Upcoming Events August 27th-August 31st
Monday 27th:
ARLINGTON COMMUNITY GROUP MEETING. University Park Branch Library -6:30-830 PM
“Medicare and the Scare”
Tuesday 28th:
Susan B. Anthony – Women Speak out Bus Tour
Riverside Park – 12 Noon-1:30PM
Come hear Dr. Alveda King speak out against abortion and Obamas extreme team
Wednesday 29th:
*Voter Registration: House of Fleas on Blanding Blvd
*PAWS Meeting 5-6PM
*Research/Education/Writing Team meeting:
FCTP Office 6:00-8:00 PM
Thursday 30th:
Lunch Bunch at the FCTP Office – 12 Noon-1:00PM
Friday 31st:
Pop-Up-Patriots: Friday Facts – Sign Waiving
See your Community Group Leader for information
Additionally, please note the following: While these are not FCTP Events they are opportunities to get involved and to make a difference in the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN OUR LIFETIME
The Republican Party needs help with phone banking and the following offices and hours are available
Duval County Victory Headquarters*
4963 Beach Blvd.
Beaches Romney Victory Headquarters
1517 Atlantic Blvd. Suite 5
Neptune Beach, FL
Next to the Tax Collector's office
Mandarin Romney Victory Headquarters
10210 San Jose Blvd. North of I 295 on the west side of San Jose
• September 1st: “Together We Win” Meeting the candidates at the First Conservative Baptist Church in Mandarin. From 2:00PM – 5:00PM
• September 11th: “Tampa 9/11 Rally” (Tampa School Board) A State wide rally and press conference demanding a policy to ban CAIR from the classroom
• September 14th: Plans still in process... The Tea Party Express Bus is planning a stop in St. Augustine
• September 17th: CONSITUTION DAY CELEBRATION AT THE FCTP OFFICE. We will welcome new members, have the Gun Raffle Drawing, Feast on All American Hot Dogs, and have a short educational program.
• September 30th: Plans still in process. The FCTP will have a showing of Atlas Shrugged I in preparation for the release of Atlas Shrugged II on October 12th.
As information is received on the above opportunities for member engagement an event will be created and specific information provide under the EVENTS TAB on the FCTP Web Site. Please refer to the actual event for information.
Work continues within the FCTP on many of the following areas. If you are interested please call the office and we will provide you with specific individuals to contact to join in and help.
• The Pastor Outreach Program
• Poll Watcher and Poll Worker registration
• Neighborhood Walking
These three areas are in critical need of support if we are going to make an impact at the voting booths.
I encourage everyone to identify the Community Group in the area that you live and to go to their monthly meeting, learn about what is going on in your tea party and find out how to engage. There are many opportunities and we have many needs.
By the time you get this there will be about 73 days to the election. Have you done all that you can do?
God Bless you and may God Bless our America
Jean, yes you will. We will sell them until 6:45 PM.. Thank you so much for asking. Leanne
Leanne -- If we're coming to the Constitution Day Celebration at the FCTP office on 9/17, will we have time to buy a raffle ticket for the handgun before it's raffled off?
Thanks Marty, and my fingers go much too fast on here sometimes so I need to find a way to get spell check out here.. :)
Thanks for schedule - be sure to note that FRI August 31st will be "Sign Waving" - we're not waiving anything yet!
The Arlington Group is now getting ready to work the Precincts again and register and educate and help recruit new Patriots who will actually work the precincts to get out the vote and win this election. Everything at this time other than these efforts is a distraction of our efforts to get rid of the Marxist Barrack Hussein Obama and his group of cronies. We are looking for some people who will start to work at the local libraries registering voters and who would like join us in this effort. We are now putting together the lists of all the residents of our precincts. We are and will be the most effective organization in Florida to again return Florida and this great country the United States of America to a state of admiration by the entire world. If you want the change you have to , come to our meeting this Monday evening at the library on University Avenue. 6:00pm
Tom Wing Arlington Group. 904 651 6163 thomashwing@yahoo.com
Thanks Leanne......................
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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