The Declaration of Independence ensures each American is given the opportunity for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Why do we skip over “Life” and instead talk more about our Liberties and how they give us happiness?
Could it be that “Life” is a given? We get up every day and we are alive. Okay, that was easy – our right to Life got checked off today! Now let’s head to Liberty and my Pursuit of Happiness. That’s where I’m being affected the most so I’ll focus on that! Right?
Rewind to Life.
Imagine our founding fathers discussing why Life should be first. The debates that took place. The reasoning behind why Life – which is a given – should even be written in the Declaration. The back and forth discussion and finally the decision – “Life” must be first because without it – the rest is mute.
And mute we were. Thirty eight years ago this week, Roe v Wade became law. More than 50 Million babies have lost their lives to abortion since that decision. Fifty Million babies have died. They were never given the chance to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.
I was 16 years old and perfect pickings for this new law. I never had an abortion but I knew girls and women who did. The guilt and the depression they encountered changed their lives and impacted their pursuit of happiness forever.
I did not speak up. I did not walk in front of abortion clinics with signs and prayers. I did not join any organization that opposes abortion. I did nothing to bring attention to this murderous law. It was a complicated issue and if you said a woman should not have a right to choose, they made you feel insensitive and uncaring. So, I was mute.
When my children were old enough to date, we sat them down and had the “talk.” We let them know we trusted them. We had raised them to respect themselves and we knew our daughter would choose the right behavior with her boyfriends and for our son – his girlfriends. Our children grew up in the generation of “Just Say No” – to drugs, drinking and to sex before marriage.
We were not stupid however. We knew they might make a mistake and we didn’t want them to suffer for that one mistake for the rest of their lives. We told them if a pregnancy should occur, please do not abort it without talking to us first. We could not imagine them hiding such a big decision from those who loved them. We could not imagine aborting a baby because it was inconvenient or out of fear of rejection from us or others. We would help them make the decision to keep it or to find a family that would love it. We were instilling in our children the value of life. This was not permission to have sex. It was permission to be honest and talk with us.
When I heard President Obama say “I don’t want my girls punished with a baby” I was stunned. The leader of the free world felt a baby was punishment and he didn’t want his girls saddled with the product of their choices. At that moment, I realized my leader and I were on opposite ends of the spectrum in regards to personal responsibility and to life. Click here to hear President Obama:
Many of you are uncomfortable with this post. Maybe you are saying, “This discussion does not belong in the tea party movement.” I disagree and here’s why.
The members of the Tea Party Movement fought hard and with all our might to keep the healthcare bill from passing. We wanted our right to choose our own doctors, our own care and our own insurance companies. We did not want the government in our health care decisions.
When it passed, our right to choose life for ourselves and our loved ones was impacted. President Obama’s Healthcare Bill DID come with death panels and is now out in the open for all to see. This may take a few minutes but please watch this video and educate yourself about this issue:
Rewind back to Life again.
I did nothing to shine a light on the abortion issue. I was unaware. I was young. I was not educated about the truth of this bill or the impact on lives. I didn’t realize that allowing this law would be the “camel’s nose” under the tent of Life and would be the beginning of the downfall of our nation.
I’m older now. I’m wiser. I have the facts. I will not be silenced. I will shine a light on everything this Administration has up their sleeve to take Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness away from anyone – no matter how small, old, frail or sickly. The “nose under the tent” will be stomped on and pushed out as long as I have Life in me.
It’s my civic duty and it’s yours. You can’t say Life does not belong in the Tea Party Movement. If you do, you are still very much asleep as to the real issue in our country. Our moral fiber has decayed and until it is renewed again, we must fight against those who are evil and want to take our life, our liberties and our ability to pursue happiness. Got it?
Now on behalf of more than 50 Million American babies who were not allowed to live, let’s fight against the healthcare bill with all our might. If you choose to sit back and ignore this plea, they may come after you when your life is not “valuable” to them anymore – even if Life is still important to you.
Are you with me or do you want to skip over “Life” in the Declaration and head towards Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? You can try it but it won’t work. It will take all three working together to restore the Republic. Our founding fathers knew that and it’s clear to me now that they were right.
I beg you to see the truth and join us as we fight to repeal the healthcare bill. Call your Senators every day and let them know that Life is the part of the American dream. We expect them to repeal this horrific law that impacts life. You can reach your Senator at Start your calls today and make them every day until they agree to protect Life for all.
I know you are tired. I know you really don’t want to call every day. You are busy with Life. You have much to do. Don’t make the same mistake again. Don’t let a bad law happen and remain mute. We did it once and 50 Million little innocent babies died because we did nothing. Are you willing to close your eyes again and let Life pass by?
I hope not. I hope instead you will see how valuable Life really is and you’ll fight for it. It’s precious and it’s a gift. Will you join me and fight for Life this time?
In closing, please listen to this “little story” from Andrea Bocelli and in the words of a famous 9/11 hero who tried to save many lives, “let’s roll!” We have life to live as we protect our liberties and pursue happiness.
Anita, I hear that response often too from the pro-abortion crowd. What they don't understand is that the pro-life people ARE supporting these women and children! Pro-life people take unwed girls into their homes all the time, they often adopt babies, they provide money and care to the women and their children, they help find adoptive parents or run adoption agencies to help place these babies. In other words, the pro-life crowd is putting their money where their mouths are. The difference is that they don't go around patting themselves on the backs about it. They do what they do quietly and consistently.
The pro-abortion crowd told us 40 years ago that if we would make abortion "safe" and "legal", if we would allow sex education in the schools, if we would provide abundant birth control, then you would see every child be a "wanted" child and teen pregnancy, abortion, etc., would become less and less. Well, we've seen how well that has worked.
I did join the pro-life group at my church in the late 80's, my father was with
Operation Rescue and Randall Terry. We were able to get Doctors, apartment and all kinds of help to keep girls from making desperate choices and indeed, REALLY have a choice. We provided for all their needs so that the babies could be adopted and loved.
I remember vividly the harsh criticisms that were thrown at us but I also knew in my heart that what we were doing was right. It is probably the one thing I am most proud of in my life
Thank you Billie, for the strength to post this. I found myself divorced at age 38 with a five yr old child, and pregnant. I was amazed at how many women I knew then offered to drive me to have an abortion, yet could not discuss their own, in fact hung up in tears when I asked them to share. It was difficult to be so visible, to ask outright for responses, but I wanted honesty. To possibly go against the advice of even some family and friends, having had a child already, I could not pretend this was only tissue.
One friend offered me advice over a long distance phone call the night before my scheduled abortion saying "What were you doing the next nine months you couldn't do pregnant?" In fact, there was nothing. He offered me 'grey' area in a black and white issue; once that decision was made to abort there was no undoing it. I instead followed through with the pregnancy and checked out adoption agencies, later deciding I would keep this child. I went against the advice of my own father who said I would never have enough money, love or time to raise two children alone. I know he was expressing his own deepest fears for me, and he had reason to be cautious. I may not have had much money, but love and time were never an issue.
I turned my life over to Christ twenty seven years ago, when that baby was born and his father failed to step up to the plate as he had promised, and I have never for a moment regretted that decision. When my son turned 21, I located that phone friend and thanked him for the twelve words that gave me time and courage to make the decision for real life and real choice. We have a choice, and that choice begins at the moment we decide to be intimate in any relationship, and after that we have responsibility. As with any freedom, responsibility follows close behind. I know from years of work with crisis pregnancy centers that everyone making this choice is not a teenager, and that sometimes the least safe place to share our situation is within our own churches. We need to examine our hearts continually and see if we are speaking and acting in a pro-life way, giving encouragement and a safe place to work through this decision, or if we are unconsciously just going along by staying silent, or worse, quietly damning the woman in that position of decision making.
Those twelve words let me know someone was there for me, and from there I was able to get courage for the next step, and then the next. Offering someone a safe place to stay, or help when they make the choice we would have wanted them to make(and thought we ourselves would make), then following them with our prayers for the next eighteen years or so is also critical. We need to hold those women in our hearts as they will continually face hardships based on their decision, and to think they only need our help on the day they decide not to abort is what makes many of them choose to terminate, knowing they will be alone to face the consequences. That fear, widely promoted, can drive the decision. God's love can overcome it, but we do need to see if we can continue to support them with His love as the years go on, so that they make a choice they will be able to speak about years later.
That was the one question I had asked that friend on the phone,"How do I make the choice I will have peace with twenty years from now?". Those twelve words were his answer to my question. I made that choice, so I am able to share it with you now. We need to love the women who didn't have a friend or parent to turn to who allowed them to find that safe place to decide for themselves, and to provide that place for anyone who may be facing it now or in the future. I have been fortunate God has continually put those people in my life. We can be that person for someone and turn this around, perhaps two lives at a time.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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