Out here in America, we are watching the worst of the worst in our Nation’s capitol. The debate between “both sides of the aisle” took a dive as our children watched adults scream, yell, throw fits and call the others names. It was not just embarrassing; it was heartbreaking to realize thuggish teenagers were in charge of the greatest nation in the world.
Joe Biden, the media and all the other talking heads in DC have once again used bullying tactics instead of professional debating techniques in their negotiations. Calling someone names is a sign of weakness and you think they would know that. But again we think they should know a lot of things such as the rule of law and other simple things like that and they don’t.
We’ve been called ignorant, racists, hobbits and the most recent one – terrorists. Their name calling would be considered bullying outside the bubble of DC. (Fyi… – the American people are outside the DC bubble and when you speak words of hate, you send them to us wrapped up in hopelessness and frustration.) The irony of all this is those who called Tea Party Members “terrorists” are the same ones who write speeches, pass legislation and create programs for anti-bullying campaigns. For instance, did you know:
In all their speeches, seminars and videos, they tell those who are being bullied to Stand Up and Tell Someone. So here we are.
The Tea Party Members in DC and out here in America are standing up and telling you that calling us names such as racists, hobbits and terrorists must stop and it must stop now. Name calling is bullying and in the words of Vice President Biden, “you are the inferior ones” for using these tactics.
If Joe called me today, I would ask him this question: Would you call your mother a terrorist? Do you know how many mothers and grandmothers are involved in the Tea Party Movement of America? From our research, we believe at least a million. Most of them are white-haired, sweet women who knit, cook for their families and bake pies for sick friends. They worked hard all their lives. They took care of their families without asking you to do anything for them. They sacrificed sons to fight your wars. They set up organizations to help the military, the homeless and battered women. They drove neighborhood children to soccer practice and they broke up fights between friends on the school yard. They saved for their retirement and trusted the government to give back their Social Security benefits taken out of their paychecks all those years. When they saw our country in financial ruin, they stood up to their government and said “Enough of that, boys. We have to clean up this mess.”
Calling Grandma a terrorist is about as low as one can go, Joe. If we lived in times when men were men, you would be taken to the woodshed for this behavior and then made to apologize. The media would be standing in line to get their punishment too for inciting hate instead of reporting news as a real journalist would do. The media would issue an apology and the one who called Grandma a terrorist would be suspended.
The Tea Party is comprised of great American patriots who are deeply concerned about the welfare of our country and have a right to speak up about their concerns. Just because you don’t like what they have to say doesn’t mean you resort to name-calling.
As Obama said, “As a nation, we're founded on the belief that all of us are equal and each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of happiness." The Tea Party is pursuing a long held standard of American “entitlements” which are: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Too bad you are uncomfortable with these entitlements – they are ours and we plan to protect them. Got that?
Children watch adults and imitate them. Our children are watching you and what they are seeing is disgusting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xlaAkD15Gk
Here’s a thought: How about being a better role model for the future generation.
First, it’s the right thing to do.
Second, real men apologize.
A sincere apology is in order. The Tea Party Grandmas in America deserve nothing less. We await your call.
Patricia, it seems as though you are the one who seeks to continue a program that is ruinous to our national security. Why or how social security is drained does not matter to me a whit. If you are saying it happened prior to 1968, during Johnson's term then I definitely have no interest in how or why as those years predated my very existence. But now I and my kids are being asked to foot the bill for you while you slept 40 years ago, while we dallied in Vietnam. Nevertheless, I reference Medicare, also a program that predates my birth, which I am now being asked to fund for the next 30 years with no prospect of it being there when I might need it.
There used to be a company called MIC that was a division of GMAC and they offered credit life and disability to borrowers on autos sold by GM dealers. They were among the most agressive companies out there. There were no age limits for policyholders whereas the rest of the industry often stopped making the productive available once a person reached 64.5 years of age.
Well as you might guess MIC sold a boatload of contracts, but their age spread was skewed towards a much older policyholder. As a result they incurred losses that forced them to eventually stop selling the product in the mid 1990's. It was a loser. The same is true for Medicare, the biggest problem for Medicare is that all the people in it are old, sick or infirmed. And of course that we have never sat down as country and said we have to either pay for this or end it. If you want to save Medicare there are only four ways.
1. Fund it no matter what it costs, it is worth it to serve our seniors.
2. Don't fund it and don't worry about it. ( The current plan. )
3. Save it by killing it.
4. Give everyone the chance to be in Medicare, have people be able to buy their insurance coverage through Medicare. Then the risk pool is expanded, more healthy people, an mathematically possible outcome. But that is government takeover of healthcare which can't possibly work for us, unless you think not paying for something is working.
So Patricia upbraid me all you like, my drumbeat shall remain undiminished. Call me names, I do not care. The facts are on my side. Sooner or later we have to deal with the facts. I will not be a victim. I know full well what the possible outcomes are. 40+ years from now I will not be weeping that there is no Medicare for me because someone stole money from it or didn't want to pay for it. But please do not expect me to sit on the sidelines as you evidently did in the 60's as Social security was robbed and do and say nothing.
Likewise, Amanda.
Any relation to Sherry and Dale?
Be well
Dvora, in you I have a compatriot.
Just simple math:
If - - -
Your outgo exceeds
Your income
Your upkeep is
Your downfall!!
Our upkeep is an outrageous burden!
Not on us so much as our children.
I thought there were laws against child labor.
And child abuse. And stealing. And ...........................
There is just one more thing. It is time for tea party members to stop playing the victim card. We have all been around long enough to know better. And it is not us versus them, it is all us. At the end of the day we are all Americans and we will have to pay whatever the bill is no matter whose idea it was to spend it. And we are all on the home team. Dems, libs, progressives it doesn't matter, they are on the home team too. And it seems a lot smarter to me to woo rather than villify. If we choose to make others enemies, we lose. If we make them our rightfull opponent then we win no matter.
We speak of compromise as though it was a dirty word. We aren't all even on the same page. Many libertarians in the tea party would choose to end Medicare right now. Ron Paul has stated this as his postion for years. But certainly that is not the preference of this tea party group. So we are not a monolith, there are factions, divergences, splinters and spinoffs. We all have differing ideas on how America can continue to be the shining beacon on the hill.
So let's stop pretending to be offended, hurt, misunderstood and victimized. Let's just be adults and solve problems in that manner rather than crying poor me. Ugh, I can't even stand to say it.
B"H. You are so right, Amanda! I see it like this.
Ponzi scheme + prison = Madoff
Ponzi Medicare* + "legal"?! = US Govt
* or fill in any other entitlement
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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