RESPECT - We got a little bit, Baby!

Last night CNN hosted the first ever Tea Party debate with Tea Party Express and more than 150 tea party groups across the country.


It was a historic night and the Tea Party Movement was given the respect it deserves.  The staff at CNN did an excellent job!  The people behind the scenes who help those in front of the screens were professional, supportive and patriotic.  Those in front of the screen were too and willingly gave the tea party the microphone for the day. 


Tea Party Express has spent nearly a year working with CNN on this debate.  The Florida Tea Party Group leaders helped fill the seats with Florida Tea Party Members.  Tea Party Express never took center stage and instead gave the applause to individual tea party groups nationwide.  Tea Party Express has proven their heart to the tea party groups and earned our respect for their hard work.


The candidates made sure they shook hands with attendees afterwards in the debate hall and at the After Debate Party.  From the conversations at the party, it appears there was no clear front runner but two were crossed off the list.  Huntsman came across as an elite politician and Ron Paul went over the top with blaming America for the 9/11 tragedy.  There will still be the strong Ron Paul supporters who will argue that point – but the tea party members have had enough with Mr. Paul. 


Rick Perry took a beating for some of his policies and admitted he made some mistakes along the way.  Mitt still will not admit he was wrong about Romneycare.  The tea party is strong on wanting that apology but it seems we will not get it.  Santorum had a great moment when he called out Ron Paul on his 9/11 stance.  Cain plays the “Godfather” role well and the audience loves his answers.  Newt's one ling zingers are always fun.  Michelle knew more about Obamacare than anyone else on the stage and is adamant about repealing it in 2012.  The tea party stands with her on that issue.


We will be packing up and heading home today.  My feet hurt and we are exhausted.  But the good outweighs the bad.  We are proud of last night.  We hope America and those who called us names we did not deserve, saw who “we the tea” really are.  We are America and we are proud to be a part of this movement.  We will continue to stay together and work together to unseat President Obama and many of his far left friends in Congress.  It is our time now and we will not rest until America is returned to her Constitutional footing once again. 


Thank you CNN, Tea Party Express, all the candidates and the tea party members from Florida and across the country.   Respect was the word of the night and it felt good to feel that again.  We will be singing this all the way home today and we hope you will join us in a chorus across America.  Respect.

God bless and safe travels.



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Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on September 28, 2011 at 7:36pm

Jello, Steve!  To the dummyrats, its how it feels, sounds/tastes.  Forget the healthy, substantial perpetuating work-theme.  Its the hooray for me, the heck with you(plural).  We have to laugh at Jay Leno and his "Jaywalking segments".  But it hurts.  Robert Heinlein was not my favorite author, but I swear that requiement for "citzenship" in Starship Troopers is sounding more REASONABLE everyday.  Enlist, serve, and its earned.  I have a close friend that saved his money as a child until he graduated from the "Queens" highschool in the British V.I., flew to MIami, went straight to the navy recruiters office and enlisted.  That's how he received his citizenship.  On a visitors visa no less.

Comment by Steve Tikas on September 28, 2011 at 5:23pm

You make a good point Christy in that I don't even understand how many Dems can vote for him.  Blacks, Mexicans, and the young have suffered on a far worse scale in regards to unemployment then any other groups.  He doesn't support Israel so I don't see how Jews support him.  The very large anti-war portion of the left how in the world they are still behind him that one I really don't understand.  He has gotten us out of anything and we are in more wars now and Gitmo is still functioning. 


I think it is just really about not being able to support someone with a R behind their name.  That is one of my points in why I think Ron Paul is by far the best man for the job and also our best hope of beating Obama.  Many in all of those groups will leave Obama if Ron Paul is running but if any of the other GOP candidates are the nominee it will just reinforce that the GOP is business as usual. 

Comment by Christy on September 28, 2011 at 4:47pm
Oh My Durwin, back in 2008 as I watched Obama speak from his recreation of "Satan's throne on earth" in Co my heart sank so low for Us, for my aging Parents, for my Children, for my Grandchildren and for my Neighbors and Friends.  I do believe that it is at all possible Obama will never step down.  I do not know how on Earth even Dem's can feel right about him, they will be caught in the aftermath as well.  I Pray and Work everyday that this will not happen.  As I watch DC and so many States become modern day Sodom and Gomorrah's and I watch Christians being fooled my Faith shakes.  I will fast and Pray.
Comment by Steve Tikas on September 28, 2011 at 4:31pm

The chart reminds me of a movie called Idiocracy where the most normal man in the US military is frozen and when he wakes up 500 years later and he is the smartest man in the world.  It is a funny movie but when put into perspective of our society and especially Mr. Davis's comment very sad because it does seem to be coming true.


Those comments are very dangerous.  Anything that goes against the Consitution is very dangerous.  Our founding fathers were some of the smartest men in history and when we so easily dismiss their ideas we destroy our country. 


Lee is right her spokesman is out there saying she meant it as hyperbole.  Sorry that is not something to joke about.  As I see it that was them putting a comment out and seeing how the American people reacted to it.  I will say this even on the Democratic sites I've looked at most of the people there don't even like that idea.  It will never fly and if it did there would be a revolt and it would not be a peaceful one. 

Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on September 28, 2011 at 10:25am
the first twit of N.C. is back peddling on those remarks. whats the odds on that. just one more dummycrat that should put three digit I.Q. on her christmas list. liberals only lose because the rules are defective.
Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on September 28, 2011 at 9:06am

I've placed out there a strong potential that the Socialistic Dummyrats would try to dismiss the House and the Senate; habeas corpus, and declare martial law the day before the inauguration of the NEW CONSERVATIVE PRESIDENT; and declare a Dictatorship for Hussein Obama.  Well folks, here's their first salvo... 

Speaking to a Cary Rotary Club today, N.C. Gov. Bev Perdue suggested suspending Congressional elections for two years so that Congress can focus on economic recovery and not the next election.  “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that,” Perdue said. “You want people who don’t worry about the next election.”

Comment by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on September 27, 2011 at 3:03pm

It seems obvious that more money-motivated families tend toward smallness.  Smart parents can typically produce sufficient revenue to care for their children.  Far less smart parents need to procreate and employ many children to produce sufficient revenue for minimum care.  Many less smart must clamor to government for sustenance.

Europe’s population gurus sent out a call 10 years ago for more babies to bolster the tax base.  Big corporations installed child care centers, governments charged single people higher taxes, etc. 

Whether by plan or not, people in Europe and the USA stopped seeing a large family as a path to increased wealth.  Both parents went to work.  They stopped having more than 2 kids, insufficient, given the death rate, to sustain the population of productive people.  Countries began opening the flood gate to people from Africa, the Mid East, India, and the Far East.  America has done the same, virtually ignoring the flood of immigrants from Ibero-America through its southern borders and shorelines.

Now black and brown seem on the verge of subsuming white in Europe and the USA.  They comprise upwards of 30% of the US population in 2011.  Will this matter at all?

I think it will.  We need only look at predominantly black and brown countries to see the kinds of civilizations they evolve.  It seems interesting from a National Geographic perspective.  Okay to visit there.  Not so okay to live there.  But America and Europe head there anyway.

Of all the damage a fully blended pool of today’s genes will do in the world, suppressing intelligence and concomitantly increasing government suppression of rights constitute the greatest.  Stupid people make stupid choices and thereby invoke punitive response from government, till government becomes generally punitive. 

Stupid nations always have abusive, corrupt governments.  America heads there.  I can imagine no clearer indication of that movement than letting the spite of political parties shove an illegal alien into the presidency.  And yes, Obama occupies the White House out of spite, not out of any special leadership skill or vision, other than the specters of Islam and Communism his parents and mentors planted in his mind.  Nothing but spite could put such a person in charge of this nation.

Philosophers like John Wolfgram seem to think IQ and intelligence don’t mean the same thing, have no bearing on anything, and mean virtually nothing.  So, I thought I’d toss the rest of you who actually hunger for truth this little bone to gnaw on.

This web site shows an animation that reveals the effect of population growth on average IQ.  You can download the database and use LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet to plot the correspondence yourself.

Comment by Steve Tikas on September 27, 2011 at 10:24am
Sorry it would probably help if I provided the link to the video.
Comment by Steve Tikas on September 27, 2011 at 10:23am

I just found a three part interview that David Barton (the man from the video Mrs. Tucker published) that goes a lot more in-depth to his position.  It is three parts totaling about 25-30 minutes.  I would highly recommend watching it.  If you listen to the entire interview he lays out his position very well.  It is hard to understand in points because he is not only a theologian but a historian and he jumps back and forth so it is hard to keep it straight which one he is talking about.


He lays it out plainly in the last video towards minute number 7 or so. 


If you listen to the whole thing his position is different then the first video Mrs. Tucker provided seemed, at least to me it seemed different.  I will say that he gives a lot of really amazing facts and data to back up his feelings.  Make sure you watch all the way threw till the end he really pulls the whole interview together at the end.

Comment by Steve Tikas on September 26, 2011 at 6:58pm

Yes I agree that welfare is not constitutional and therefore is not something we need to extend to anyone let alone children born in this country due to their parents jumping the border.


That is a good point you make about the 10th amendment not only being for states but also for people I had never heard that brought up even though it is very clearly in the 10th amendment.


Roma and Tom I'm not sure who the last comment is directed at.  If you where directing to it towards me I did not say that separation of church and state is in the Constitution, and as fact are not in anywhere in the Constitution, just that our Constitution did not set up a state sponsored religion.  I not only think that children should be able to pray in school I strongly promote it and I don't think that their ability to do such should be stopped as long as it is outside of the normal class schedule.  I think that same rule should apply to all students of all faiths if they so choose.  That is the essence of freedom and why I think the founding fathers did not set up a state sponsored religion.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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