In the movie, Poltergeist, a sweet family made up of a hard working dad, a stay at home mom and three cute children are infiltrated by evil spirits in their home.
They fight to keep the evil out of their home. They do all they can to protect their children. At the end of the movie, it is revealed that their neighborhood was developed on top of a cemetery by a crooked, deceitful and opportunistic developer. The family leaves town and the movie ends with a neighborhood in total destruction.
Yesterday I was in downtown Jacksonville for a meeting. As I sat at a red light, I noticed a bumper sticker with Alvin Brown for Mayor on it. Then something else caught my eye – the car had a New Jersey license plate. The words, “they’re here” rang in my head.
Last week we received a call from a friend in DC who works on the Hill. The caller said, “Jacksonville was mentioned the other day at a meeting I attended. It appears Organizing for America (OFA) and are in Jacksonville. They are there to help Alvin Brown get elected so Obama can take Florida.”
The call came just as we were getting ready for our 3rd Annual Tax Day Rally. We listened and put it out of our minds for the time being. We had a rally to throw and we would deal with that issue afterwards. The issue would not wait and it showed up at the Rally.
A handful of nasty, mean-spirited and foul-mouthed young people showed up at our Rally. They stood behind the stage with their pre-made signs, their hats shoved to the side of their heads, texting on their cell phones, and screaming at the Governor as he gave his speech. You can see some of the pictures at
Other tax day rallies across this nation were infiltrated by the likes of these too. The videos and postings of these infiltrators are so crude and unbelievable that you can’t even imagine this is America. You must know what we are up against so please watch this video from Oregon Tea Party Rally and then take a shower afterwards and say a prayer for our great nation --
Last night we heard Mike Hogan speak at a meeting. He has been informed that it is true – the Obama machine is in town. They have been here for weeks signing people up to vote on the Northwest side of Jacksonville. They are everywhere and they are drumming up support for Alvin Brown. They are paying people to go to the polls. They are paying people to show up at rallies and scream nasty words. They are paying people to do whatever they tell them to do – that’s the Chicago way.
Do you believe Obama cares about Jacksonville? Do you believe he has a vested interest in the health of our city? Do you really believe he is here to help Alvin Brown?
The truth is this – the Obama machine is here for Obama. They do not care about Jacksonville. They do not care about the health of our city. They do not care about Alvin Brown and only care about what he can do for them.
In order to win his second term as President, he must take Florida. In order to take Florida, he must win Duval County. If they can get Alvin Brown in the Mayor’s seat, they will have a better chance of taking Duval County.
Our local Mayoral race is a pre-cursor for Obama 2012. They’re here and they are not nice.
Are we going to let them get away with this? Just like in the movie, the crooked, deceitful and opportunistic developer ruined a great neighborhood for his own selfish gain. He didn’t care about the people and he didn’t care about doing the right thing. He cared about himself and only himself. Because of his selfish ambitions, the neighborhood was destroyed. No one won and neither will our city if we allow this to happen.
This is no movie. This is real stuff, people. This is what we have been fighting against in DC and now “they’re here.” Will you fight for your city? Will you do ALL you can to ensure Chicago politicians do not run or ruin our town?
To help run these Chicago thugs out of Duval County, the First Coast Tea Party is encouraging people to join our project…VOLUNTEER & VOTE = VICTORY
To be a part of this project, contact the campaign offices of Mike Hogan for Mayor.
You can reach them on the web at:
Or in person at campaign headquarters: 5501 Roosevelt Boulevard, Jacksonville 32244
Or by phone at: (904) 374-5894
We also encourage you to get involved with other city elections and the FCTP has endorsed the following candidates:
Dick Kravitz for Tax Collector
Clay Yarborough for City Council, District 1
Matt Schellenberg for City Council, District 6
You can find more information about these candidates and their opponents at
Please VOLUNTEER your time, talents and financial resources to help these candidates get elected. Obama, OFA and have financed a billion dollar campaign to ensure his re-election. We may not have billions but we have everything at stake – our homes, our schools, our way of life and our city. You cannot rely on others to do the job – it will take all of us to fight this machine.
Do it today because “they’re here” and we want to run them out of OUR town on May 17th.
Now is the time to take the gloves off. We are at war with the rats like Jack Webb, Obama, Bill Nelson, and too many others like the Chicago, acorn crew, to name them all. Get your signs out. Put them on your cars, in your yards, and businesses. If you don't do it now, you will not have to worry about it later. This should be a priority. Webb voted to raise out property taxes, etc. We cannot afford these crooks in office anymore. Between trying to intimidate people, stealing signs,
and who knows what else. We have got to throw them out of ofice. A vote is a powerful thing.
So many will sell out for a quick buck. Make them think twice, it will cost them so much more down the road. We have to educate, not opinuate. Show them the facts. Spell it out, and challenge them to check it out. Now is the time. We all nedd to pray for our Country and our Troops, and Thank God for the elimination of Osama Bin Ladin. Justice & Liberty will prevail. United we will stand.
While Steve's comments re his perceptions of Glenn Beck and Sharon Angle seemed to me to be skewed and I don't always agree with him, I will say in his defense that he has provided some informative and useful comments on some of my blog posts, particularly in the area of finance---for example, on my blog titled "12 U.S. MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS PAY NO TAXES - GET MILLIONS IN REFUNDS."
If you would like to see for yourself, you can link to either of those blog posts at:
However, we do need to also focus on timely actions that need to be taken for the Tea Party and getting Mike Hogan and FCTP's other endorsed candidates elected on May 17th.
I have noticed, recently, postings on various discussions of a different flavor. However we should not let the context of such postings interfere with our goal of uniting responsible, accountable, and patriotic citizens to restore this great nation to its conservative roots.
An excerpt from the book Lines of Credit: Ropes of Bondage written by Robert Henry Goldsborough. It is almost impossible to find a published hard copy of this book.
Chapter Ten
COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN B. Carroll Reece warned fellow congressmen of a "diabolical conspiracy," that a certain few foundations were financing the Socialist and Communist overthrow of the United States."
The Reece Committee learned that the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, were, with tax-exempt dollars, funding leftist propaganda operations, aimed at changing America through the brain, not the battlefield. Patriotism, national sovereignty, individual responsibility, and Christian beliefs were belittled while the concepts of a one-world government, socialism, collectivism and humanism were deemed essential for peace in the modern age.
A clandestine and successful non-bloody revolution had been masterminded by some of America's most powerful and devious men – men who did not want to be exposed by a congressional investigating committee.
The man chosen by Reece to be the committee's research director was Norman Dodd, Yale graduate, intellectual and N.Y. investment banker. During this writer's frequent visits to Dodd's retirement home in Keene, Virginia, he repeatedly spoke of his conviction that justice demanded that those foundations "should be compelled to spend a like amount of dollars to undo the damage they have done to America."
Dodd sent committee questionnaires to numerous foundations, and as a result of one such request, Joseph E. Johnson, president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace invited Dodd to send a committee staffer to Carnegie's headquarters in New York City to examine the minutes of the meetings of the Endowment's trustees. These minutes had long since been stored away in a warehouse and obviously Johnson, who was a close friend of former Carnegie President and Soviet spy Alger Hiss, had no idea what was in them.
The minutes revealed that in 1910, the Carnegie trustees asked themselves this question: "Is there any way known to man more effective than war, to so alter the life of an entire people?"
For a year the trustees sought an effective "peaceful" method to "alter the life of an entire people"; but ultimately, they concluded that war was the most effective way to change people.
Consequently, the trustees of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace next asked themselves: "How do we involve the United States in a war?"
And they answered, "We must control the diplomatic machinery of the United States," by first gaining "control of the State Department."
Norman Dodd said that the trustees' minutes reinforced what the Reece Committee had uncovered elsewhere about the Carnegie Endowment, that "it had already become a powerful policy-making force inside the State Department."
During those early years of the Carnegie Endowment, war clouds were already forming over Europe and the opportunity for the enactment of their plan was drawing near.
History proved that World War I did indeed have an enormous impact on the American people. For the first time in our history, large numbers of wives and mothers had to leave the home to work in war factories, thus effectively eroding woman's historic role as the "heart" of the family. The sanctity of the family itself was placed in jeopardy. Life in America was so thoroughly changed that, according to Norman Dodd, "the trustees had the brashness to congratulate themselves on the wisdom and validity of their original decision." They sent a confidential message to President Wilson, insisting that the war not be ended too quickly. Carnegie trustee Cleveland H. Dodge, one of Wilson's financial supporters, had direct access to the President, as did Elihu Root, Endowment president from 1910 to 1925.
After the War, the Carnegie Endowment trustees reasoned that if they could get control of education in the United States, they would be able to prevent a return to the way of life as it had been prior to the war; and they recruited the Rockefeller Foundation to assist in such a monumental task. According to Dodd, "They divided the task in parts, giving to the Rockefeller Foundation the responsibility of altering education u>> as it pertains to domestic subjects, but Carnegie retained the task of altering our education in foreign affairs and about international relations." The foundations decided that the most effective method of achieving this goal would be by altering American History, so they awarded grants, fellowships and scholarships to those professors and historians who would rewrite American history and promote one-worldism, humanism and socialism. By the early '30s, the well-laid plans of the foundation trustees had reached fruition, and a Reece Committee staff report concluded:
(1) that there had indeed been a non-bloody revolution in America between 1933 and 1936;
(2) that a certain few foundations had funded efforts to change the beliefs of the American people through education and propaganda; and
(3) that these revolutionary changes had been accepted without resistance.
To demonstrate how thoroughly American opinion had been changed according to the plan of the foundations, we cite the following historical example: At the end of World War I, Woodrow Wilson and his shadowy alter-ego "Colonel" Edward M. House tried to sell the U.S. Senate and the American people on the idea of the League of Nations. This was, of course, the first concerted international effort towards a one world government.
Wilson and House failed in their mission; but a generation later, after another great war and much re-education via college International Relations Clubs, international studies educational grants and the like, the Senate and the people readily accepted membership in the United Nations.
Roosevelt's foreign policy advisor Alger Hiss helped write the U.N. Charter in which the Soviet Union was given three votes in the General Assembly and the United States only one; and then, before his perjury conviction for lying about his Soviet espionage activities, he went on to become president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Chairman Reece expressed justifiable rage when he described what was happening as a "diabolical conspiracy." The conspirators had left little to chance.
Steve, the violence coming that Beck referred to was likely in response to Louis Farrakhan's threat that violence akin to that on the streets in the Egypt revolution "will be coming to America's streets soon," as well as the known street violence committed in the 1960's by people who are now close friends and supporters of Barack Obama---Bill Ayers, for instance. Just because Beck tells of incidents of historical violence doesn't mean he endorses or advocates the same. Neither did Sharon Angle advocate violence. You've provided no factual documentation for your accusations and opinions presented as facts on this issue.
Further, what you've presented here proves that Beck advocates rejection of violence. Surely, you know how the left's politics of personal destruction machine works and how they went after Beck by going after advertisers on his show. They've thrown all kinds of propaganda and mud at Beck, in the hopes that it would stick. It's the same way they go after any conservative who has a widespread audience for what they have to say. Sarah Palin is a perfect example of a person attacked by the hate-speech spewing leftist smear machine. Now, they've started to go after Donald Trump, trying to smear him on a personal level... and that's already coming out of the Obama political machine. They did it to Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Meg Whitman... and, most of all to George W. Bush. They will continue to do it to any conservative that they perceive to be a threat.
Tamara, Glenn Beck is an Independent; Sharon Angle is a Republican, I seriously doubt either of them have advocated taking anything violent "to the streets." Both commented following media coverage of Louis Farrakhan's warning/threat to Americans that violence, like that in the streets during the uprising against Mubarek in Egypt, "will be coming to the streets of America soon." The only other person I've heard about who has said anything like that was a Democrat member of the U.S. House of Representatives, who said things "might have to get little bloody." No Republican or Independent I know of has said anything even approaching that.
Also, no one has been disenfranchised but the Republican members of Congress who were blocked from fully participating in the legislative process---and the American people who elected them to be the people's voice in government. Those Republican members of Congress were blocked for four years, by the Democrats who controlled Congress during that entire period, from fully doing the jobs that Americans elected them to do on their behalf. Democrats changed the rules under which Representatives and Senators operate in Congress, so they could shut out all opposition. In so doing, they disenfranchised conservative members of Congress and the people who elected them.
I believe that when people take to the streets, it will be for the same reason as people are taking to the streets all over the world: income stagnation, unemployment, rising food costs, rising gas prices and rising utilities. it's universal.
As for the Citizens United ruling, we should all at least acknowledge that big corporations are running this country; tell me this: why didn't Rick Scott allow the state of Florida to join in a federal lawsuit to get loss of revenue (tax dollars) caused by the BP oil spill? Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana are in; why aren't we? So we can "negotiate" a settlement? Hey! Great position of strength from which to negotiate without a lawsuit hanging over their heads.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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