One of our own takes down an Occupier

Brandon Darby spoke at the First Coast Tea Party Rally to the Right last Sunday.  Brandon is a former Anarchist and FBI Informant who saw the error of his ways and dunked himself in to the Conservative movement!  We have gotten to know Brandon in the past 6 months and we were proud to have him at our event.


Yesterday we were in Orland to hear Sheriff Arpaio speak at a tea party event.  This tea party event was a private gathering of tea party members. 


Brandon was there to speak.  He saw something amiss in the audience and confronted a group of women he believed to be anarchists.  (When you've been one, you know who they are.) 


Brandon (while sucking on a lollipop) confronted the women along with the security team.  After an outburst, they were removed from the meeting.


Take a look at the video on Breitbart. 


We are thrilled to have Brandon on our side!  


And we thought the Occupiers were only worried about big bad corporate guys and not Sheriffs who enforce the laws.  Hummmmm............


Thank you Brandon and all the others who stood up and said "Not at our meeting, you won't!"



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Comment by Tracy on November 14, 2011 at 8:24am

David obviously hasn't done his homework on the occupy movement.Join them David? And accomplish what? Destroy the system and install a new socialist system? Yes they can protest the bailouts and crony capitalism, I did too, but when it comes down to the solution on how to FIX IT, there is NO common ground between the causes.One is for less government one is for more.That is why we are on 2 different sides.BTW ,I have 24 pages and counting of links to info on the occupiers and views expressed from the occupiers themselves.Have a look when your ready to get educated.

Comment by Bob Honiker on November 14, 2011 at 6:14am

David there are many issues to be addressed but the most critical at this moment is marxism, or more precisely the Gramscian version Barack Obama is representing. You seem to have done some reading and research, go read up on Antonio Gramsci and his strategy for bringing on global communism.

Michelle you hit the target dead center, these people see themselves as revolutionary Bolsheviks. they are well organized, trained and funded. They work full time, 24/7, it is all they do!

Comment by Michelle on November 14, 2011 at 1:55am

My husband and I attended the Tea Party meeting in Orlando on Saturday. My husband helped to remove the kids from the building and overheard them call Brandon a traitor. The opposing side would be...? I invite you to research some names that were given to us and perhaps it will shed a bit more light on the whole OWS movement. Lisa Fithian, union organizer and anarchist, Malik Rahim, Black Panther member and Scott Crowe. Fithian has quite a history. She would like to have a revolution in this country like Spain had in the 1930's. Unions were important to transform their gov't. Sounds like what is happening in this country now. These protests are plotted, planned and sounds like there is more to come! My brain still can't fathom what I have read tonight.

During all the time I have spent on the computer it was strange that I found this YouTube video of "Barbara from Harlem" in NY. Yes, there is a God. She is a real Tea Party Patriot. Watch her video at

Comment by CARL & DIANA DOANE on November 13, 2011 at 10:14pm

Thanks Brandon, We are happy to see this Tea Party Group doesn"t just sip TEA. But we hope someone offered you a cool glass of TEA after the removal of the missfits.

Comment by FCTP on November 13, 2011 at 7:18pm

David:  This was a private meeting.  People paid to be there.  They barged in.  The occupiers do not play by the rules.  If someone barged into your home, would you remove them?  They were disruptive and were rude.  They are not owed a platform IF they do not play by the rules.

Comment by JR Logan on November 13, 2011 at 6:08pm

I do not feel divided by the "wealthy elite" as Mr. Weed writes. I do feel outraged with the anarchists Occupy Wall Street Morons who have no respect for spiritual principles by which this great Nation was founded.  Certainly there are people who may think they are elite and people who might perceive them as elite but in reality the term is meaningless. I am grateful that many wealthy people create jobs for the rest of us, that their is a wealthy class in America to protect us from Big Government. That their are wealthy philanthropist. What is wrong with having a wealthy class?

Comment by Jack on November 13, 2011 at 5:58pm

David you are starting to worry me a little bit yourself. When you are in the fast lane on the road to hell gridlock is a good thing, it might not stop you but at least it will slow you down. Compromise is not always an option and can sometimes be fatal. Political compromising is what got us in the mess that we are in right now. It time we stood our ground and turned this car around. I refuse to compromise with those who want to destroy our country and our way of life. I refuse to be silent for those who want to silence me. I refuse to lay down and die for those who want to kill me. I'm sorry, but the time to compromise has long since come and gone.

Comment by Bob Honiker on November 13, 2011 at 5:27pm

David while I do agree with some things the Occupy people are saying their association with Marxist activists will prevent my ever cooperating with them. Many of them truly are "useful idiots" in every sense of the term. Obama has been inciting them to riot since taking office. They are a brainwashed bunch of robots for the most part.

The Tea Party stands in defense of our Constitution. Give an occupier a copy of the Constitution and he will probably tear it up. All we will come to if  Obama and the occupiers prevail is tyranny under a Marxist boot heel.

Comment by david weed on November 13, 2011 at 5:09pm

So you befriended an FBI narc/mole and didn't allow opposing views to be shared. That is really following the Constitution. I thought that was what the Tea Party was about. Looks like so many people here are busy calling those with opposing fews names and not trying to unite to fight those that really control government for their own agenda. How many prospective candidates for president on both sides of the aisle are CFR members or are connected to Central Banking? Those are the questions I would ask. Divided as a people we fall and the country goes with it. Who are "they "? Central Bankers? CFR members?  The root cause of our eceonomic mess is government deficit spending, derivitives and the FED [ debt based central banking ]. We all Americans, not libtards or republitards and until we all unite as Americans we are lost against a wealthy elite that divides us. 

Comment by Bob Honiker on November 13, 2011 at 1:36pm

Armando we don't operate in secret and of course they watch what we do. Their intent to create confrontation and violence has been part of the plan all along. We are opposing a well organized Marxist conspiracy, the force behind all the "useful idiots" you see demonstrating. Their demonstrations are organized and controlled right out of the Marxist guidebooks. One thing sure, we cannot let fear of trouble stop us, that is what they want.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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