New leaders are emerging in America as the voices of the people rise to fever pitch over the destruction of the nation.
No single voice resonates more clearly, honestly and resolutely than Star Parker's, who is visiting Jacksonville this week for the First Coast Tea Party's Tax Day rally.
The author, columnist, lecturer, commentator, activist, woman, mother exemplifies all that America embodies. When young people look around for a role model, they need not look any farther than Star Parker.

Parker, Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., Sarah Palin, Republican vice presidential candidate in 2008, and Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., stand among the brightest conservative voices in the country.
Parker's writing is superb and bursts forth from her indomitable character, her words pour from within her soul and are guided by her faith and experience. Her thoughts and opinions are like molten lava that scalds the scoundrels and solidify into rock-solid truth.
Molly Brown pales in comparison to the "Unsinkable Star Parker."
Parker is the founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal & Education, a 501(c)3 nonprofit think tank that provides "a national voice of reason on issues of race and poverty in the media, inner city neighborhoods and public policy."
Parker's life experiences shaped her life. She was a single welfare mother in Los Angeles when her star began to rise and shine brightly on behalf of all her fellow Americans, particularly families,
children and the poor. Her work is inspiring.
Parker embraced Christianity and returned to college, earning a bachelor's degree in marketing. She launched an urban Christian magazine.
But, the 1992 Los Angeles riots destroyed her business. After years of struggle and hard work, she refused to be defeated. She reached a turning point in her life as the business disaster served as a "springboard" for her focus on faith and market-based alternatives to empower the lives of the poor.
As a social policy consultant, Parker gives regular testimony before Congress and is a blistering commentator on most television and radio shows across the country. She writes for many major
She is now a "tell it like it is" syndicated columnist for Scripps Howard News Service. She has a weekly column on her Web site:
Many black conservatives have been scorned by other blacks as "Uncle Toms" over the years if they appeared to be siding with conservatives or even suggesting life exists outside the Democratic Party or paternal Big Government.
Parker has been irreverent in written and vocal attacks on government incompetence, immorality and dishonesty.
Her three books not only rose to challenge the government caretakers and social failures, but have exploded like dynamite inside a dark cave of corruption and government slavery. Her autobiography "Pimps, Whores & Welfare Brats" was released in 1997 by Pocket Books, "Uncle
Sam's Plantation" was released by Thomas Nelson in the fall of 2003, and "White Ghetto: How Middle Class America Reflects Inner City Decay" was released in 2006.
Recently, Parker announced she is running for Congress. She is running uncontested in the Republican Primary for California's 37th congressional district. This seat is now held by Democrat, Laura Richardson.
In her announcement, Parker targeted the blunders of Washington and government waste. She said all her efforts over the past 25 years have been "aimed to deliver one basic message: That the barrier between America's chronically poor and the American dream is the welfare state
socialism which was supposed to be our answer to poverty."
"As a young woman I was on welfare myself. I saw from inside the perverse and destructive culture it created. A dehumanized culture of dependence and irresponsibility that encourages behavior exactly the opposite of what a successful life demands," she said.
The Democrats' "Great Society" of the 1960's was a failure, she said.
"The result speaks for itself. Fifty years and a trillion plus dollars in spending after President Johnson announced the War on Poverty, poverty rates are unchanged."
She said, "We've totally reversed the direction we started in after we reformed welfare in 1996. ..
"The leaders of many of our largest corporations, whose founders were among our nation's great entrepreneurs, are now bureaucrats content to bargain away our nation's future, happy to play ball with government, if it means carving out politically protected profits for themselves.
"The government health care takeover which has just been forced on an unhappy America could not have happened without the cooperation of our large pharmaceutical firms and insurance companies. They should be ashamed of themselves. ...
"It's estimated that our national debt plus unfunded obligations of Social Security and Medicare is now $100 trillion. As with the health care bill, those holding power in Washington will try to deal with this through even greater tax increases and expansion of government - sealing for good the welfare state transformation of America," Parker said.
She is running in a district considered "safe" for Democrats. "But this year no Democrat representing low income Americans should feel safe peddling the same plantation policies that already have produced our broken schools, broken families, and broken spirits. Now they're bringing these bankrupt ideas to the whole country."
Parker is outspoken on many fronts in her writings, including these pugnacious punches:
Health Care "Reform"
"Democrats have just committed multitrillions of our money, and, as a bonus, sold a big chunk of American freedom down the road, betting that everything a college freshman learns in basic economics is not true. Or, that health care doesn't follow the rules of economics. ... "Or, maybe they don't care? Maybe it's not about economics, but about ideology and political power. And that the real issue is freedom. They think we've got too much and that politicians should decide what is
fair and who should have what." ...
"And, another bonus, as more Americans get herded onto the government plantation -- 30 million more with this new bill -- it's easy to keep them there. So the most likely political outcome going forward is higher taxes and income redistribution to pay for it all, entrenching socialism more.
As I have written before, if you want to know where it all leads, look at our inner cities that were long ago taken over by government compassion. This is our future, my fellow Americans."
Black Economics
"Certainly, there's reason for pride in black achievement in the forty plus years since the Civil Rights movement. We've now got a couple black billionaires and a black president. The percentage of blacks with college degrees is three times greater now than in 1970.
But black household income is still just 62% of white households. And the black poverty rate, at twice the national average, has hardly budged since the late 1960's. ...
The accumulation of considerable black political power - black mayors, governors, a 42-member Black Congressional Caucus, and now a black president - has made hardly a difference. It should be clear that black economic distress is not a political problem. Studies show that it's family and education that produces success in America. Income correlates with education and education correlates with family background." ...
"Post-Civil Rights movement black leaders sought redemption in politics. The welfare state, entitlements, transfer payments, and the politics of differences and envy. Should we be surprised by the result?"
"Two Gallup polls, one done in May and one done in August [2009], showed higher percentages identifying as "pro-life" than "pro-choice." The opposite had been true in all previous years since Gallup first started doing this survey in 1995. But the bad news is that another year has gone by as our nation allowed more than a million innocent unborn children to be brutally murdered -- some 50 million since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973.
It somehow doesn't compute that we are horrified watching the bloodbath that has occurred in Haiti, the result of the cold, inscrutable hand of nature. Yet we are willing to tolerate the ongoing holocaust that takes place in our own country -- a holocaust perpetrated by conscious human choice. ...
"Meanwhile, as Mr. Obama and his Democrat cohorts on Capitol Hill -- alleged champions of 'choice' -- engineer this massive government [health care] intrusion on how every American chooses to conduct his or her private affairs, they have pushed open the door for federal
dollars to pay for abortion. ...
"Democrats are pushing us in a perverse direction. They want to deny our personal freedoms while expanding our capability to murder our unborn children."
"Republicans are mad. But will they be able to entice Americans off the ever-growing government plantation? Will they propose and succeed in selling the bold ideas necessary to turn the basket case we're becoming around?"
If you are seeking some hard-nosed, yet spirited and sincere truth, you will find it in the words and persona of Star Parker.
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