feet as you leave your imprint in the sand.
Daily we watch Washington totally ignore us, play games with us and actually lie to us as if we do not know they are lying. These are strange times we live in and I for one doubt if we can make a difference…if we can turn the tide…if we can restore principled leadership in America.
Then all of a sudden something shows up in your in box or you run across something that gives you that next push of energy to keep going. For me, this quote showed up and I wanted to share it with you:
"Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~Margaret Mead
Although Mead died in 1978, her words were an inspiration to me in the wee hours of this morning as I wondered if it was all worth it. You never know how your words can encourage someone to keep going so make it a point in your life to do or say something that will leave a lasting legacy for someone in the future.
And that takes me back to the Tea Party Movement. Yes, it is tough to watch the videos showing a government who does not listen to us. Yes, it is hard to read about a new bill that is fundamentally changing America. Yes, it is upsetting to watch those we trusted in leadership to stab us in the back and forget who they work for. Yes, it is our duty to stand up and continue to make a difference, to let our voice be heard and to activate our citizenship in any way we possibly can.
So, let’s do it! Take off our pity-party faces and get to work.
1. Update on Arizona: Review the video below showing an interview with Arizona’s Governor, Jan Brewer. Remember when President Obama promised to send troops to Arizona and he even met with the Governor? Well, yesterday she heard from a foreign news source that the Department of Justice was moving forward with a lawsuit against Arizona’s new law. The President has proven once again that he is not a man of his word. Governor Brewer is furious and she has a right to be. Watch the video and contact Governor Brewer and give her your support and encouragement. You can reach her at:
2. Land Grab by Federal Government: One of our local young men, Billy, sat in our office yesterday and put together a video about the Federal land grabs and a huge National Security issue coming out of Arizona. Billy’s work was so powerful that it was featured at this morning. It’s called This Land is Your Land. Take a look at it and give Billy a high five when you see him next at an event. He’s always there and he’s out and about talking about the Tea Party Movement. And…did I mention he is 16 years old?
3. Building a Mosque across from World Trade Center: While you are at Liberty Central make sure you hit the top of the page and sign the petition proclaiming your outrage about a mosque going up in NYC across from where Islamic extremists murdered innocent people who were doing nothing more than going to work. Children were murdered too. There are many places a mosque can be built and saying it is being built there to honor those who died and to bring peace to this issue is nothing more than a ruse. You know it and we know it. So sign the petition at and take a stand for innocent Americans who were killed by those who hate us.
4. Donate: The First Coast Tea Party headquarters are now officially open and operating. We have teams meeting almost daily in the office. We have volunteers coming in to make calls to the Folio Weekly about their disparaging article. We have videos being produced for your educational purposes. We have supplies for you to use to tell others about the movement and we have free Constitutions for you too. This office was opened to provide a place that will sustain this movement into November and beyond to 2012 as we help make changes in Congress and the White House. Your contributions are needed to keep this office open. Please do all you can to support the Tea Party Movement and you can make your donations at:
5. First Coast Tea PAC: We are forming the First Coast Tea PAC which will give us more power to affect change in the upcoming elections. We have a huge need here and ask your help with this. We need a minimum of $5,000 to have the legal structure of this PAC finalized. Legal fees to get this done are necessary and if you are led to support us in setting this up – please follow your gut and do your part. The ability to form a PAC will give us the fuel we need to play a big role in the elections.
It’s been a hard year and we have fought many battles. Some of us are new to this political scene and we are unsure how it works. Freedom is for all and those of us who never played politics before are finding our way through this maze and in the words of Margaret Mead – we may be small group but we can change the world.
God bless all of you and may He continue to show favor on America - the last great hope of all mankind.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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