Last night we watched as the voices of the people were heard from all over Florida.

The best part about living in America is the fact that we do retain power over elitists IF we will engage our power at the polls. For those of you who were able to do so yesterday, you made a difference.

Maybe your candidate won and maybe your candidate lost. We know how it feels to win and lose and, of course, people like to be on the winning side. At this point, we are hopeful that everyone will come together and work to help "the best man or woman" win in November.

Last night was not the end - it was the beginning and with only 2 months left for the final hurdle, we do not have much time.

Please take a look at the winners and make a decision as to who you will support. Support comes in all ways such as:

1. Walking the neighborhoods to educate and inform people about your candidate.

2. Making phone calls in support of your candidate

3. Donating to the campaign fund of your candidate

4. Decorating your car with your candidate's sticker

5. Wearing your candidates tee shirt or campaign pin

There are big ways to support and little ways and all ways are important. So, get out your pencil, sharpen it and make your decision today who you will support.

There were many people trying to persuade you who to vote for in this primary. You showed them that you have a mind of your own and you can make your own choices wisely. Continue on that course because you are smarter than they give you credit for. We always knew that and we are proud to be in this fight for freedom with you.

Enjoy listening to President Reagan here

Views: 39


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Comment by Tracy on August 28, 2010 at 8:46am
John, you did change the subject.My posts were specifically about Sink and her policies and how they compare to a smaller government platform.None of my posts were about Scott,the bible,or a used car salesmen. As for the word "FAIR" and "fairness" ,most times when it is used in politics especially on the left it is a social justice buzzword.Do some homework.There are plenty of articles out there about "social justice".Basically it is the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within a society.And of course the person who distributes the advantages and disadvantages is the all caring all knowing government.And while I'm on the subject let's address the myth that somehow social justice is "fair" and "equitable".If we are to believe the definitions put forth for justice in the dictionary ,then the policies that the left has proposed to find economic, reproductive and enviromental justice are all opposed to the very idea of justice because they strip someone else of their liberty in order to make that person equal with another.
For example there is nothing fair or equitable about taking what someone else has worked so hard to earn and then giving it to another citizen who has not.This is the leftists definition of social justice.But by taking this action the left makes one citizen more important than the other, thereby destroying the myth that they truly want equality.

Now back to the subject of Sink and her associations with Unions,WHY would that surprise or bother anyone?I don't think I've ever seen a democrat run WITHOUT the support of unions.The only reason I can think of that this info would be so controversial or even raise an eyebrow is that it is seen as a political liability for her in a very tough climate and therefore some would like to have it brushed to the side out of sight and out of scrutiny of voters who don't really know that much about her.Her emily's list association is also no surprise to me,and really it shouldn't be to anyone else either.They endorse most democratic women and bundle campaign funds for them based on one issue,"reproductive justice" as they like call it.

And since class warfare and eny was also mentioned in another post lets address that as well.
Alex Sink is worth 9.2 million dollars according to this
So that doesn't exactly make her one of us now does it? But I don't begrudge her any of the money she has earned,on the contrary I applaud the hard work that it takes to accumulate that type of wealth.I think that people should be able to keep more of the wealth they earn,instead of handing it over to a government who is taking it and redistributing it to people who never earned it.I don't engage in class warfare and refuse to listen to any more media trash (which they have been feeding us for years through movies and t.v.) about how "evil" rich people are. And on the subject of class envy if we are going to quote the bible then I will ask this question, wasn't one of the ten commandments"thou shall not covet thy neighbor?"
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 5:09pm
Again you proclaim Rick Scott a "criminal" without any proof or answering the question WHY didn't they charge Rick with anything. Good luck with that and keeping our taxes low with tax-n-spend Alex Sink in the Governor's mansion. After all, you CANNOT be in favor of ObamaCare and Cap and Trade and still say that you want low taxes. They are mutually exclusive!
Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 4:57pm
the bible quote really was just a joke. I really am not into class warfare. but here's the thing: taxes are a part of life. there's no way to run a state without taxes. excessive taxes are killing me. but if we are going to be taxed, i am all about spending our money wisely, which was what Florida Tax Watch is all about. I am primarily voting for Alex Sink because while I do not agree with all of her views, I cannot vote for Rick Scott. I'm anti-health care reform legislation, but I'm also anti-criminals. Criminality trumps the ex-banker.
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 1:32pm
Quich response before I go. Tamara wrote: "First of all, i am not into class warfare."

Okay, I guess that you didn't write this:
"just because he is a billionaire doesn't mean he is good for this state. I'll do a little of my own quote from the Bible: And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Matthew 19:24. the same should hold true for elected office."

You need to keep strangers away from your keyboard. :-)
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 1:28pm
Tamara wrote:
"we can all disagree on this issue and still want the same things on the bigger issues; less taxes, less taxes and less taxes."

So this is how you REALLY feel? In that case ObamaCare is the POLAR OPPOSITE of less taxes and smaller government. Alex Sink SUPPORTS ObamaCare. PLEASE make sense for me here Tamara. PLEASE! I'll be back after running down some quotes on propsective jobs, have at it trying to explain your support of Alex Sink AND lower taxes. There are fundamental philosophical contradictions at play here Tamara.

And I have another request, PLEASE DON'T QUOTE SCRIPTURE again to explain your support of Alex Sink. Adios amiga. :-)
Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 1:25pm
First of all, i am not into class warfare. I am all about keeping my money, and unlike 98% of the Americans out there, when the Bush tax cuts go away, I'm going to get slammed. this isn't about class warfare; this is about a man who i believe is either a crook or incompetent being elected our governor. i can't support that. i will not blindly support Rick Scott, and I won't be bullied by being called "Jim Walllis" and somehow an Obama supporter into backing down. I thought we were about open debate and discussion about real issues.
Comment by tamara stephenson on August 27, 2010 at 1:21pm
As i stated in an earlier post, I worked for Alex Sink when she was the head of the Florida Division of Bank of America. I found her to be intelligent, involved, and an excellent manager. I truly believe she has the best interests of the state of Florida at heart. Had the choice been McCollum vs. Sink, I probably would have picked McCollum because he is more socially conservative than Sink. But, when weighing someone I know has integrity, honesty and while I may not agree with everything she wants to accomplish, it is rare that I agree with everything any candidate has to offer. I am of the firm belief that if you are in charge of your company, you are responsible for its actions. If he did not know about the fraud, than in my book, he is incompetent and should not run a state with 18 million people. I would like to calm down the debate a bit because I really do want to hear from my fellow tea partiers on this guy. we can all disagree on this issue and still want the same things on the bigger issues; less taxes, less taxes and less taxes.
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 1:13pm
You guys sound like Obama's class warfare preacher, Jim Wallis. LOL!
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 1:09pm
Earlier, Tamara penned this class warfare gem:
"just because he is a billionaire doesn't mean he is good for this state. I'll do a little of my own quote from the Bible: And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Matthew 19:24. the same should hold true for elected office."

Tamara, from what I can discern, the patriots who are proud members of the Tea Party are NOT class warriors! Class warfare practitioners are almost exclusively leftists. Rick Scott's millions (not a billionaire) don't take ONE dollar from my pocket! As a matter of fact the thousands of jobs he created enriches the tax base of the entire state. From start to finish!

I respect people who create jobs via their own courage and entrepreneurship, and don't begrudge them a PENNY of their hard-earned wealth. My customers are almost EXCLUSIVELY rich people, and you wouldn't believe how many people they keep employed. Some of those "employees" are even stupid enough to hate their employers due to wealth envy; A violation of the 10th Commandment.
Try making sense of that.
Comment by Morgan Orlins on August 27, 2010 at 12:51pm
Tamara writes:
"Morgan, in response to your post, i truly do not see the relevance in your remarks."

No kidding! Nor did you understand what I wrote because I never ONCE said that fraud was acceptable at any level. I just tried to shed some light on how it might take place in a HUGE organization without the knowledge or participation of the boss. It's pretty easy if you actually READ my original post on the matter instead of trying to SPIN what I wrote.

Are you REALLY considering voting for Alex Sink, the BIG government-on-steroids candidate? If so, the truth about Rick Scott wouldn't really matter to you, would it?

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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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