What happened to that morning coffee moment where your thoughts were filled with what to make for Sunday dinner, was your fishing license expired, or what to do for your spouses upcoming birthday?  Though your world was not perfect it was your world and that was o.k.

     Or at least it was until early in 2008; sitting in my kayak on Trout Creek hoping to catch a nice bass or at least a decent crappie, wondering if I had the right color bait on my line to even catch anything.  Listening to the radio watching the water ripple as the bait hit the surface; my world was unraveling and I didn’t even know it.  The morning routine of coffee and watching Katie Couric came crashing down when suddenly, like Alice in Wonderland, nothing was as it seemed and everything was wrong.  How did I sense the wrongness?  Was it that guy called Neal Boortz, or perhaps the one my husband listened to, Rush Limbaugh?  Either way, I knew something was wrong.

     Like many of you, my journey that began with a feeling and has brought me to a place where life can never return to those coffee moments or, for me, at least not to the state of ignorant bliss I once lived in.  I found my way to the First Coast Tea Party, learned about city councils, mayors, senators, congressmen, and legislation.  Along the way I lost a father, lost a grandson, made some beautiful friendships, parted ways with some who were called friends, and found a country on fire from within.

     What was my part in all of this and what could I do as one person to have any impact?  Just as surreal as it was to “wake-up” to this new reality was the journey I have been on since that cool February morning.  From a rally in Washington, D.C. with over one million new friends in liberty to knocking on stranger's doors to talk to people about a candidate running for city council.  From full time volunteer to part-time office work at the First Coast Tea Party to full time field coordinator for Americans For Prosperity.  I am scared, worried, and don’t know what the future holds; but I do know that I am not in control, God is and with that I have faith!

     I am writing to you on this day, at this moment in our nations history in hopes that we can work together to extinguish, or at least get under control, the flames that are burning this exceptional nation from within. The leadership at the First Coast Tea Party has been pulling the engine uphill and it has become quite heavy.  We need that engine to go full speed Will you stand with me as volunteer firefighters to save these United States of America? Americans For Prosperity has both the resources and tools to "do" something right now and with the leadership and membership of the First Coast Tea Party together we can make a difference here at ground zero in Florida; Duval County.

    Shall we work to put the fires out together now so that on the morning of November 7th we can sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee, or tea, with family and friends with the knowledge that we did ALL that we could.


Debbie G.







Views: 669


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Comment by Debbie G on June 28, 2012 at 8:50pm
And grand children. . .
Comment by Debbie G on June 28, 2012 at 8:49pm
Addressing questions: my only motivation was to unite. We all have different perspectives, but I trust we all desire a better future for our children. . .
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 28, 2012 at 8:34pm

Billy, by dinner time the Romney donations were up over 2 million and now they are talking a huge increase in millions.  The time has come as they say and the health care law is going to kill all businesses even those run by somewhat liberal business men :).                   oh well, the screw has now turned I would say.  Obama might have won his defeat so to speak.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 28, 2012 at 8:30pm

Ken, I agree.  Kagan and Thomas have not one thing to do with one another.  Kagan was directly involved in legislation and then, did not recuse when the same issue came before the court.  Justice Thomas' wife had a job.  He had nothing to do with her job, and you can believe he knows what conversations he can and can't have about her involvement with her job.  He was not directly involved and has enough ethics to be very sure he never crosses that line.  Kagan was DIRECTLY involved in the legal defence of something that came before the supreme court and should have recused herself....................it's apples and oranges!

Comment by Billy Bowlegs on June 28, 2012 at 7:28pm

Debbie G.


Some thoughts I gleaned out of several comments I read and heard on TV


The good news is that the Commerce Clause was actually constrained a bit, and that as a tax, that means Obamacare can be repealed in the next Congress with only 51 votes in the Senate via reconciliation as a budget measure rather than facing the hurdle of a 60 vote filibuster rule.

We seemed to jump back 3.5 years with the "Whoa be unto us" routine of chatter after the .

Summary:  “The good news is that the Commerce Clause was actually constrained a bit, and that as a tax, that means Obamacare can be repealed in the next Congress with only 51 votes in the Senate via reconciliation as a budget measure rather than facing the hurdle of a 60 vote filibuster rule.”

If you play chess you have to set the stage for winning every time. You have to have a strategic plan. Obama is in Office without a strategic plan. There may have been one up to his election, but he has turned color on all of his big time backers. Let us analyze events.

1) Romney Campaign reported around 2 PM a $1,000,000 donation input from early AM until 2 PM today.

2) Roberts read the tale of MANDATE vs Interstate Commerce and ruled Mandate with TAX Connotations.  This is a death blow to Obama campaign - he said no new taxes too many times.

3) One commentator recognizes that when Romney gets in the seat, he has stated he will repeal Obomacare the first day.

4) If he does, the senate only needs 51 votes and not 60, and the filibuster option no longer exists.

5) Roberts smirked while talking. I read his smirk to mean to Obama, nasty decision now, but a  nastier resolution will be coming your way after ROMNEY.

6) If you leave Obamacare as a Mandate and taxable to the people, who are they going to vote for - ROMNEY - you got it. They will thumb their noses at Obozo. 

(He is now taxing his own people that voted for him and he told them he would not tax them).

Had Obozocare been sundowned by Roberts, Obozo could have said look at Whitie, taking the medications away from poor little helpless food stamp dope adicts.

Vote for me and I will correct it again, and again. As it is, the mandate is in and taxes all the people; and obozocare is not sundowned.

But, note 51 votes required now to stop it and not 60.

One way to walk around Dirty harry and the houdinie congress he manages.

7) Had Obozo-law been sundowned, business would put the signs in the window (since they will not be saddled with OBOZOCare)  that reads: HELP WANTED.

But, as it is, they will hold until after November 2012 and make the HELP WANTED Decision with signs in the windows. 

Meantime, those carrying the WORK WANTED Signs will most probably vote ROMNEY or REPUBLICAN in the event ROMNEY is not nominated (which still exists).

8) The down side of all of this: Romney decides to ask RUBIO. He re-opens a large wound that is healing somewhat about "eligibility being that of a "natural born citizen"" and the wounded want no more disgrace to our Constitution and will probably carry their votes elsewhere. (Rubio born in 1971 with his father being naturalized in 1975 - see Naturalization file on internet).


Nothing against Rubio, just want to keep a Constitution with original intent.  Not some poor interpretation.


That leads to one last ditch effort that can be done by a tea party.

The 10th Amendment reads:  If allocated to the FEDS it is the FEDS; else it is the states (and if the states do not act) it is the people.

Obozo case in Tallahassee on eligibility:  The Lawyer for the SOE moved for dismissal on the fact that the Democratic Party has not nominated Obama yet; and, the SOE has a minstreal duty to take the money and stamp the ballot.

The Lawyers for OBOZO said that the Federals did not have any requirement to vett obama on the Florida Ballot.

So we have a situation of Not being the Feds, and the State of Florida renegs on its responsibility under Constitutional Law (Uphold the Constitution of the US - clause "natural born citizen" means born of two parents who were citizens before a child was born!)  Since Florida publishes that they hae reneged on their duty; the Constituion then defaults to "WE THE PEOPLE" have the responsibility to VETT Obama. 

We being plural, if all NF TP would sign an order to the Governor of Florida to remove and/ or not permit Obama to be on the 2012 Ballot until such time that he can prove who he is, then we WIN and Obama Looses.

Would this be something you would want to do.


Comment by Debbie G on June 28, 2012 at 4:29pm

Amanda, we are all tired of the divisiveness and misinformation and there definitely is no shortage of talking points.  However, we have become an educated electorate and for that reason when we post statements it is only a responsible expectation to either cite the source or call it an opinion.

Comment by amanda choate on June 28, 2012 at 3:09pm

Ken the recusal you seek from Kagen could be argued from the other side in Clarence Thomas, whose wife collected 1.5 million dollars in income from those opposed to this measure.

Comment by Debbie G on June 28, 2012 at 2:55pm

Many of us, myself included, have been asleep, but are now awake and though things may not change as quickly or go in an absolute direction it remains that if we do not find some degree of commonality to unite under to ensure this person in the White House is retired in November, we all lose. 

What is the most probable outcome in November should we fail to unite?  I pray we don't have to explain this to our grandchildren.

Comment by Bill Pezzutti on June 28, 2012 at 12:38pm

"No taxation without representation". The court, today, permitted the expansion of government in any shape or form through the taxation mechanism. The taxation burden on the average american will increase exponentially with the affirmation of this law and the dismantling of the Bush tax breaks in January. It is time to stand up an be counted. It is time to take back our government from the "Statist" that currently occupy the the government in Washington. If ever we need the full weight and power of the Tea Party it is now. We need to mobilize to win back the White House, take control of the Senate, and exspand the majority in the house. However, that is not enough!!! Our government needs to be restructured at every level of the governmental bureaucracy. We need to get rid of the multi - layered bureaucrats that control our government. Change starts at the top but the whole structure needs to shrink. With the hlep of God we can get it done. It will take our time, talent, and treasure. It is time to be counted.

Comment by Kristin Baker on June 28, 2012 at 12:34pm
I couldn't have put it better. Gone are the days of ignorant Bliss.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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