Many great patriots of the First Coast Tea Party post important information on this website.  They have done a fabulous job and we thank them for their watchful eye.  Here are just a few Liberty concerns they have posted in recent days:

1.  Watch the video here about Timothy Geithner who may be charged with bank fraud.  That is - if anyone in Congress will do something about it.  The video can be seen here:  Geithner Arrested?

2.  Marine Sargeant sets up Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots website.  He is standing up against the President and his commanding officers stating he will refuse orders to disarm Americans or kill Americans.  Could that happen?  Read more about his fight against tyranny here:  Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots

3.  Watch the speech/video by Dinesh D'Souza, President of The Kings College.  A movie will be released this summer about the United States under his leadership in 2016.  This is professionally done by Hollywood and will help you explain the differences between what Obama wants for America and what our Founding Fathers wanted.  Watch it here:  Obama & America in 2016

There are many more blogs and videos for you to learn from on this site.  We encourage you to come here every day and educate yourself - thanks to the hard work and watchful eye of your fellow patriots.  If you find something that needs to be shared, you have the power in your hands to do so.  Just post the information here and we'll make sure the members are informed.

Speaking of informed - please note that our Office Manager, Debbie Gonzalez, has resigned to accept a position with Americans for Prosperity.  She just returned from a trip to their DC offices and is very excited about what AFP will be able to offer patriots on the First Coast. 

She is now a field coordinator for AFP for Clay, Duval and St. Johns Counties.  She will be traveling around these counties speaking to people on economic freedom, the importance of limited government and motivating individuals to get involved through the various tools AFP has to offer. AFP has made it extremely easy for everyday citizens to make a difference through modern technology, research and online tools.  With over 1.9 million current members, growing weekly, AFP will surely make a difference in supporting Liberty.  Debbie's new contact information is: and her number is:  (407) 730-0865.

We are thrilled that Debbie was offered this important job and we can give ourselves a pat on the back for helping her cut her Liberty teeth within the First Coast Tea Party.  Our tea party has been a training ground for new Liberty warriors.  Most of our members were people who once were soccer moms, PTA members, blue collar and white collar workers, small business owners and moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas

This is what America is all about...We the People standing up against those who wish to take Liberty down and force us to live under tyranny.

Have a great weekend and hug your loved ones.  You never know what tomorrow holds.

Views: 681


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Comment by Sumner R Andrews Jr on March 12, 2012 at 7:24pm
Rest of the post: MasterLock factory recently
and excoriates the owners for sending their manufacturing overseas, anyone
who owns a manufacturing business looks at him and says: ³This guy is
running a regime that is waging war against us and using it¹s regulatory
powers to destroy us every day of the week. So screw him.² I have spent my
entire life around welding machines and I can tell you that it is impossible
for a welding machine or the act of welding to do anything to a can of spray
paint located even a foot away just so that you understand how absurd this
entire situation was from the get-go.

Bush, for all his massive stupidity on many subjects, clearly understood
that the Government regulatory power was crushing American jobs and
literally driving patriotic Americans to give up, utterly give up, on
running a manufacturing business in the USA, forcing them to set up their
businesses in business-friendly countries like Red China. How ironic is that
a Communist regime that does a better job of fostering capitalism than the
supposedly capitalist USA? It is disgraceful. So when you hear Obama demand
higher taxes to hire more OSHA inspectors and trumpets his demands for more
regulations on American business, I hope you remember this incident and keep
in mind that this story is being repeated thousands of times a week all over
this country."
Comment by Sumner R Andrews Jr on March 12, 2012 at 7:21pm
A friend pointed out a great liberty concern. I would like to share his observations with you and encourage you to do the same with friends, family and patriots alike.

"I would encourage everyone to avoid the use of the word "rant". There is
plenty of stuff that is said in this forum that I consider to be completely
off base or just nuts. But I never say so publicly as it demeans the
intelligence and the life experience of the person saying it. Everyone who
contributes here is very smart, obviously, or they would not have been
admitted to Harvard in the first place. They also have lived a long time and
seen a great deal and thought deeply about their experiences, all of which,
I assume, has lead them to hold the opinions they espouse. I always take
this into consideration and thereby do not ever refer to their posts as
³rants² which would imply that they are ignorant and thoughtless, which, no
matter what they say, is never the case.

In direct response to Phil I can only say that I have tried and tried to
figure out what Obama actually believes in, and like Clinton, I finally came
to the conclusion that he is essentially an ³moral situationalist², meaning
that he has very few core convictions and shapes his response, or lack
thereof, to whatever he feels will best help his personal advancement.
However, again like Clinton, I do think that one of the few core convictions
he has is that the Government should be handed the power to run vast swaths
of this society and therefore needs more and more money to do so. So taxes
need to be hugely increased and Government agencies should be granted more
and more authority to run our personal and business lives and that all sorts
of economic and social power should be consolidated in the hands of the
Federal Government. This, of course, is essentially what the Bolsheviks
believed (that the Central Government is better at deciding what should
happen than you are) and they would look at what Obama is doing and and say,
³Yeah, right on!.² Therefore if you are going to try to come to a
description of where Obama is trying to take the country, this description
is pretty accurate. Granted he wears better clothes, and does not run around
in elk-skin boots, but the core ideology is essentially the same.

To give you a real-life example of what is going on I will relate the
experiences that occurred last week to a business owner I know in Alabama.
He has a mid-size fabricating/welding shop. Last week the OSHA inspectors
showed up. For those of you who have no experience with this, OSHA
inspectors have absolute Gestapo like powers to burst in to your business
any time they feel like it and demand to inspect everything. There are
millions and millions of words OSHA regulations, so it is inherently
impossible for any human to have anything but the slightest acquaintance
with what is contained in these hundreds of thousands of pages of
restrictions. Somewhere buried in all this code is a regulation that no can
of spray paint can be located anywhere within a 30 foot radius of a welding
machine. As a welding shop will have multiple welding machines, to establish
a 60 foot diameter zone around every one of then where no spray cans can be
kept, means effectively that you would have to store them outside in the
parking lot, which I am sure is illegal under some other regulations. The
inspectors wrote this poor guy up A $7,000 FINE FOR EACH AND EVERY CAN OF
GENERATED AN $84,000 FINE. And, of course they were just getting started.
There fines far exceeded his yearly profit. So, this poor guy, who has been
in business for many years, will have to declare bankruptcy and will
certainly be driven out of business throwing his entire staff out of work
AMERICAN BUSINESS. So when Obama gets up at the MasterLock fa
Comment by Debbie G on March 12, 2012 at 1:59pm

Thank you to the First Coast Tea Party, what a great group to be part of!  We have all come a long way in our understanding, involvement, and proactive approach to reign in our out of control government. We have learned together.

Americans For Prosperity (AFP) was in the trenches for smaller government before it was kitchen table talk, 2004.  It is an honor to represent AFP in northeast Florida as they have resources and tools to help us achieve our smaller government goal.

We have a long road ahead, but the great patriots that have stepped up to make a difference WILL do just that; MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Onward . . . . .

Comment by Jax Tico on March 11, 2012 at 12:03pm

This is all very important information.  thanks for keeping us informed.

Comment by Mary Jo Vickers on March 10, 2012 at 12:54pm
Way to go Debbie! To quote Glenn Beck: "We surround them", they just haven't figured it out yet! On another issue, I have Dinesh D'Souza's book: Roots of Obama's Rage on my kindle. Haven't finished it yet (because I read too many books at once!) but I highly recommend!

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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