The Constitution and President Obama

The following article was written by Ron DeSantis, a local attorney and author of  Dreams From Our Founding Fathers: First Principles in the Age of Obama.  He will be speaking at the Westside Chapter of the First Coast Tea Party on Monday, September 26th at 6:00 PM.  For more information about this meeting, go to:



What is a progressive like Barack Obama to do on Constitution Day?


As originally articulated by the likes of Woodrow Wilson during the early 20th century, progressivism rejected the Constitution's focus on individual liberty and held the Founding Fathers in contempt.


Wilson even complained that "divine right of kings never ran a more prosperous course than did this unquestioned prerogative of the Constitution to receive universal homage."  And he boasted about being among the first Americans to "entertain any serious doubts about the superiority of our own institutions as compared with the systems of Europe" and "to think of remodelling the administrative machinery of the federal government."


Wilson and his progressive allies wanted to weaken the Constitution's protections against centralized power and facilitate government planning by progressive experts.  They didn't believe in American exceptionalism and looked to statist, bureaucratic governments throughout Europe as models for reform.


In many ways, Obama is Wilson's kindred spirit.


Like Wilson, Obama is not a fan of the Constitution's basic design.  In his Farewell Address, George Washington celebrated the Constitution's separation of powers as being absolutely necessary for the maintenance of a free society, yet Obama has complained about this important constitutional feature.  During the health care debate, he said he would like nothing more than to bypass Congress and enact "some very elegant, you know, academically approved approach to health care."  At a conference of liberal Hispanics, he pointed out one way to grant amnesty was to "bypass Congress and change the laws on my own," admitting that "the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting, I promise you."


Obama's impatience with the Constitution's design stems, in part, from the fact that he views the document as defective.  The Constitution, he has said, "reflects some deep flaws in American culture."  Obama has derided the Constitution as "charter of negative liberties" that restricts government's authority but that does not mandate that the federal government redistribute wealth—something which Obama has dedicated his professional life to achieving.    


He has even criticized the famously liberal Warren Court for being insufficiently radical because it “never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.”  More specifically, he lamented that the Warren Court “didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution.”


Since in office, Obama has been quite willing to go where even the Warren Court would not.  His prized ObamaCare law obliterates any discernible limitations to the power of the federal government.  ObamaCare represents one of the “gradual innovations of an unlimited government,” which is something that Founding Fathers like James Madison feared.


If ObamaCare was the only policy that Obama enacted, it would represent more damage to the Constitution that has been done by virtually any previous president.  Obama, though, has not limited his damage to ObamaCare.  He has relied on unaccountable czars to implement his polices, implemented a de facto amnesty plan by executive fiat, and scuttled the rule of law in favor of the United Auto workers during the Chrysler and GM bankruptcies—to name just a few of his transgressions.  


The Founders knew that elected officials would not always be faithful to the text, history and structure of the Constitution.  Accordingly, they advised citizens to obtain a “remedy” through “the election of more faithful representatives,” who can “annul the acts of the usurpers.”


Barack Obama may, consistent with the vision of the Founders, receive his electoral comeuppance in November of 2012.  This will provide an opportunity to reverse his destructive policies and foster a renewed faithfulness to the Constitution.


In the meantime, Constitution Day seems to be an appropriate time for Obama to reflect on the damage he has done.


 --Ron DeSantis is the author of Dreams From Our Founding Fathers: First Principles in the Age of Obama

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Comment by Steven D.Upshaw on September 18, 2011 at 11:09am
Very well said Patricia. I think that our constitution has been chipped away at for many years and it is high time we elect a person that will enter into the office of the president who will not over look what past administrations have done to weaken it and take steps to restore it to its original strength. I do not think Mitt Romney or Rick Perry are the candidates to do that. Both of these men have to many ties to the elites in our government. It is time for the common people of this country to take control and protect what is most valuable to us. That being freedom to chose for ourselves how we shall live. This president has been the most poisonous person in our history to the constitution he uses it to his advantage when it pleases him and circumvents it when it does not. He has a very hard time playing by the rules but I guess all outlaws and thugs have that problem. Lets see, if he were able to bypass the legislative branch and make the laws on his own that would make him something like THE KING! now I am sure he would just love that and that is the whole problem with the elites in Washington. The government must be held to its limits and not allowed to over step those limits. If we live by the terms set by our constitution we will prosper as a nation. But if we let other nations and powerful elites with interest in other nations control our government we will not.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on September 18, 2011 at 9:45am

I think Obama's viewpoint of flaws in the constitution is because he thinks FAIR should play into it as in taking from one person to give to another to make things fair (in spite of the fact the person on the receiving end might never have done a thing to justify so called "fair" treatment.  Nor does Mr. Obama ever consider how unfair it is to steal the fruits of one man's labor to give to another or the type of change in someone's work ethic and attitude if everything they work for is stolen from them to give to someone who either will not work or does half a job waiting for the handout!  His ideas of what is wrong with the constitution are the very things most of us and most of the legal immigrants come to our country for.  Freedom to work hard and realize the American Dream.  Although Mr. Obama touts the American Dream his is based on redistribution (which we can all be safely assured of, because of the writings of the founders, they would have abhored!


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