Billie's Blog: "Family" Reunion in DC

Well the March on DC was a renewing and energetic experience. Once again Patriots from across America came together to send a message to Washington that We the People are not Happy.

This year there were 3 events going on across the country at the same time. That decision was made because Glenn Beck had an event 2 weeks ago and many people could not travel again. Even though it was less in numbers than last year, there were still MANY people here and the energy in the air was just as powerful as last year.

We had NO trouble getting the Dock inside the march. The day started with trying to find a place to "dress" the dock with Indians throwing tea over the side, our First Coast Tea Party banner and other decorative flags. The hotel we were staying in allowed us to use their enclosed garage to do that even though we were taking up a lot of room.

Once it was dressed, we headed to the staging area for the event and the traffic was backed up. As we approached the Washington Monument, a police officer saw us coming and he stopped traffic to allow us a space in the march! It was so easy and not at all what we had been told would happen. We marched with people from all walks of life and one gentlement who is dying of cancer was walking next to us. He was losing steam and we had him sit on the dock with us. He was a frail, cancer-ridden man and he wanted to make this march to stand up for his country.

After the march ended at the Capitol, we needed a place to Dock the Dock and here we go again - a two car parking spot on a side street was sitting there for us and the police directed us to it!

The police were helpful and respectful to us the entire event. Your prayers were answered.

We headed up to the Capitol steps and sat with hundreds of thousands of other great Patriots. It was like a huge Family Reunion of Americans. The speakers were great, the music was too and the feeling of "We will win in November" was in the air.

The weather was wonderful.

The day was wonderful.

The people were wonderful.

America is wonderful.

We are blessed and now it is time to Get to Work and prepare for the November 2 elections. It's our time now to take the House and the Senate back to a more conservative way of running our country. We need to get rid of those who have put us in harm's way both with our national security and with our financial standing.

Many of our First Coast Tea Party members will be heading home today. Pray for their safe return and thank you for your support.

For pictures of the event - go to and check out the fun and the love of our country that was showing on the faces of these great Americans.

Views: 39


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Comment by FCTP on September 16, 2010 at 5:33pm
Ed: Sorry if that sounded derogatory to you. Didn't mean to. Emails are terrible in that they do not put in emotion. I appreciate TPP and what they do. They get my respect. Billie
Comment by Edward Kilgour on September 16, 2010 at 3:02pm
Thanks Billie, you are a class act. I just think that you ought to educate your, or our, fellow Tea Partiers on the whole picture and support National reform as well as local. Refuring to the Tea Party Patriots as just a "national organization" sounded derogatory to me. This is the organization that is carrying OUR flag nationally and doing so much behind the scenes to take our country back. You would not have had a 9/12 event to go to if it were not for the Tea Party Patriots organizing and promoting it. I am aware that many other organizations assisted. I think that credit should be given where it's due, that's all. And support should be given to both local and national organizations I did not put this in my post to upset anyone. Thanks for listening.
Comment by Edward Kilgour on September 15, 2010 at 12:16pm
Thanks for the info, that's what I thought. Every Tea Party should be autonimous and you do good work. I just hope that you are not the type that if you can't be the captain you are going to take your ball and go home. Just food for thought, I won't interupt your party anymore. Keep up the good work.
Comment by Edward Kilgour on September 15, 2010 at 12:52am
I knew that Billie. What is the FCTP's relationship with Tea Party Patriots?
Comment by FCTP on September 14, 2010 at 9:27am
Hi Edward: Thanks for supporting TPP and the local First Coast Tea Party can also use some donations. We feel it is important for people to support their local tea party even more so than a national organization. We are in need of donations so anything people can help us with is appreciated. Just go to the donate button on this site and you can make your donation there.

Comment by Maria Sullivan on September 14, 2010 at 9:13am
You did a great job! It was such an energizing experience. I have to admit that Tito Munoz's speech made me cry. It was as though he read my heart and my mind. I thank God for freedom of speech. I was born in Cuba and I am so proud and humbled to be an American citizen. He confirmed that our fight is worthy. I convinced my sisters to attend the rally and they are now as energized as I have been for the last 18 months. God Bless America!
Comment by Martha Carlson on September 13, 2010 at 10:51pm
Thanks Billie for the uplifting encouraging blog...I wish I could have gone. God Bless all of you for your scarfice of time and money! Next year I'm going for sure!!! It will not end this Nov as we will go on and on. In fact, I saw a T-shirt in Orlando at the Beck American Revival rally that I loved and it read; "Freedom-It will not end with me" and I say it will not end with us either!
Comment by C. Jesse Duke on September 13, 2010 at 8:20pm
Way to go! Thanks for the encouraging report. Can't wait until November!
Comment by Edward Kilgour on September 13, 2010 at 12:08pm
Thanks so much Billie, for representing us in Washington. Many of us dearly wanted to go but could not afford it and your blog is a blessing. Thanks to Jeff Burgess for all the great pictures. It looked like the enthusiasm was fantastic!!! Thanks to, to the Tea Party Patriots for planning and organizing our three great events accross the Country. Become a member of the FIRST BRIGADE of the Tea Party Patriots to help support these efforts. Just $10.00 a month automatically sent from your bank account or credit card is not to much to ask when you concider these great events!!! Thanks again, all you Patriots for your support of our GREAT Country. We are WINNING!! Don't let your guard down!!!!
Comment by Danny Kirkpatrick on September 13, 2010 at 7:14am
Opps, sorry about my spelling, did not proof read before posting, have sore finger, typing with unfamiliar one lol.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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