To all our lady friends with the First Coast Tea Party: Gloria Allred will stand with another woman today who is accusing Cain of sexual harassment.
I am taking comments as to 1) do you believe this will hurt him; 2) do you believe the accusations and 3) what do you think about Gloria Allred jumping into this?
Would love to hear your comments. I'll give you mine after I hear from you. Here's the scoop: ttp://
For our gentlemen friends: Feel free to jump in and comment too if you so desire.
Mr. Ogletree I would love to talk you about Iran. Especially if you served in Iran I would find the conversation highly interesting and educational. As far as his views on Iran I partially agree with him. I would not talk to them I also would not impose sanctions on the country as sanctions don't do anything but hurt the people of the country and not the government. Is there a chance they would attack us sure but I don't think that putting sanctions on them is going to stop them from attacking us. I think our occupation of so many other countries is the reason that many in the world hate us.
@ Mrs. Parreet-I dislike name calling in all its forms so yes you calling Ron Paul supporters trolls struck a nerve and even more so because I happen to be one of those trolls you are speaking about. I think insults do nothing to advance a conversation and just alienate the other side and makes rational conversation harder.
Here is a link to an article that shows what I'm talking about as far as military donations
As far as the polls go I don't put much faith in them to begin with and I don't let them effect my views. Polls said Bachmann and Perry would win the election at one point see how they are doing now, polls also say that none of the GOP candidates will beat Obama. He could be at 1% and it wouldn't change my views on him being the best candidate. People who look at polls to figure out who they are going to vote for are not able to think for themselves.
I would love for you to drop a link to the news story that you are talking about.
I guess I am one of those Ron Paul loons. But it is not the job of the Federal government to pass laws about morality or health or drugs. Those are issues better dealt with in homes, churches, medical offices, communities. What has the Federal government successfully enacted that didn't have unintended unwanted consequences? States, cities, and individuals can better govern.
Ron Paul understands what is within the constitutionally limited (to protect we, the people) power of the federal government. He is a doctor and made a career about caring for the health of people, and without taking federal money to do it; he on the federal health and retirement system because it does not cover us.
In the last two weeks he won straw polls in IA and OH. I'm glad some people are "getting it".
Read "Liberty Defined" by Ron Paul. or "Road to Serfdom" by Hayek. that is what is at stake.
The alledged victim, lost any and all Creditability when she chose Gloria Allred , PA. She is no more than a Political publicity Hack. The facts presented by the Allegded victim speakes for itself. a non issue.
Yes I'm aware of Mr. Cain's role in the Fed and that the Feds roll back then is different then the role now. I'm more concerned with his view that the Fed doesn't need to be audited or his statement that all you have to do is call the fed and ask them about things.
Were is the proof that he bussed in people to win all of these straw polls. I know about the voters value poll but other then that I have heard no allegations. Can you show me any news report that Ron Paul bussed people in to vote for him in the polls. I look up Ron Paul and new news stories almost every day so I find it hard to believe that I would miss it and if I saw something that said something negative about him I would click on it. If you have something I would like to see it. It won't make me change my view about him being the best candidate but it will stop me from talking about how he has won the straw poll.
Ron Paul has more adamant supporters then any other candidate so yes I think that they make more of an effort to vote then some other candidates but that doesn't change the fact that he won the polls. Also the rules are the same for every candidate so it is not like his supporters are given special rules that the others don't have to follow.
As far as the Florida poll I understand that the way people voted was different they had to register six months in advanced and do some other things that are not done in some other polls. I wonder how if they went not planning on voting for Cain so many people changed their minds and suddenly voted for him.
In regards to the link I don't deny that Cain is winning in the polls but polls don't effect how I view things. Polls also say that none of the GOP candidates can beat Obama so if I let polls effect me I would be very upset right now. Also the polls at one point had Rick Perry crushing everyone. Regardless of what polls say I will continue to support Ron Paul. He is the only candidate that talks about personal responsibility, liberty, and freedom and has been consistent in his views and stances his entire career in office.
Gloria Allred is an ambulence chaser and has always tried to get her face in front of a TV camera like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. If Cain wasn't scaring the Dems we wouldn't hear this crap. Lets not let them and the media choose our candidate again.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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