Ladies and Gentlemen:  We are presently in Washington, DC for a Values Voter Summit.  Values Voters Summit is made up of Conservative organizations who come together to learn from each other.  


During our stay we have been with many who went to the Occupy DC "March" just to see what was going on.   To see it first hand is to watch an organized group of communists, thugs and mis-guided people shout about things they do not even understand.  It has been revealed this am that Van Jones PAID for hispanics to carry signs which they could not read or understand.  


Nancy Pelosi said the Tea Party Movement was astroturf and today we call her out about that statement.  This Occupy Protest IS Astroturf and manufactured by the left to ensure Obama gets re-elected.   The people who are showing up are violent and have damaged property and hurt other people.  This is escalating and although we laugh at these people because they can't even say why they are there  -- we urge our members to be careful and stay away from these "so called protests."  


We have watched our blogs and one or two in this tea party are stating they will go to these protests and stand with these Communists.  Let it be known that should you do that - you do not represent the tea party movement.  You are there as individuals and you have no authority to speak on behalf of the First Coast Tea Party.  We also question if you are a true tea party believer or if you are in here solely as a mole for your own personal beliefs.


In no way would tea party members stand with Communists - they are the complete opposite of who we are.


Go to their website at and you can see the names of the organizations behind this uprising.  Do we stand with these people or these organizations?  


God bless you and stay safe.






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Comment by Steve Tikas on October 13, 2011 at 6:24am

Juan you are right that was the biggest single step towards creating a one world government and the more I research the UN and read their charter and especially their covenants (which are esentially the laws or guidelines for the committees to work off of) the more I realize how big a step it really was.  The entire UN is about as big a 180 as you could have from our Constitution and we should withdrawl immediately. 


Juan I said this somewhere and I don't ever remember reading it from anyone else so I'm going to take credit for it but 'all hope is not lost until all lose hope'  If someone knows of someone else that said that please let me know I don't want to take credit for someone elses quote but I really like it and I'm going to use it more often.  I'm using it either way I just want to make sure if it is someone else I give them credit. 

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on October 13, 2011 at 5:37am
Thank you very much for all the information from both you Juan and Steve.  It sounds like you have both done some in depth reading and investigating.  I wish I was going to be around this weekend to follow this, but will see you again on Monday (or maybe Sunday night).  This is so scary that this group has been putting all this stuff in while people were unaware or not paying attention perhaps would be a better way to put it.
Comment by Steve Tikas on October 12, 2011 at 9:45pm

Okay, Pat sorry I'm always like that with elders or someone I don't know to not be my elder.  I assume most in this group are older then myself so I just assume everyone is my elder. 

I started working on the UN thing earlier but it will be a couple of days there is a LOT of different covenants (which are the guidelines for the different committees).  Juan recommended someone named G Edward Griffins the other day look into him and check out his website  There is a PDF he has titled Chasm I'm not finished with it but I read half of it earlier today and it is all about how we got into the situation we are in today.  It is only 31 pages and it is a very easy read but it will answer your question.  I could give you a decent answer with just what I read but I wouldn't do it justice.

Also look at his website he has a creed of freedom on there and it is something that most in the Tea Party I think would appreciate and something I think that most would be happy to get behind.


I'll make sure to let the group know once I'm done and post a link.  It will be kind of long but I'll make it as short as possible.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on October 12, 2011 at 8:28pm

Yup, Steve, I meant the UN.  You got many responses and hopefully, they will come over to a blog too!   Your questions was a great question.  I know I asked Amanda not to call me Patty cakes, but you don't have to be formal honest.  I go by Pat!  I would wonder Steve, since we fought a war to be free and be "we the people" how the Rothchilds or any other, so called elite class family, could get away with trying to put themselves in charge and treat us like peasents????   Does not make sense but of course they had the help of OUR elected officials, didn't they?

Comment by Steve Tikas on October 12, 2011 at 8:01pm
What a shocker that it was the Rockerfeller Foundation that gave it to them.  One of the most corrupt families in the world.  The US arm of the Rothchild family.  Those are the people that are what I call the ruling class or true elites of this world.
Comment by Steve Tikas on October 12, 2011 at 7:15pm
Mrs. McBride are you talking about the UN?  If so that was going to be my next research project to put on my blog.  If that is not what you are talking about please let me know what you were talking about, thank you.
Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on October 12, 2011 at 5:40pm
I second the emotion of getting out of the UN.  If we stay, cancel our state department.  Talk about duplication of functions and the profgessional, "career" diplomats spout UN dogma all day.  I don't know if any of you have had to use the U.S. diplomatic employees overseas, but from what I experienced was my wasting their time making them do their jobs.  I think I was interrupting one of their NAMBLA parties.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on October 12, 2011 at 5:30pm

Jl, any time the progressives are talking something down, I being to have more faith in it :). 


Steve, put something up a as a blog on this.  You might get some takeers to explain why and what for.  Certainly there are a couple of us that follow the other blogs and you might get something rolling!!

Comment by Doyle on October 12, 2011 at 4:35pm
Unfortunately we can't kick the UN out of the US. The property its headquarters on in NYC was deeded to them by a Rockefeller foundation in the late 1940s.

I don't know what the local law is up there, but considering how broke the Big Apple always is and how many property tax dollars could be raised from that prime spot on the East River, this is the only circumstance I can envision where I'd applaud the application of the Supreme Court's Kelo v New London decision.

Just imagine all those spoiled gasbags having to relocate to one of "member states" where the effectiveness of their ongoing and endless efforts is so apparent.

Say ... Haiti!
Comment by Steve Tikas on October 12, 2011 at 3:59pm
The problem with all of the compromising is that we compromise principle and get nothing in return.  It is easy for the other side most of them have no principles to compromise.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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