Last night we watched as the voices of the people were heard from all over Florida.

The best part about living in America is the fact that we do retain power over elitists IF we will engage our power at the polls. For those of you who were able to do so yesterday, you made a difference.

Maybe your candidate won and maybe your candidate lost. We know how it feels to win and lose and, of course, people like to be on the winning side. At this point, we are hopeful that everyone will come together and work to help "the best man or woman" win in November.

Last night was not the end - it was the beginning and with only 2 months left for the final hurdle, we do not have much time.

Please take a look at the winners and make a decision as to who you will support. Support comes in all ways such as:

1. Walking the neighborhoods to educate and inform people about your candidate.

2. Making phone calls in support of your candidate

3. Donating to the campaign fund of your candidate

4. Decorating your car with your candidate's sticker

5. Wearing your candidates tee shirt or campaign pin

There are big ways to support and little ways and all ways are important. So, get out your pencil, sharpen it and make your decision today who you will support.

There were many people trying to persuade you who to vote for in this primary. You showed them that you have a mind of your own and you can make your own choices wisely. Continue on that course because you are smarter than they give you credit for. We always knew that and we are proud to be in this fight for freedom with you.

Enjoy listening to President Reagan here

Views: 39


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Comment by Kate Svagdis on August 26, 2010 at 7:52pm
alex is pro union which is pro big gov't
Comment by Tracy on August 26, 2010 at 7:48pm
It says here that she was also a superdeleate in the 2008 dem presidential election and part of a superdelegate "transparancy" project which included groups such as Huffington post and Openleft...
Comment by Kate Svagdis on August 26, 2010 at 6:09pm
john s-you said judge a man by his actions...look at the childish, whiny actions of McCollum today-I was stunned by his lack of support to unify the party-guess it's all about him. Even after Thrasher gave a whiny pull-together- even-tho-RickScott-spent mo' money speech yesterday, McCollum won't support Scott.
How are we going to fight AlexSink,Anita Dunn/Crist, the DNC, and liberals if conservatives will not work together.
Comment by Tracy on August 26, 2010 at 9:12am
Do you disagree with my assessment of Alex Sink? These policies are all posted on her website.I'm pointing out the conflicts she presents to a small government type person like me. The FCTP is about information which I am sharing.I am not endorsing anyone just presenting relevent information to add to the debate.
Comment by Pete Braud on August 26, 2010 at 8:02am
right never changes
Comment by FCTP on August 26, 2010 at 7:15am
Wrong email address. Sorry. Here is the correct one.
Comment by Tracy on August 26, 2010 at 6:28am
I'm not conflating anyone with her.Her agenda is incompatable with that of smaller government end of story.I don't like big government therefore she won't get my vote.The Obama illustration was to point out that words do matter, and when someone tells you who they are, you should listen.
As opposed to letting the media tell you who they are.Her agenda items told me exactly who she is without me having to listen to the partisan slanted media for propoganda on who they WANT her to be.

Here's some more on her plans for spending tax dollars on a useless causes,
1."Mandatory Ethics Training for State Employees and Officials. Florida should require and provide ethics training for all state employees and officials. Additionally, all state employees and officials should certify annually that they are familiar with the state’s ethics requirements and will abide by them."

What is this going to cost taxpayers? And in the end after the money is spent what will we get? I doubt that takiing classes on ethics is going to make the state run any smoother or change someone who is unethical to a morally upstanding citizen and government worker.All this is is money wasted on a utopian goalthat looks good on paper but that will never be accomplished.

2."Alex will bring home more of our federal tax dollars by leading a coalition of states, and demanding Florida is at the negotiating table when funding allocations are made. Alex will reach out to federal partners to make sure Florida is maximizing opportunities for passenger and freight rail funding"

How much will her rail scheme cost us? Yet another tax payer funded boondoggle.And wha'ts interesting to note here is that she mentions federal dollars as if they weren't ours to begin.She talks of getting more of the share of federal dollars,which we all know in the end means more federal taxes for us all,in all states and more debt.It also leaves Florida indebted too and IMO addicted to federal dollars for its livelyhood.

3.Her tax incentives plan for business's who make use of the rail system is just a way to subsidize and prop up a business that will probably cost your business more in the long run than you will ever save in "tax credits".Another example of government picking the winners and losers in the market instead of private business doing the job.
4. "Alex will propose the creation of a non-partisan watchdog office - similar to the federal Government Accountability Office - that will advise the Governor, Cabinet and Legislature on how to make state government more efficient, effective, ethical, fair and responsive to citizens. "

More creation of beauracracy that we will be footing the bill for.And it doesn't stop with just that. After she creates this new office she says this "The office will be advised by a Governor's Performance Advisory Panel, a citizen-based group of community leaders and experts in eight key areas of performance"

So to watch over the first group she will create yet another group.Will the next group need looking after as well?

5."•Assure equal justice for all through a fair and impartial court system"

Not sure what she means by this statement,I wasn't aware that court systems were required to be "fair".I thought the purpose of our court system was to assess whether or not the law has been broken and to act accordingly."Fairness" is a social justice concept/keyword and makes me wonder exactly what she believes on this front.

6."Promote wellness programs to encourage healthy lifestyles. States have developed numerous programs to encourage people at every stage of life to engage in healthy behaviors; many programs are also especially targeted to children"
This sounds all well and good but @ what point do we say enough is enough? And what will the encouragement for healthy behaviors be? Will it be a stiff fine imposed on citizens ,like the wonderful new health law? Will it be an outright ban on foods or activities like the wonderful nanny state loving Bloomberg in NYC?I don't need a mommy to watch out for my health I need a government that does only the job it is intended to do.

7."Compensating public employees fairly is essential, because without the ability to attract and retain well-trained and knowledgeable staff, Florida government cannot deliver the programs and services that citizens depend on. Florida already is not competitive in this area compared to other Florida industries and even other states. In fact, state government employees have not had a general pay raise in the past five years"

Right now government is the fastest(and only) growing sector in jobs,which means more tax dollars will be needed to support it.What she's essentially saying here is that she is willing to take money out of the private sector job market and give it to government employees instead.Less money in the private sector means less jobs for everyone who does not work for government.

There's more to comment on but again I have run up against time constraints.I'll post the rest later
Comment by Robert Franco on August 26, 2010 at 6:19am
Am feeling much emotions and rhetoric yet little specifics. Its Thursday. Take a step back, relax, enjoy the weekend and then let's begin the dialogue on Monday. No candidate is 100% perfect and I cannot envision deciding for/against a candidate based on a single issues. Let's look at the macro, exchange verifiable facts and check our emotions at the door.
Comment by Tracy on August 25, 2010 at 9:32pm
No one said you should or have to vote for anyone you don't want to.My post merely illustrated the problems with Alex Sink and her platform.It does not fit with a small government philosophy, IMO. She's all about legislating,and building bigger government,expandiing programs....
Btw I think words are important in some instances as they can tell you who a person is,I think we can all remember the way no one judged Obama by his words either until they realized he had been telling them exactly what he planned to do all along"fundamentally transform this country","share the wealth" ect.
Alex Sink has told me exactly who she is and what she stands for through her words and I will judge her on it.
Comment by FCTP on August 25, 2010 at 9:27pm
Go to and see the entire truth. We must all do our homework on all candidates. We seem to "hate the media" yet embrace the media when they print these stories about candidates. As we move towards November, let's all promise to do our homework and bring it to the table so we can be educated and informed on each candidate. This is a good place to do that and facts are more important than just what we "feel." I go to my "gut" and before I vote, I go to the facts. Thanks all and let's keep the dialogue flowing.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


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