High Speed Rail: Who's behind the curtain on this Spending Spree? CALL TO ACTION!

President Obama and our very own Rep. John Mica are touting federal dollars to assist Florida in bringing High Speed Rail to our sandy shores. 


Issue:  Federal dollars are OUR dollars.  The Federal government does not make money – they take ours in from tax dollars.  We do not want to use our tax dollars we send to the Federal government to be sent back to Florida to pay for High Speed Rail.  Something smells fishy here.  Who’s behind the curtain of the High Speed Rail?


Note to Rep. Mica and Transportation Committee Members:  What are you thinking?


We do not want to SPEND money now.  We want to pay off DEBT and Reduce the DEFICIT. 

How does paying for High Speed Rail achieve these goals?


Did you know Florida offers private bus service to passengers for $10 each way from Orlando to Tampa that includes free WiFi and large, reclining leather seats?  This is a private business entity that requires no subsidy and no TSA screening. 

Private bus service moved more people last year than Amtrak and we, the taxpayers, subsidized Amtrak to the tune of $1.5 Billion a year.


Again – this does not make good financial sense and there MUST BE A PUPPETER BEHIND THE CURTAIN PULLING STRINGS FOR HSR. 


We want fiscally, responsible decisions with this new Congress.  We want an effective Transportation Program – just like we want an effective Energy Program.  Read more here about how to create this program:  http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2011/01/How-to-Create-an-E...


PLEASE TAKE ACTION and tell Rep. Mica and the Transportation Committee – we don’t want HSR!  Tell them to stop listening to those behind the curtain and listen to the people instead.





Views: 24


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Comment by Michael "Mike" Yost on January 29, 2011 at 6:13am

Every single "public transportation" system nationwide is "taxpayer subsidized".


In many cases, the amount varies as much as 90% of every dollar spent is from taxpayers in one form or another- local, state, or federal funds. Amtrak is a classic example as we had to use $1.5 BILLION in Federal funds to keep it solvent.


Tri-rail in S. Florida is another more close to home. For every $15 fair collected, ANOTHER $67 of YOUR money is used to keep it up and going. Add to that, the service is so poorly planned, it is not used by many people. Routes require another mode of transportation to get where you are going, times of service are not conducive for ridership to increase, and basically, it runs empty more than even close to "full capacity".


NO private entities want to operate these systems- especially at a loss. In order to break even, it would require a 4 fold increase in fairs- more in some cases- and the political line is that "poor people suffer". The fact is- FEW people ride it, few people WANT to ride it, and it is another issue that has no easy answers to solve.


Passenger rail ended for the private Railroads decades ago- simply because they lost money. So explain to me, why is it NOW a "responsibility" for taxpayers to pay for those losses and to have "government" run them instead. The same for Bus and other modes of transportation we call "public transportation".

Comment by Debbie G on January 29, 2011 at 6:00am

Here is another "did you know" with regards to public transportation:

JTA - Jacksonville Transportation Authority is subsidized by Jacksonville taxpayers, another service we support. Below is Jacksonville breakdown of funds, notice the 60%, where most of the operating funds are derived from our taxes.




Transportation authorities across the nation receive billions every year in subsidies, taxpayer supported.










Here is the link to the National Transportation Administration Website for data.





Comment by FCTP on January 29, 2011 at 2:28am
Comment by Kate Svagdis on January 28, 2011 at 11:15am
good info Patty,
912 and TEAs has been against this boondoggle! it will be a fortune in tax dollars we will pay for-who will ride this??
Nelson 202-224-5274
Rubio 202-224-3041
Mica 202-225-4035

Oh goodie Chinese trains, will they be painted red???
Comment by Karen M on January 28, 2011 at 9:56am
Rep. Brown consults with Rep. Mica during a transportation event at the Sanford Auto Train station - October 18, 2010
Comment by William I Gulliford on January 28, 2011 at 9:36am
If HSR made sense (economically) don't you think you would have a large corproation or two jumping all over the opportunity to start it and operate it? It will become another taxpayer subsidy I think.
Comment by Kate Svagdis on January 28, 2011 at 9:16am
holy cow-what is wrong with Mica? His office said he's opposed to Tampa high speed but wants Disney to airport high speed. Private is the way to go-cost to the state will be endless. Tell Mica NO!
Comment by J.R. on January 28, 2011 at 9:12am

High speed rail is an abomination that we need to stop in its tracks before money is spent for it to hit the tracks.  At a time when so many Floridians have lost their jobs, their homes, their cars, their credit and are dependent on welfare for basic survival, how can any sane person be in favor of spending a huge amount of money on high speed rail?  Where is the urgent need for it? 


Since this is now in the hands of the Florida legislature, why don't we put together a delegation to go to Tallahassee and address the State Legislature and try to get them to put the skids on this ridiculous and unnecessary boondoggle. 


This is clearly the wrong place, the wrong time, and the wrong financial environment for anything more than absolutely necessary spending.  It isn't as if Florida is rolling in money and has plenty to spare.  And with a new wave of foreclosures coming down the pike and further hard times ahead, who can afford this idiocy??? 

Comment by Murry Moore on January 28, 2011 at 9:01am
I just sent an email to Mica's office. Thanks Billie for the heads up.
Comment by FCTP on January 28, 2011 at 8:50am
Take a look at Mica touting High Speed Rail  --  http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/4514626/the-push-for-a-high-speed-ra...

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If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

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Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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