I knew the kids would not behave. I just knew it.
Their past should have told me they would lie again. I just wanted to believe they would change their ways. They would make a promise and say they would be good and we would believe them. We so desperately wanted to believe they would do the right thing. We just couldn’t imagine our kids could turn out like that.
They are so irresponsible and out of control. Where did we go wrong? How could this happen? What do we do now?
While we were at work and trying to make a living, they had the run of the House and they destroyed it. They partied and had their thuggish friends over. They rummaged through our possessions and sold them or gave them away to their lazy friends. They broke the lock on our lock box which had all our retirement savings and they used it for their own special interests. Then they found our credit cards and went on a spending spree and now we are maxed out and we have bill collectors calling in the debt. Our home is a mess and we don’t have a clue what to do.
Some of their friends called us and told us what was going on. They are really great kids and they tried to stop them from using the credit card and breaking into our retirement savings box but they couldn’t stop them. They tried and bless their hearts for doing all they could. They are the ones who give us hope for our future and we can only hope more of them are out there to fight the thugs who are hanging with our kids.
We are to blame for a lot of what’s happening. We should have put boundaries in place. We should have ensured they were hanging out with the right people. It’s so important to understand who your kids are hanging with and the influence they are making on them.
They were raised right. They were given a good home; we worked hard; we gave them what they wanted; and we took them to church every Sunday. We raised them in the way they should go and our House served the Lord. Where we went wrong was allowing new influences to come into our home and demand that their ways be accepted and ours pushed aside.
We are nice people and maybe too nice. We let them have their way so they would feel comfortable. All the while, we were beginning to feel uncomfortable with our values being pushed aside. But, alas, we said nothing and let it be.
Some of the parents in the neighborhood got together for tea. We talked about what was happening and we decided to grow some courage and stand up to the kids. We marched ourselves over to the House where they were partying and we shouted for them to come out so we could talk to them as a group. We said over and over again, “Can you hear us now” but they ignored our voice. We went back home and tried to figure out a way for them to listen to us. We’ve been doing all we can for two years now and they still are ignoring us and worst yet – they raised the ceiling and partied all night with their rich friends who got rich off the backs of the parents who raised them.
One of the ring leaders had a big birthday bash last night. They invited all their thug friends over and had a bbq. They charged their friends to come and their friends brought their parents credit cards to pay for admittance. Musicians were invited to play Happy Birthday and I saw Jennifer Hudson, Herbie Hancock and the band OK Go show up for the event.
They put up video conference screens all over the country and had other thug house parties to celebrate the ring leader’s birthday. We heard that more than 1,000 houses across the country were able to sing happy birthday to this guy too via satellite. Can you imagine how much this cost while we are wondering how we can pay our bills and buy food and gas?
We also got wind that some of their friends are threatening the good ones who tried to sound the alarm. Just yesterday one of their “gangs” sent out a message that August will be really hot for those nice guys. They are going to attack them and say they are the ones who caused the house to be destroyed. They are making up stories and saying things such as “We love your parents more than you and you destroyed the House.” The gangs are going to show up at the good kid’s towns and shout out this garbage at them when they are trying to tell the truth. We must show up and support these good kids because they need our help. We know the truth and the truth is – the bad kids are in charge and they are running out of money. They now want to blame the good kids for the damage they caused.
Then the worst thing could happen. The kids grabbed some of our savings which were hidden in our 401(k) and in stock documents. They went to the market and sold it off for little or nothing. Our last hope for retirement went down the drain as fast as the ticker tape did. We hope and pray that some of the stock is still safe and will not finish us off today. Parents are panicked because we can’t seem to get the kids in control.
We are concerned. When the money runs out, we wonder what the kids will do then. It’s really scary and sad and when we look at our home, we wonder if it’s too late to rescue it.
Don’t worry. There are a lot of parents out here who are working together to get the word out and let others know about the kids. Some of these kids have pulled the wool over the eyes of wonderful people. They have scammed them and made promises to them – but they can’t deliver on those promises. The kids will find that out soon enough. The parents are going to take back their home and our target date is November 6, 2012.
If you are a parent and your “kid” is out of control, we hope you will join us and let’s clean house together.
Why am I sharing this story with you? Because you are the parents and our kids are controlling your nation’s home in DC. These are the "characters" of our story:
The bad kids are those who voted time and time again to spend more of our money.
The good kids are those who have sounded the alarm and tried to get your attention aka the tea party caucus.
The group of parents who shouted “Can you hear us now” is the tea party.
The thugs are the liberal, progressive Democrats and their weak-willed Republican friends.
The lockbox of retirement cash was your social security.
The birthday party was for President Obama. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OBAMA?SITE=AP&SECTION...
The gang who sent a message regarding August Town Halls and encouraged thugs to destroy the good guys in hometowns across America is the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - http://millionairesovermedicare.com/
The market is the stock market and it went south yesterday – the worst day since 2008 -- http://www.cnbc.com/id/44017828
The people who have had the wool pulled over their eyes are those who receive free homes, free food, free gas, free cell phones and free clothes. That deal is just about up because the money is gone.
The parent’s gathering together to take back our home and restore it to its Constitutional footing is anyone who wants to join with us in the tea party movement. Google your local tea party and join it today. They need reinforcements. The kids are looking for more ways to spend us into a third-world country. I for one don’t want to eat pork and beans from a can for dinner while they dine on BBQ from roof-tops and toast to our demise.
So what's the ending to the story? You'll have to watch as the story unfolds and the ending will be seen on November 6, 2012. I'm betting on the parents. How about you?
"Let them eat cake!".......
As we chew on our shoe leathers.
Pathetic. Yet the masses believe the liberal media.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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