We had planned our trip for a while and had no idea we would be here among the crowd of Occupy DC protestors.  But here we are - tea party members here for a conference on Values in America standing eye to eye with those who hate American values and all we stand for.


Do not be fooled with what you are reading or hearing on TV.  These Occupy individuals are not American freedom-loving people.  They stood on a sidewalk yelling at us about capitalism and how anyone who owns a business should give their money to the poor.  Anyone - will include a small printing company, a small contractor, a mom and pop coffee shop.  These people hate you and what you stand for.  They hate hard work, they hate having to pay their bills, they hate personal responsibility, they hate anyone who wants to take away their EBT cards, they hate those of us who love America.


Any organizations that starts with hate - would not be an organization we associate with.


When the tea party formed in 2009, we stood up for America and we loved the freedom she gave us through our Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.  We did not hurt anyone, we were 1.5 million strong, we left no trash behind and we took our signs home with us and turned them into letters to our representatives and voting for Conservatives in the polls.  That is what we did and will continue to do.


We will not be manipulated by thugs on the streets of NY, DC or Jacksonville who hate America.  


We still encourage you to stay away from those who will "occupy" our city.  Many cities are letting them do so without permits which is illegal.  We are certain our city of Jacksonville will not let these people do anything that is not permitted by law.


We hope this will not escalate because what we are seeing in DC is not pretty.  Watching Nancy Pelosi and President Obama encourage them is highly disturbing since they called us horrible, disgusting names when we marched peacefully.


Our country is upside down and inside out.  The people occupying the streets are nothing more than useful drones for the benefit of those behind them with billions of dollars sitting in their bank accounts.  How sad and how irresponsible this Occupy Protest has become.   How horribly sad it is that our President supports them.




Views: 1065


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Comment by Douglas Newberry on October 8, 2011 at 1:40pm

Here is my point of view, as if anyone wanted it. There seems to be a movement to get the corporate greed, corruption and looting under control. By not getting involved in the debate, you are letting the left set the agenda.

Clearly there is a need to restore sound money and honest banking. Clearly there is a need to get control of our politicians away from the corporations and the moneyed interest. I for one will not stick my head in the sand and let the lunatic left control the debate.

They can have their little rallies and whatnot, but if WE fail to get in the game, this will end badly for the TRUE freedom lovers.

I have said it before... the OWS movement should have started with the Tea Party, but since the Tea Party did not address this issue in a BIG way, we opened the door for the left to make it their movement.

Comment by Jimmy Hooker on October 8, 2011 at 1:32pm

There's Hope!  Newberry had me take a closer look at


I don't know how "official" the website is but if you read deeper in the topics there,  80% of the comments are coming from a groundswell of conservative points of view.  -Unintentionally I'm sure.

This doesn't mean we should have any sympathy for the Occupy Wallstreet movement,   Only that we (right-thinkers) may be winning after all.  


Comment by Jimmy Hooker on October 8, 2011 at 12:52pm

Found it.  All this is coming out of their "Forum" section where they're arguing like us. 

They aren't going to officially endorse any list of demands as long as they can do what they're doing,  disrupt with mass ignorance and broad-based phony mal-content.

Comment by Jimmy Hooker on October 8, 2011 at 12:35pm
(d--- timing)   Newberry, where'd your list come from?   (Right off, I've got problems with #4).  My list may not be endorsed by their website, but they aren't dis-avowing it either.  While your's... how many protesters have read that?  Sources please.
Comment by Mike Curtis on October 8, 2011 at 12:29pm

WOW, It's amazing how people get riled up when they don't understand and make assumptions about the comments of others. The comment about what Billie said being similar to the medias take on the Tea Party I believe refers to the media saying the Tea party gatherings are violent, full of racist etc. The occupy movement avtually is violent, socialist etc.  Notice the similarities and differences. The media said we are ________ the occupyers are ______


We are on the same side......OK?


As far as visiting one of their....events.  The point was made that you risk being included if you attend.  I wouldn't want to be counted in their number and fear I might get sucked into an incident. Just doesn't seem like a good idea,

Comment by Jimmy Hooker on October 8, 2011 at 12:25pm

OK, after looking over occupywallst.org,    You could show up with every anti-Marxest, anti-communist, wearing a pie-in-Che's-face- t-shirt, carrying a "Read Atlas Shrugged" sign....     You'd still be taken for a supporter,  a bobbing head part of the crowd.


So to answer my own question, showing up to counter-protest would probably not be productive.  Goodbye folks. It's been fun.  'Gotta go.

Comment by Douglas Newberry on October 8, 2011 at 12:22pm

The list I saw is this...

CLEAR LIST OF DEMANDS FOR CONGRESS when we engage in direct action at the Capitol complex (feel free to add or edit) *
  1. INVESTIGATE, ARREST AND TRY THE WALL STREET CRIMINALS who clearly broke the law and helped cause the 2008 financial crisis in the following notable cases: (insert list of the most clear cut criminal actions). There is a pretty broad consensus that there is a clear group of people who got away with millions / billions illegally and haven't been brought to justice. Boy would this be long overdue and cathartic for millions of Americans. It would also be a shot across the bow for the financial industry. If you watch the solidly researched and awared winning documentary film "Inside Job" that was narrated by Matt Damon (pretty brave Matt!) and do other research, it wouldn't take long to develop the list.

  2. CONGRESS ENACT LEGISLATION TO PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY BY REVERSING THE EFFECTS OF THE CITIZENS UNITED SUPREME COURT DECISION which essentially said corporations can spend as much as they want on elections and no disclosure is required about who's giving to who. Corporations should be highly limited in ability to contribute to political campaigns no matter what the election and no matter what the form of media. The Supreme Court decision is really weird. Read it when you have a chance. The justices who argued for unlimited corporate contributions without disclosure thought that wouldn't have an adverse effect on democracy and wouldn't undermine the citizen's view of legitimacy of elections. I'm not sure there's a word for that it's so strange.

  3. ACTION ON GLASS-STEAGALL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass–Steagall_Act --- Wiki entry summary: The repeal of provisions of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 by the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act effectively removed the separation that previously existed between investment banking which issued securities and commercial banks which accepted deposits. The deregulation also removed conflict of interest prohibitions between investment bankers serving as officers of commercial banks. Most economists believe this repeal directly contributed to the severity of the Financial crisis of 2007–2011 by allowing Wall Street investment banking firms to gamble with their depositors' money that was held in commercial banks owned or created by the investment firms.

  4. CONGRESS PASS THE BUFFETT RULE ON FAIR TAXATION SO THE RICH AND CORPORATIONS PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE & CLOSE CORPORATE TAX LOOP HOLES INCLUDING PROHIBITION ON HIDING FUNDS OFF SHORE. Pass the Buffet Rule on fair taxation so the rich pay their fair share. (If you really had a good negotiating position and had the place surrounded, you could actually dial up taxes on millionaires, billionaires and corporations even higher. But this would require direct non-violent blockades / action in New York and DC to get the broad public support necessary).



  7. CONGRESS ENACT SPECIFIC LAWS THAT EFFECTIVELY BUILD A WALL BETWEEN THE DEFENSE INDUSTRY AND THE U.S. MILITARY. If we're going after corruption and also trying to reduce all the unnecessary wars that are costly in so many ways (most importantly costly in terms of human life on both sides), then this is the GRANDDADDY OF ALL REFORMS. Any of you who have seen th

Comment by Douglas Newberry on October 8, 2011 at 12:16pm
Maybe you should look again... the very first words on the page you link to are:"Admin note: This is not an official list of demands"
Comment by JL Gawlik on October 8, 2011 at 12:15pm

@Jimmy Hooker 

I never said i had a problem with what you are NOW quoting. Just go back and read your statements right before i made mine. Then slowly read mine. It is what it is.

Comment by Jimmy Hooker on October 8, 2011 at 11:53am

Newberry; Now I agree with Tim!  What can a Tea Party member agree with this crap?:


It's incredibly stupid.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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