The "Marquee" Changed Overnight

Last night after attending a Poll Watching Training Session for the First Coast Tea Party, I rushed home to get on a conference call with the Tea Party Caucus in Tallahassee.   As I was listening to the discussion, I was answering emails and watching some Facebook postings.  Lo and behold, there on Facebook the TU posted an article around 9:00 PM and the headline read:

Brown secures more marquee GOP backers |


The article caught the attention of my Facebook friends.  The article indicated that a few “Marquee” GOP supporters had now thrown their money and support behind Alvin Brown.


The article went on to note that this endorsement had everything to do with making Jacksonville better and as one Marquee supporter said “DC had nothing to do with our local race.” 


Really?  If that is the case, then why is Alvin Brown getting so many donations from Washington, DC?  See for yourself at:   Alvin Brown Supporters


The article’s headline upset those who read it.  The word “Marquee” just didn’t feel right.  Just so you know “marquee” means stars or headliners.  So what does that make the average Duval County resident?  And does it matter what we think?  Are they asking us our opinion and printing long lists of the average citizen’s endorsement?  Nope! 


As I closed the computer and headed off to bed, I thought, “This is the problem we have in America and evidently it is here in our own hometown.  Those who have been in charge of our city – through either pulling strings of city council members or the mayor – are fearful of Mike Hogan.  Fearful they will not be able to pull his strings because Mike will be a Mayor for the People and not the Marquee members of our city.”


I didn’t sleep well and woke up about 4:00 this morning with the story in my head.  The word “Marquee” was rattling around and making my head hurt.  I went outside to get the newspaper so I could see the article in print.  I knew it would be there.  I looked for the Marquee headline and guess what – they changed it!  It now read:  Alvin Brown Secures More Passionate GOP Backers.


The story was different too.  It didn’t mention that DC was NOT here and the ones they quoted were changed.  I decided to see if it was changed on and Yes, It Was. 


So did someone at the TU read our postings and realized we were not happy with being portrayed as low life peons compared to the Marquee members?  Did they also go to the Supervisor of Elections office and look at the donors list for Alvin?  Or, did they receive the same robo-call we did from Bill Clinton asking them to vote for Alvin Brown?


At this point it doesn’t really matter.  The best part of this election is we are seeing people for who they really are.  Everything is shaking out.  The Tea Party Movement has stood outside the parties pushing them to go back to their roots.  Right now we have ONE BIG MUSHY PARTY!  Both parties need to take a good hard look at their platforms and their principles then decide to either go back to their roots or remain a part of the ONE BIG MUSHY PARTY.  The Tea Party Members made a promise to each other that we would not start a third party IF the two parties could figure out how to get back in line with their principles. 


This shake out is helping Duval County do just that.  Those who crossed-over have some serious decisions to make.  They should take some time off and evaluate which party they really have their allegiance to.  It is all very strange that “Marquee” or “Passionate” GOP supporters would endorse a Democrat who has no resume for the job as CEO of Jacksonville.  Our question to them is this:  “If you are indeed a Democrat at heart, then why be ashamed to declare it?”


Once both parties get back to their roots and have principled leaders at the helm, the Tea Party Members will find a place to go and maybe the movement will no longer be needed.  If they don’t find their way back; well…that’s another story. 


Until that happens, you can rest assured, we’ll be here and standing up for the Marquee Citizens of America – the Tea Party Members!



Views: 67


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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 29, 2011 at 8:18am
Kurt, I agree with you about the advertising.  And if you remember at the 4/15 rally at the landing, one of our speakers said the media MUST BE a target before the 2012 elections.  Until and unless some impact can be made to force these folks to report the truth and all of it and become what they are supposed to be, we are going to get more liberal fiction which will impact our election. 
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 29, 2011 at 8:14am

Ron Paul is a nice man and has some good ideas, but it would be wise to look at all of his ideas.  If you look at all his ideas, he is far, to far, to the right.  It took many, many years to get our country in the shape it is in, and there are many changes that could be made that would help bring our country back more to the center and maybe even center right without doing just as much damage as Obama has done, but trying to move us to the far right in 4 years would do as much or maybe more damage than Obama has done.  I know that sounds like a strange thing to say, but it is true.  I also believe that a truly far right candidate, like Ron Paul, can't win since we are a center right country, and we must depend on obtaining the votes of those who are center right. 


Our founders also said that either extreme is not desireable, so in a manner of speaking, Obama and Paul are much the same as they are the extemes on both sides of the scale. 

Comment by Mike Austell on April 29, 2011 at 7:51am
There is only one Republican presidential candidate who stands out, and is not a member of the BIG MUSHY PARTY.  That, of course, is Ron Paul.  But for some reason, the Tea Party has never gotten behind him.  Maybe two, counting Herman Cain.  Maybe.
Comment by William Korach on April 29, 2011 at 7:38am
Save us from squishy Republicans and crony capitalists.
Comment by Chuck Morrison on April 29, 2011 at 7:30am
Folks, just PLEASE spend a smidgen of your precious time to VOTE!  Don't be whining about the outcome of any election if you didn't even bother to vote...that's the first lesson in Freedom 101.
Comment by J.Wayne Wise on April 29, 2011 at 7:25am
I'm sure Brown will get the freeloader votes and the votes of the money people that pander to the freeloaders, as he does. We are running out of working people/tax payers. It's not looking very good for us. All we can do is keep trying.
Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on April 29, 2011 at 7:24am

If the Tea Party wants to REALLY accomplish something, we need to take on and take DOWN the liberal media.

We can do it, we have the numbers. Do we have the courage and the stick-to-it-iveness?

It can start with a letter campaign to EVERY advertiser in the TU.

Keep giving this group of lying liberals your ad money and I will NEVER step foot in your establishment again.

Businesses believe they have no other choice but to continue advertising in liberal controlled media outlets. We must make them understand that choice has consequences.

At the same time, we must step up and present alternative advertising outlets that prove as, or more, effective.

Any ideas?

Comment by w. lee dungan jr. on April 29, 2011 at 7:16am
media spin is a very powerful weapon of left leaning press they know it and its becoming more obviouse they know we know it
Comment by Kurt D Wullenweber on April 29, 2011 at 7:13am

So many "Republicans" in Jacksonville are simply democrats who changed parties because they knew they could no longer get elected as Democrats. The list is long and it began with Ed Austin.

The same is true in Nassau County, where two thirds of the Republicans support liberal policies, top to bottom.

They understand too many voters simply vote for the person with the message they like, as long as there's an R next to their name, so call yourself a Republican and promise lots of free crap.

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on April 29, 2011 at 7:11am
It's a mess.  I got the  Clinton robo call yesterday (it was rediculous).  Mr. Brown was no more a big job creator in the Clinton administration than I was, but I guess there was nothing else Mr. Clinton could say about Brown since he hasn't done anything significant in any way that would put his mark on something!

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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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