The air is crisp and changes in the weather are welcome. It’s been a hot summer with the weather and with politics so we are enjoying the real climate change that comes with the seasons.
This is my favorite time of year. For those up north, they watch the leaves change to golden hues of orange and yellows. For those of us in the south, we watch the grass stop growing (no more Saturday mowings) and the palm tree opening new fronds as it remakes itself.
The pool water is too cold for humans so the pool toys are put away and the rusty fire pit is readied for another season of marshmallows and fireside conversations. Gathering together with our friends in the cool of the night is another favorite of mine. Campers also begin their plans for cool nights with their families and friends enjoying the sounds of nature and the time spent together.
I thought others were gearing up for a camping experience when I saw a gathering of individuals on TV. I turned up the volume and listened intently to the wide-eyed group chanting with an avowed communist Frances Fox Piven. See for yourself here:
Here we go, ladies and gents. The planned riots have begun and they are pretending that this is a movement generated by upset people who can’t get jobs or who are tired of profits on Wall Street. Let us not be fooled by the shenanigans of those behind the scenes pulling the strings of these wide-eyed youth with no direction in their lives. They are being used by the real “corporate greed” monsters who are funding their activities and trying to take down THEIR competition through rioting youth with no understanding of how they are being led astray. Ms. Piven has always been a troublemaker and she will always be a troublemaker because she is a communist. Communists cause trouble and abhor the American culture. Read more about Ms. Piven here:
As I sat in stunned silence watching the chanting, my mind went back to the Tea Party March on DC on 9/12 as 1.5 million of us (I was there) “chant” our message of USA and we sung together:
The same group that chants with Ms. Piven is also demanding that Obama be re-elected. See more here:
So the ones who are upset about how our economy is being run, wants President Obama re-elected so he can continue to destroy our economy and they can continue to be slaves to those behind this Wall Street protest?????
Ahh…can I go back to the beginning of this blog? Remember how great it was to feel the air and plan our conversations around the fire pits with marshmallows on sticks?
Are those days gone? Will we have the ability to live our lives in peace OR will the coming election year be filled with riots and protests in the streets? Will Obama use these people to create pandemonium?
Whatever will be will be. For us – we must stay focused on the plan to remove those who are destroying our economy from the White House and Congress. We must not fear what might be and stay peaceful while they chant with communists.
There will be more of these “Wall Street Protests” in your hometowns. Be on the lookout for the Communist Chanting Protests. In Jacksonville, we will see ours this coming Saturday at Hemming plaza at noon. Read here:
We encourage you to stay away from these protests and let them be. Let them chant and let them protest. It’s their right as an American citizen to do so. It is not their right to destroy property or hurt anyone, however.
We will be sitting around the fire pit singing God Bless America and praying to God for His peace and protection and for Him to be the center of our culture again. I think I’ll put my trust in Him since He is the one who made the leaves change; the palms remake themselves and the world turn. It appears His powers are bigger so I’m hanging with Him.
And I think it is time to start our own chant and it goes perfectly with Murray Goff’s song – God Save the USA. I’m chanting that, how about you?
Listen here:
Thank you William for the reference. We need to return to high morals, ethics, principles, values and integrity that has been eroded in our society. Our elected representatives display daily the great erosion that has happened, they should be examples to us all.
What many people are oblivious of and ignorant of is that you can not legislate high ethics, morals and all the above, that has to come within us all. When you see a company that is unethical, what i do is not support it, or buy their services and products period. People, Society creates high morals, ethics, principles, values and integrity along with truth and honor. Until people demand it's return, we will have a dysfunctional society period. These things just like manners must be taught and handed down to our children. I have done it for mine and have actually helped others through volunteering. People should always set standards, very high standards. I am very impress with what you and Roma are doing in the Education system, we are very lucky to have you both in our group and we are lucky also with our communication system these days. Will spread the word.
Thank you again for the link.
Well Bill you are comparing economic systems versus political systems. Not for nothing, but Germany had capitalism blended with fascism. China has capitalism blended with marxism. It is not an either or proposition.
They do not want to abolish capitalism, they want it held accountable. So do I. Don't you?
Multinationals do not need my help in securing favorable governmental rules. I am with the 99%, you can have the Koch brothers, the banksters, Wall Street.
Mr. Gawlik;
I understand your sadness about the state of America's students. Our public schools utterly fail to teach America's heritage of liberty, and our universities are chock-full of marxists, particularly in the humanities. For this reason, I have started a magazine on education. The Report Card: Fighting for Truth in the ClassroomIf you visit the site, you will be treated to stories about what is going on and grass roots organizations, like Eye on US Education that are fighting for the story to be told truthfully.
Very well stated William, Roma, Ken and others who see what is really happening underneath the surface. I am just amazed and saddened at the same time of the ignorance of many young people who are literally being used by Marxists as 'useful idiots'. The whole demonizing of wealth is a very dangerous climate that this administration and the Progressive Democrats have created. I find it odd that they relate it all to the French revolution that was about the same thing in bringing down the wealthy to 'spread the wealth' which had created a mess of a government still today that is failing instead of looking back at the American revolution that was about Liberty and Freedom from tyranny.
These 'useful idiots' can not see that they are walking right into the arms of tyranny and giving up their very Liberty and Freedoms. Will they realize it all before it is too, late? What i find really despicable is all the Hollywood insiders who are encouraging this, and the press/media that is pushing it all along, who would of ever thought that these people believe in communism/marxism/fascism?
Question to all the bright young people here: If you had a perfect 4.0 average that you worked very hard for, and many other students in your class had a 2.0 or lower for various reasons, some struggled, many just did not care, but you worked very hard for that 4.0 average. Would it be fair if the teacher took your high average and others and then took all the other students in your group and average ALL the grades out and gave all credit to the 2.5 average that it all averaged out to, to you and all the other students? You and others who worked so hard would NO LONGER have the high 4.0 average. The whole class now has a 2.5 collective average. Is that right or fair?
Individualism is very important to our Liberty and Freedom once that is taken away it is ALL lost and you are living under tyranny. Steve Jobs is a very fine example of Capitalism. RIP my man. We all should hold ourselves to a higher standard.
You are simply wrong on this topic. First, capitalism is a direct outgrowth of personal liberty and private property that is built into our Constitution. The opposite of capitalism is state control, meaning fascism or marxism. Capitalism is a good thing and it is the reason for America's wealth. These people in the streets are NOT saying the same thing as the Tea Party. They want to abolish capitalism, private property and profits. That translates as economic control by the state. Can you show me where in the world that has ever worked? Having said that, banks, especially big money center banks like Citigroup, want it both ways: profits when they succeed, and Uncle Sams' help when they fail. That is not capitalism, that is cronyism.
Capitalism is not in and of itself good or bad, it is amoral. It is a means to an end. No more than a tool.
It is simply a system that holds advantages for some and disadvantages for others. When free markets are indeed free and transparent they are among the most efficient ever devised.
Are you not listening to these folks? They are saying the same thing that the tea party did two years ago, before entities like AFP got involved. If anyone out there thinks the Koch brothers have your interest at heart, think again. You have nothing in common with them and much more in common with these young people out there making sure a voice is heard. A voice tht is not bought and paid for by someone who represents the one percent. The one percenters needs to mobilize others to vote against their own economic interests. They use terms like liberty and freedom, but freedom ain't free and when you give banks and corporations unfettered freedom, it is derived from our freedom and security.
The Koch brothers have spent years selling chemicals to IRAN.
So you still think they are like you or have your family's interest at heart? Heck no!
I am 99%er!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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