Shirley Sherrod is another victim of a White House Administration that uses surface information, micromanagement and thuggery to get their way.

In the last two years, this administration and Congress has used this type of leadership to push through legislation, failed to understand the consequences of the bills and used thuggery to get the votes they needed to further their ideology.

What happened to Shirley is a terrible thing and we hope she will find restitution in the fact that she has been exonerated and made whole again.

What happened to America and We the People will forever change the way we live our lives and we are still waiting for an apology from this administration and Congress.

They have pushed through way too many bills we do not want and they have put us further into debt against our wishes.

One example is the massive healthcare bill that was passed without fully understanding the consequences and without reading it. Ideology instead of cold hard facts permeated the passing of this bill. The people did not want the healthcare bill to be passed without reading it first. We expected our representatives and our President to fully understand the implications of their decision to pass this huge entitlement program. They did not take the time to do so and just like Shirley, we were faced with thuggery of the worst kind on the American people.

We stood outside the halls of Congress and begged them to read the bill and to stop and take the time to know what was in it. Instead of listening, carefully reading and understanding the implications of their vote, they walked through the crowd with a mallet in their hand and shunned the American people.

Nancy Pelosi said, “We need to pass the bill so you can know what’s in it.” Well Ms. Pelosi – we now know what’s in it and it is horrible. It will ruin the best healthcare system in the world and the reason it passed is because you and others used that mallet to get your way. Thuggery leadership is the norm in Washington, DC and you and our other leaders use it well.

We know Thuggery Leadership played a major role in the passing of this bill and many others too.

Thuggery leadership never wins. It might for a while but it does not last long term. As a coach to leaders, when we see this type of leadership on an executive team, we have two options:

1. Develop a Leadership Development program for the executive

2. Fire the executive

Most CEOs will choose option #1 and will invest in their people to salvage their careers. Choice #2 shows up when the executive fails to change.

When the CEO, himself, is the thug – this becomes a more difficult experience. When we realize it is actually the CEO who is the issue, we share with them how they are coming across, what the consequences of this type of leadership will do for them and their company and what they need to do to change. If the CEO wants to change – they usually do because they see the devastation this behavior is having on their business and their bottom line. If the CEO does not want to change and does not see he is wrong, we fire the CEO as a client because there is no reason for us to be there.

In this past week, Thuggery Leadership has come to the front of the American stage and it is time for all of us to stand up and demand change.

The NAACP used Thuggery Leadership to slam the Tea Party Movement and we did not fall for it. We knew we were not racists and we stood up and said, “Enough.”

The White House used Thuggery Leadership on Shirley Sherrod and she held her head high, told the truth and said “Enough.”

Whites, blacks, browns, and all colors of the American people deserve better leadership. Thuggery Leadership in America is not working and it is time for all of us to stand up and say “Enough.”

As your coach, We the People see some changes this Administration and Congress can make to right the wrongs and change how they are leading us. Those changes are:

1. Read our founding documents and focus on the blood that has been shed and the sacrifices made by so many to create a free America. Remember the pledge you made to uphold those documents – so help you God.

2. Hold yourselves accountable to each other and the American people by keeping your promises – not to special interests – but to the contract we have with you…the Constitution. Stop manipulating it and shoving it aside to pass legislation that you or your buddies want.

3. Apologize to the American people and ask our forgiveness for this shameful behavior. We are a cool country because we will forgive you IF you show real change in your behaviors moving forward.

4. Stop passing legislation without sitting down together, fully understanding the consequences, putting aside your own personal agendas and stop taking bribes and money from special interest groups.

5. Stop apologizing to foreign countries about our way of life. We have had enough of that and it is time to stand up and say how great we are – because we are.

6. Focus on the real issues at hand and get us out of this mess that YOU created. We did not create it – you did. Be a man and admit you caused this problem and stop blaming others. A great leader admits mistakes and does everything possible to make them right.

7. Listen to us. Answer your phones and sit down and listen to our calls and concerns. Stop sending form letters that do not even address the real concerns. Do not use your boot or your mallet on the America people anymore. Try using a word of encouragement to us who love this country and a strong arm against those who hate us.

If you can follow these simple guidelines, you can keep your jobs. You will be better leaders and you will find the American people will follow your lead.

If you cannot follow these seven guidelines, we will fire you. That is our only option and we will use it.

We have faith in you and are an optimistic people so we are praying that you will heed our message. It will be easier on you and on us if you do so. And, candidly, Thuggery Leadership has no place in America and serves no good purpose.

Will you listen to us this time? Will you make the changes necessary to save this great country from debt, despair and depression?

We are counting on you and counting down the days to November 2nd too. That is the day we will determine if you can continue to lead us and if you have made the changes necessary to Serve the People instead of harm the people. May God Save the USA.

Views: 27


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Comment by Realworld on July 22, 2010 at 3:23pm
Please go to the video and watch the entire video. Not just the part you want to. You will see that she says that she " did not give hime the full force of what she could do" she contunues and says she was wrong and realized that it was not a black vs white thing, it was rich against poor. If you can not understand what she meant, then you are shallower than you appear. Dont take things out of context. Remember there are others out there that want you to think with your emotions and not with your brains. These organizations exist through hate and if they can get a knee jerk reaction out of you, you will make the organizations that you belong to look bad. Please view the link
Comment by Realworld on July 22, 2010 at 3:14pm
OK, now I feel that I have to chime in. First of all Shirley Sherrod is no where near a racist. Please look up the definition of racist. Secondly she grew up in Baker County GA and the police there were famous for killing black people. Her own father was killed by a white person. That being said even though she had bigotted thoughts when she was young, in her speach she said that as she began to work with the white farmer, she began to realize that it was not a black vs white thing, it was a poor vs rich thing. Paraphrasing this now. This is the moment in her life when she realized that many of the bigotted thoughts she had in her younger years had no basis. she continues on about how people of little means need to work harder to get out of the position they are in ....... I actually watched the entire speach and think that it is a shame that she was assulted like this and I think all of America should learn from this knee jerk reaction. We may have permanently lost an individual who could make a positive difference in an individuals life and she may be replaced by someone who would not be as professional as she is. I really hope Shirley Sherrod decides to return to her position.
Comment by H W Schroeder AXCS(AW) USNRET on July 22, 2010 at 12:06pm
Isn't this an interesting chain of events? Let's go back and review some things first. Obama 'knee jerked' over the Cambridge Police incident calling the police action there 'stupid'; then after the Ft Hood incident they called it 'an isolated incident' (another 'knee jerk'); and NOW this administration wants us to believe that obama had no direct involvement or how high
'up the food chain' the involvement was in the firing of Sherrod or was it simply another 'knee jerk'? Is the term used by Gibbs 'incomplete information' the same as a 'knee jerk'?
Comment by Harvey Fry on July 22, 2010 at 11:17am
Shirley Sherrod doesn't appear to be a racist, but if you listen to the rest of the story, she is a public employee who feels free to decide which citizens she'll help and it's still "about black & white". We, the taxpayers, should not feel comfortable with an unelected bureaucrat deciding which customer she decides to help. The status of privileged customer being determined by income is only slightly less egregious than selection by race.
Comment by Marjorie Lapinsky on July 22, 2010 at 10:13am
I couldn't agree more Steven...
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on July 22, 2010 at 10:04am
It is my belief that we are past the coaching stage of this process and need to move on to the firing stage. You can paint a pack of wolves what ever color you wish but under the paint there is still a wolf and it will not change what comes naturally to it and that is to work individualy or as a pack to bring down its prey. A pack of political thugs and union wolves have infiltrated our system of government. As a nation it is our duty to become the hunter and seek out these wolves and eleminate them. Then and only then can we place a carefully selected and well trained group of protectors or (watch dogs if you will) into place. After all isn't it the purpose of our elected officials to watch over the intrest of the people. It is not their place to control, it is to be controlled. United we stand, divided we fall it is just that simple. It is time that the Tea Party put together a carefully selected list of candidates that have the intrest of the people in mind and back those candidates with all the members the party can muster.
Comment by susan godby on July 22, 2010 at 9:48am
absolutely right marjorie, anyone that brings up the color of another person due to their own ability or lack thereof to pursue the american dream needs to be fired. we the people are tired of the "dysfunctional" 80's rhetoric of "its someone elses fault excuses are old. if you dont have the credit worthiness to borrow money dont worry, fannie and freddie will foot the bill - oh yeah, thats you and me having our pockets emptied. time to repeal the 16th amendment.
Comment by Marjorie Lapinsky on July 22, 2010 at 8:44am
Shirley Sherrod does not deserve to hold the position that she had. Her bias and inability to make a fair decision for a person holding her postion is obvious when you listen to Ms. Sherrod, HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I agree with the METHOD of ousting her...there should have been due process....I DO think she got a lot of what conservative voices have been getting for years...the sack...and I wouldn't be surprised if she gets her "restitution"...she's been known to sue before...and who will end up footing that bill....
Comment by Paloma Patnode on July 22, 2010 at 8:39am
I doubt if the leaders who do not even take the time to read a bill will take the time to re-read (I know at one time they all had to read it in school) the constitution.
Comment by Daniel R. Carr on July 22, 2010 at 5:43am
"Thuggery" is a way of life for the Chicago Cabal that's in power now. The amazing thing is that nobody (except you, me, and the Tea Party members) knew what this guy was - is the country SOOOOOOOOOOO stooooooopid to not see it??
Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, his other friends, associates, and appointees, together with his own bald-faced statements about "Fundamental Transformation" of MY country were clear indications to me that this was a Socialist or WORSE. Sadly, the "WORSE" is the case.
Thank God for the Tea Party Movement.
See youse in D.C. !!

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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