Be wary GOP: Are you being played?

I am honored to have a very wise brother-in-law who knows and understands politics better than anyone I know.


He was a journalist before he retired.  He was a big deal too.  He interviewed four Presidents, world leaders and other DC insiders.  He was one of the first Conservative journalists in DC to help start a well known newspaper.  He sat in planning meetings among progressive journalists and stood up for the conservative voice.  At times he was asked to leave the room because they didn’t want to hear that side of the story.  He was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.  He’s written plays and speeches for leaders and he is an amazing writer.


All that said…he is a stubborn man too!  He is in the hospital right now because he would not listen to the advice of his doctor.  He wouldn’t listen to his family or his friends.  He decided he knew how to play doctor with his own health and it landed him in the hospital.


He is not doing well and last night as I stood next to his bed, you could see him tear up and wish things were different. 


He is scared.  He’s been humbled.  He is regretful he didn’t listen to those around him.  He’s reaching out to us now in hopes we will help him.  He’s our brother and we will. 


However, we also know he is stubborn and if he makes it through this crisis, his stubbornness will show up again and we’ll be back to the same old game.  That is…unless he has a real change of heart and he REALLY listens to those who care about him. 


As I drove home from the hospital, I thought about the work he still has in him.  The book he and I were going to write together.  The play about the Tea Party Movement he is writing.  I am so mad at him right now because his stubbornness has caused this situation.  I became a victim of his behavior.  I wondered how someone so smart could end up like this simply because he was unwilling to listen to others.


His situation reminds me of those in DC.  Everyone says President Obama is a smart man, brilliant, great writer, makes wonderful speeches, author of many books, became the leader of the free world and on and on and on.  Just like my brother in law, President Obama and many of his counter-parts are stubborn and think they know best for us.   We have become a victim of this man’s behaviors.


They didn’t listen to us.  They didn’t listen to “the doctors.”  They didn’t care what we thought. 

Now that the people spoke, the winds of change can be felt in DC.  Humbleness is all around.  Everyone is saying “We need to listen to the people.  We need to come together.  We need to work together.  We need to sit together.”  Yada yada yada.


I’m watching this and wondering if humbleness really has shown up OR if this is just another move in the strategy. 


Just like my brother in law – I must see a change of heart before I’ll trust that the stubbornness has left.  I don’t want to play the games anymore.  I want a change of heart in him and in DC.  I don’t want to be a victim of his and their bad decisions again.


We don’t want the GOP to be used and abused by those calling for peace and unity.  Remember GOP – they were the very ones who laughed, ridiculed and called us names while signing legislation we and you did not want.


Be wary GOP.  Don’t fall for it.


The other side is scared of defeat.  If you fall for this, you will help them win another election.  If you stand strong and wise and calmly say “No” to their agenda items, we have a chance to restore health in our country again.


I want to win this game with my brother in law.  Why?  Because we love him – even if he is stubborn!  He may be smarter than me but I have become wiser in my relationship with him.  I know his weakness and we all have weaknesses.  If he continues to remain stubborn, unwilling to listen and he doesn’t change his heart – he will lose his fight for life.


We want to win this game in DC too.  Some may be smarter than us but we have become wiser in our relationship with those in power.  We know their weaknesses and if they continue to remain stubborn, unwilling to listen and they don’t change their hearts – they will lose their fight for power.  If the GOP buys this “we are sorry and we love you stuff” – they will lose their fight for power and we will lose our freedoms.


I’ll be at the hospital today and with a wary eye will ask him – “Are you going to listen now?  Are you going to do what the experts tell you or what we tell you?”  I’ll be listening to his words, I’ll look him in the eye and I’ll search his heart to see if he means it. 


We encourage the GOP to do the same thing with those on the opposite side of the aisle.  Make sure you ask with a wary eye and search the hearts of those calling for peace and unity.  Words are empty in DC.  Games are many.  Stubbornness has been the rule of law.   Stubborn people stubbornly change. 


It’s time for a change of heart because our country is sick.


Don’t fall for this game – GOP – and in the words of one of the greatest leaders of our time – Ronald Reagan - “Trust, but verify.” 


Don’t tell my brother in law that I used him as an example about the left!  Now that would get him out of bed quickly and he’ll be coming after me!  (Hummmm…)


And, before we close, please go to this great article from Heritage about how important this Healthcare Repeal is to the Presidential election.  Ladies and Gentlemen, we have no time to sit back on our laurels.  It’s time to pick up our signs, start dialing the phones and reach out to our Senators.  They must help us repeal this bill!!  It is the catalyst of all things happening in DC.  And you thought you could relax!  Ha!

Views: 34


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Comment by Donald R Healy on January 23, 2011 at 11:05am

First, let us all pray for Billies brother-in-law and his full recovery,,,,secondly,,,the very last thing we should do, as a People, as a Party and as a Program (Tea Party), is start to agree with any thing that the opposition (yes, Virginia, they are the oppostion!!)!  Obama has not changed his heart one scintilla, only his media appearance will alter, somewhat, but his agenda (and that of  the so called progressives) will not change,,they still want total control of our lives, and we must be steadfast in our refusal to "agree", or "compromise", or, God forbid, be bi-partisan.  Trust in the Lord, and keep our political powder dry!  God Bless all of us!

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on January 22, 2011 at 9:53pm
Gene I think you are right if they show weakness it would credit the Tea Party for the thrashing they recieved in Nov. and expose the lies they have perpetrated on the people about how trivial we are. That being said Jean is also correct they are masters at the game of deception and what ever the republicans do they will fall into the hands of the left and the media all under the gist of political correctness. I personally think a little political incorrectness is good it breeds humility and builds character. I would show some real defiance and not even attend the State of the Union but thats just me. LOL now that would be a statement.
Comment by Matthew Roberts on January 22, 2011 at 6:03pm
I wonder why this matters, about themedia. I care less about appearances, I want results. Lets look at the facts,first we are anti government,then racest,then tea baggers. Im from the show me state Missouri, this is what we must do. Show us, not hold hands, lets get over the debate of expearance,and go for the constutition. I feel like this lets quit the dem repub. and focus on cutting government, make them work for us. I for one am done with partys as they are if we elect people again who comprpmise, we loose when this happens. Time for patriots, lets hope we elected them, not false words. The Tea party elected Represenitives must be firm and not cave this is what we watch! I for one am watching, if this dont happen its time for true patroits to run under any party, Even a new one, nobody understands this spin, that it makes the Dems control more races. Lets look at the real reason it makes it harder for both sides, I for one will vote other than the 3 party line we now have.
Comment by jean winters on January 22, 2011 at 4:42pm
When both Parties do NOT sit together next speech, the liberal news media and Democrats will spin it to make it seem the Republicans were at fault for not cooperating.
Comment by Geneo on January 22, 2011 at 3:56pm

Sitting together hides the weakness of the Democrat Party. TV camera shots will give the appearance

that everyone in the House is for the points that Obama will bring up in his speech.

Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on January 21, 2011 at 9:21pm
Thank you Jean for posting Senator Rubios website. Rest assured I will visit it and state my disappoval of this bi-partisan behavier. I voted for Rubio in part because he said he was going to Washington to stand against this administrations policies. I am very disapointed that he is falling for this smoke and mirror garbage that the President is putting out. Oboma keeps trying to tell the public that the message sent to Washington in Nov. was that the people want them to work together. WRONG!!!! The Message I ment to send was I am tired of you stomping all over our rights and I want somebody up there with enough intestenal fortitude to stand up for the constitution and to work against everything Obama stands for. Not some smooth talking candy fanny who is going to cower to the politically correct garbage being spewed by the left. I was under the impression that Rubio had some integrity.
Comment by jean winters on January 21, 2011 at 7:31pm
Steven, I already e-mailed Rubio's office in Coral Gables a couple hours ago my disgust of his sitting with Bill Nelson at the State of the Union Address. I worked/campaigned very hard for Rubio (my District had the highest voter turnout in St. Johns County), but not for him to hold hands and sing Kumbaya (thanks for that Tamara) with Bill Nelson. I also asked if they had learned anything from the November elections? Apparently not. Rubio's website is
Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on January 21, 2011 at 6:39pm

Bombard Rubio with calls and e-mails and let him know how we feel about him rubbing elbows with the people we sent him to oppose. I think we should send a message to him and the others by using him as an example. When they see how he gets thrashed it will make them take notice. I am going to find his website now.

Comment by Tracy on January 21, 2011 at 3:55pm
Comment by tamara stephenson on January 21, 2011 at 3:39pm
Just read that Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson will be sitting together.  Wonder if they'll be holding hands and sing kumbaya?

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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