Duval County has been invaded – Zombies everywhere!


We are FIVE days away from the local election on May 17th and an invasion of body snatchers is occurring all around town.


Vans with Alvin Brown stickers and out of town license tags can be seen dropping glassy-eyed people off on the sides of roads.  The people are dropped off, told to hold a sign, chant messages of hate, and stand there until the van returns to take them back to wherever they hide out at night. 


The signs are pre-printed and they are the same ones we saw in Tallahassee when we were there for a meeting with other tea party leaders.  They are also the same signs held by a small group of hecklers when Gov. Scott spoke at the Landing on April 15th.   The Zombies are all over our state with hate filled messages.  Scary!


We are sure the invasion has escalated and they are now taking our own local people with them into the vans and dark meeting places.  Some of our best and brightest leaders have fallen under their spell and have become one of them.  This is scary stuff and should not be ignored.  You could be next!


The local press has fallen under their spell too because there are no stories about this invasion appearing anywhere.  We are convinced the Tiny Union has been invaded and is now under the spell of the Big Union guys! 


It is up to us to stay together and fight for our city.  We must get the message out so others do not fall under their spell.  If they do, our city is doomed.   Do not be afraid.  There really are more of us than them. 


If you don’t believe our city has been invaded, see this video of a van full of zombies who were dropped off in front of the GOP headquarters on Beach Blvd Tuesday.  They were protesting Rick Scott and they were being led by the Grim Reaper.  Some were also holding Alvin Brown signs.  Notice the eyes of those holding signs.  They are glassy and their words are slurred and make no sense.  Notice the woman sitting down with her “Corporate Greed” sign.  She can barely hold herself up and appears to be in a stupor.  The funny looking cigarette smoked by one on site appeared to be a drug that kept the man in a stupor and stupid.  Check this video out and see for yourself: 

Do you want to be a part of ridding our city of these zombies?  Are you ready to fight to keep our city safe from those who have invaded these people’s minds and are controlling them?  Are you ready to fight?  Are you ready to raise your hand and say “Yes, I will go, send me!”


Good – we see hands going up all over Duval County.  We are proud of you.  We have a plan and it will work.  It’s worked before and it will work again.  So, here is your assignment:

  • VOTE:  This is the NUMBER ONE action that will send these Zombies back to where they came from!  Go Vote TODAY and don’t wait for Tuesday, May 17th.  Early voting runs through this coming Sunday.  If you get sick and can’t make it to the polls Tuesday, your vote will already be there and you can rest knowing your vote will be counted.
  • CALL OR WALK:  We have found that calling others and alerting them to this invasion gets them off the couch and to the polls.  We also know that walking neighborhoods and knocking on doors to alert your neighbors to the body snatchers works wonders too!  If you want others to walk with you or you want a script to make your calls, contact Brian at (954) 632-7614.  Brian is our chief organizer and has seen body snatchers before.  He is an expert on these Zombies and has all the tools necessary to save our city.  Make sure you identify yourself as a tea party member when you call.
  • PASS ALONG INFORMATION:  This email should be circulated to all your loved ones so they can be aware of the zombies.  You would not want your loved ones to fall under their spell, would you?
  • SIGN WAVING:  Another great way to send these Zombies back to where they came from is to hold signs and wave at passing cars.  The difference between Zombie waving and Citizen waving is this:  Citizens wave for their favorite candidates; they understand why they are waving; they know their candidates and understand their message; and they support their candidates.  They wave with a smile (not one manufactured by that funny looking cigarette) but one that was manufactured from deep within their soul.  They send thumbs up when people honk their horns at them.  They don’t use their middle finger like the Zombies do.  Brian can help you decide the best place to wave signs because he knows where the Zombies are hiding out.  See Brian’s phone number above and ask him where to stand with your signs.
  • STAND UP AND TELL THE TRUTH:  The other way to get rid of Zombie’s is to stand up to them.  They back away when you speak Truth.  (Notice the woman in the video who backed away when truth was spoken!)  Yesterday, Former Florida Education Commissioner Jim Horne stood up to the Zombies and spoke truth!  He sent a letter to the Tiny Union (but of course they did not print it because the Big Union is in charge over there).  The letter said:  ‘state unequivocally that Mike Hogan has never supported cutting education funding.’   He said he could not sit back and see the Zombie’s use false advertising attacking Mike Hogan’s education record.  He also said, “As a House member, Mike was part of a group of legislators from North Florida that not only fought for increased funding for education every year, but also was instrumental in helping to change Florida’s funding formula for our students which benefitted Northeast Florida school districts.”   We are thankful that Jim Horne used Truth to send a message to these Zombies!  He is a great American!
  • LAST BUT NOT LEAST – PRAY:  Zombie’s hate people who pray.  They don’t believe in it and that is a good thing!  We know the power of prayer can release a Zombie from the stronghold they are under.  Pray for all the Zombies and keep praying that they will see the light.  They are in bondage and don’t know what they do.  Pray they will be released from the cords that bind them and will join our ranks of Conservative Citizens who love our city, state and country. 

We will have more information tomorrow.  It is our job to inform the electorate since the Zombies are in charge of our local press. 


Until then, rise up, soldiers!  Begin your assignment:  Voting, calling, walking, waving, passing along information and telling the truth. 


Need to be encouraged?  Watch Rise Up and then rise up!  Time’s almost up. 






Views: 40


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Comment by Dean Bird on May 12, 2011 at 10:29pm

Zombies!!! ????  What next?  Roswell aliens from Chicago?  Vampires from D.C.?  Warlocks from Massachusetts?

Tad old to be sign waving these days, but might do it in the Presidential election. Have seen some strange things in the past.  Once while waving a Bush sign near the Matthews bridge, I watched a number of supporters for a local Democrat Congresswoman (You can guess which one.) pop out of a van with their signs. The van had Jacksonville City license plates on it! Another time a local RHINO candidate for judge posted signs along the road in violation of city law!

On the better side, once did a double-take here in Jacksonville when I looked out my car window to see Barbara Bush sign waving on the side of the road! She caught my double-take and later introduced herself!

Sign waving: A good ole American sport!  To anyone who hasn't done it: Great fun! Give it a try!

Comment by Joanna B McDermott on May 12, 2011 at 5:25pm
Comment below in reference to the Craigslist ad.
Comment by Joanna B McDermott on May 12, 2011 at 5:24pm
Unfreaking believable, more mysterious money.  Have they ever been taught anything about honesty and being above board......I would be embarrassed to tell anyone I was a Democrat....ends justify any means.  Good grief.
Comment by Nicholas "Doc" Smyk on May 12, 2011 at 2:18pm

Cute, this is really cute and I'm sure effective.

Whoever had the Zombie idea, I LIKE IT!!!


Doc Smyk

Comment by FCTP on May 12, 2011 at 1:54pm
Comment by LeAnne J. King on May 12, 2011 at 1:46pm
What is the going pay for these protestors?  I seriously doubt they do it for nothing.
Comment by Dorothy Brown on May 12, 2011 at 12:33pm
I really like this video!!! More Americans need to see it!!! God Bless America!!!!
Comment by Joe Merkley on May 12, 2011 at 9:49am
Comment by Stephen Cargile on May 12, 2011 at 8:00am

Vicky is right as they would LOVE to get a hostile reaction from those "hateful" Republicans. I also liked how the 'Chicago Hospitality Committee' parked in the spots paid for by the GOP (of course they happily used something that someone else paid for). As hard as it may be, we will need to stay clear and above the fray. Let them THINK they are winning and getting the best of us. Their overconfidence will be their downfall.

Comment by Joanna B McDermott on May 12, 2011 at 7:53am
We need to get "politicians" out of office and get "real" people who care about our city and nation in.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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