Phone Florida Membership on U.S. House Judiciary Committee to Pass Lamar Smith's E-Verify Bill 'Markup' Starts Today On Bill To Fire Illegal-Alien Workers & Put Millions of Americans Back to Work
We need the phones ringing off the hook to ensure that the Judiciary Members know there is a lot of public interest in and support of a bill to make it virtually impossible for illegal aliens to hold payroll jobs.
The first votes on amendments may happen today. Then, the committee will resume debate and votes on dozens more amendments next week.
The open-borders organizations sponsored by the Soros, Carnegie and Ford Foundations are waging an all-out grassroots phone campaign to gut or kill Lamar Smith's E-Verify bill. Don't let any Member of the Judiciary Committee hear more phone calls in favor of illegal-alien hiring than the phone calls from you supporting Lamar Smith's bill.
Roy Beck, President Numbers, USA
(The Alert below was sent Wednesday afternoon, Sep. 14.)
Friends, look at the grid at the bottom of this email. It was prepared by NumbersUSA's staff and shows you the 30 ways that Chairman Lamar Smith's H.R. 2885 would ensure that only legal workers get payroll jobs in your state. It will knock your socks off!!!! The Legal Workforce Act is that good. Everything in your state will change if it passes. In the history of the United States, there never has been a piece of legislation going through committee that would do so much to turn off the jobs magnet for illegal immigration and protect jobs for American workers. Now, please do your part to help get this bill through committee in as close to its present form as possible.
Your state is represented on the Judiciary Committee by:
You can also try the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.
Unfortunately, most of the Democrats on the committee come from the extreme of their Party on immigration issues. But you can still have some indirect effect on how strongly the Democratic Party battles against this bill through the fall by flooding Democrat offices with calls urging passage of H.R. 2885.
ACTION: Please PHONE at the number above and urge rapid and clean passage of H.R. 2885 in the Judiciary Committee markup.
If you are a constituent in the District of a Member of the Judiciary Committee you will find a fax to send at:
Among talking points are these:
Everybody talks about putting Americans back to work but few do anything. The Judiciary Committee can start putting hundreds of thousands of unemployed Americans back to work this year for virtually no cost by passing H.R. 2885.
Make H.R. 2885 the first jobs bill out of Congress this fall. Vote for the Legal Workforce Act in committee.
Pass H.R. 2885 in the Judiciary Committee and make sure that no veteran, no citizen and no legal immigrant is unemployed because an outlaw business is able to hire an illegal alien.
H.R. 2885 is legislation carefully crafted to get through the House and Senate and get the President's signature. It is not about grandstanding but about changing the law THIS FALL and starting to put millions of unemployed Americans back to work over the next three years.
The argument about what to do with 11 million illegal aliens can be done later. For now, though, let's make sure that none of them is taking a job from an American citizen or legal immigrant. Pass H.R. 2885.
H.R. 2885 is the most powerful bill ever to be considered in Congressional committee in terms of turning off the jobs magnet for illegal immigration and protecting jobs for American workers. It is a beautiful pro-American-worker piece of legislation as is. Please pass it in the Judiciary Committee.
You should probably make only one point. Consider whether you are calling a Republican or Democratic office in choosing what you will say.
What we need are hundreds of calls to each Member of the committee to make sure they know that lots of their constituents are watching and that this bill is really, really important to them. Don't assume that any of them are immune to trying to make changes in the bill that will endanger its eventual passage into law or seriously weaken it.
Now, look below at the comparison between what you have in your state right now to keep illegal aliens out and what would happen if H.R. 2885 passes. And pass the grid on to your friends.
You know how incredibly hard it has been to persuade your state legislature to approve any enforcements (look at the middle column on the grid) -- in fact, next to impossible. Let's take care of most of it in one swoop with this federal bill
ROY BECK, President, NumbersUSA
Update: September 14, 2011
FLORIDA: What Immigration Enforcement Would Look Like With H.R. 2885 Enacted
COMPARE the current level of immigration enforcement (center column) in this state with what it would be if Congress enacts the Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 2885), sponsored by U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (in the right column). Send us questions and comments. (More explanations are below the chart.)
Sir your thoughts can be conveyed in a more mature manner like the rest of us God loving, flag waving Americans do in this forum and what I accept is that you appear to be a very sour and lonely man
Mr. with a capital J
First of all my Consitution says I have freedom to speak as I please within reason (not calling fire in a theater when there is no fire). So if I offended your sensibilities I say, to bad get over it and grow up. You're not some lord of the english language, and I don't care about your sensibilities in the first place. So if you took one, or more, of my words as an insult, good, sounds like you needed it. As the old saying goes, if the shoe fits wear it. It's to bad you couldn't get past them, and the idea they presented. Since you probably would've learn something you didn't learn during your life time. And, it sure doesn't sound like "everyone" is an adult here. I didn't write it to have a conversation. I wrote it as my thoughts to get an idea out there. So someone, anyone, might get the grey matter between their ears in gear and start thinking as Americans. As I was trained, when someone says something there's two things you can do with it. Accept it or throw it away. And just so you know, my name is spelled with a capital J.
Mr johnson with all due respect we are all adults here and as far as I know name calling went out with childhood no matter how much we want to say it, we dont.
Can we have a conversation?
The ideas you present are viable and yet after the first paragraph I dont care any more, and its a shame because you sound like a smart guy.
All you liberal "dimocrates" need to READ and then try, with what brain cells you have left, to understand the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. As I read some of the comments I see there is lack of knowledge in this area. Such as Art. 1 Section 8 Para. 4; The Congress shall have Power...To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization..... Now, if you sneak into this country and STEAL from it's citizens, not coming here by asking for permission to enter like every other sovereign country requires. Then you have done so ILLEGALLY, and have broken our laws. You liberal dimwits need to understand we, this country, are under assault. Why?? Because we have what others don't. We have a Constitution, that no one is taught or reads anymore. But, it seems like we have one hell of a lot of experts running around. We have a Capitalist system that provides more things, or at least we use to, that people enjoy but won't protect anymore. You allow anyone who wants to burn and desecrate our flag, but let them demand that we honor their flag and customs, on our soil. The liberal "dimocrates" have destroyed our educational system, which is destroying this country. How many of you have looked into your child's history book lately? Oh, you ask, WHAT history book? There is, maybe, something in one of the books about something to do with this country. But, is it real history and about our country's heritage. I doubt it. So how do YOU expect them to have honor and love of this country. Let me say this for your thoughts, Liberal thinking has no mental boundaries. Conservative thinking does set boundaries. It uses past experiences, history, and human common sense as to what will, or will not, work for the common good. This is from a man of 66 years of age, retired military, and retired Florida law enforcement. So this old man says to all of you. If any of you think you are an American, and put a hyphened name in front of your name, ie; African-American, Mexican-American, etc. Let me make this very clear, YOU are not an American and I would deport you in a heart beat. When you, or your ancesters, came here, you or them took an oath to this country. When you place that hyphened name in front of your name you are showing you have a divided allegiance. Here is a speech of Theodore Roosevelt on Immigrants and being an American in 1907.
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Teddy Roosevlt made more speeches on the subject of imigration and immigrants of which you can read very easily if you go to
Found the following information on the Department of Labor website, not directly related, but it does smell of something bigger than what the article conveys.
Retrieved 18 August from:
News Release
WHD News Release: [08/18/2011]
Contact Name: Michael DeAquino or Michael Wald
Phone Number: (404) 562-2076 or (404) 562-2078
Release Number: 11-991-ATL
2 Jacksonville, Fla., restaurants and owners ordered to pay more than $934,000 to 30 workers following US Labor Department investigation
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Two La Nopalera restaurants in Jacksonville and their owners have been ordered to pay 30 employees $934,425 in back wages and liquidated damages under the terms of consent judgments. The agreements resolve a U.S. Department of Labor lawsuit based on an investigation by its Wage and Hour Division that alleged violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage, overtime pay and record-keeping provisions.
“All workers deserve to be paid fairly, and the Labor Department will hold accountable employers that take advantage of their employees,” said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. “We want workers to know we will defend their rights under the law to compensation for all hours worked, and we want companies that play by the rules to know we will take action against those that use illegal tactics to gain a competitive advantage.”
Investigators found that kitchen employees were improperly classified as exempt from FLSA overtime pay provisions and consequently paid salaries that did not include compensation for hours worked over 40 in a week. Additionally, every week, tipped employees would receive their tips plus a paycheck that together equaled the minimum wage; however, management required the employees to sign and return the paychecks, and would then cash the checks and put the money back into the restaurant. Through this process, while it appeared that the owners were paying wages, the employees actually were allowed to keep only their tips. Finally, the employers did not maintain accurate records of the hours worked by employees.
The department’s suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division. The following parties agreed to consent judgments resolving the suit: LAJAL Inc., doing business as La Nopalera No. 7 on Beach Boulevard; its owners Javier Valencia, Augustin Hernandez and Maria Hernandez; La Nopalera Mexican Restaurant No. 10 Inc. on Phillips Highway; and its owners Javier Valencia and Luis Cuevas. The judgments hold the restaurants and owners individually and severably liable for future violations of the FLSA and payment of the back wages.
The employees will receive $584,425 in back wages and an additional $350,000 in liquidated damages. The restaurants will be allowed to make the payments in installments over 13 months to the Wage and Hour Division, which will distribute the payments to workers. Other La Nopalera restaurants located in Florida and Georgia were not part of the investigation.
The Wage and Hour Division has several ongoing enforcement initiatives throughout the nation to address similar noncompliance issues that are common in the restaurant and other industries.
The FLSA requires that covered employees be paid at least the federal minimum wage for all hours worked, as well as one and one-half times their regular rates of pay for hours worked over 40 per week. If certain conditions are met, the FLSA permits an employer to take a tip credit toward its minimum wage obligation for tipped employees. The employer must pay tipped employees a cash wage of $2.13 per hour or the state mandated cash wage, whichever is higher; all tips must be retained by the employee exce
This law sounds like another step into Big Brother State. Even if this law were to make a difference in employment for Americans in the short term, once passed, it'll stay on the books forever, and who knows what future interpretation will be given to it when the state desires to invade business privacy for other purposes. This law is not the way to deal with the illegal inmigration problem.
Illegals take the jobs Americans won't do? Who did them before? Americans don't want the rotten jobs until the um-employment benefits run out and then the jobs have been taken by illegals. If we cut back unemployment benefits to 6 mos there would be no jobs for the illegals.
In the construction industry the only calls we get for work are from people who are running out of their benefits. I read that as people who have been on extended vacation on my dime which is coming to an end.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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