‣Bill currently has a two-step process for raising the debt ceiling.

‣As currently written, before POTUS can request second tranche of increased debt authority, Select Committee must produce spending cuts larger than the debt hike.

Change to bill would specify that before POTUS can request second tranche of debt authority, Select Committee must produce spending cuts larger than the hike AND a Balanced Budget Amendment must be sent to the states.

Views: 41


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Comment by JL Gawlik on July 29, 2011 at 8:55pm
I wish i could edit. The one thing the Freshmen want to change is that the rules in the chambers remain open and fair unlike the way Reid & Pelosi have ran things behind closed doors and only with their permission.
Comment by JL Gawlik on July 29, 2011 at 8:53pm
Jim WHAT could they have done? I listened to the arguments and kept hoping during 2009 and 2010. Then i found out that the Majority leader could change the rules of procedure of how the chambers operate. I thought they had to adhere to the same rules period. Apparently it is up to the leader. Reid & Pelosi held very closed chambers. So closed that i read that many Democrats were enjoying being able to openly debate issues this year compared to the four years Pelosi ruled. I did not realize until then the power they weld. Boehner is allowing open debate Pelosi and Reid did not, that is ONE of the many things that many Freshmen want to change. Boehner has stood up strong and has been open and honest. He is a very honorable person and he can not completely change it all in just a year, they have come very far compared to 2007 to 2010, in my opinion. I wish people could of spent time in Pelosi's House and then Boehner's a complete turn around and he runs it the way it should be ran by the PEOPLE not partisan politics. I was hoping many of the Dems would remember the good feeling they had earlier this year, but apparently NOT. At least the CCB had a partisan vote and it is not over yet. I read an article this evening thru a tweet that stated DeMint will revisit S.1340 in the Senate. One can only hope for miracles and true justice.
Comment by Jim Ryan on July 29, 2011 at 8:17pm

JLG  I will continue to hold my opinion that Boehner and McConnell are not the guys to lead.  They are not bright enough, smart enough or tough enough.  Look how the Dem's rammed through Obama Care.

70% of the people in America were against it and they did not care.  Just another strategy to build their base, create monoplies for their friends, and redistribute wealth.  You must recognize that this is "no rules" frighting.  When you are fighting to save your country you don't water down your tactics you heighten your offense.  By voting No I also believe that Michelle Backmann has just locked up the Republican nomination.  She demonstrated strength and character. 

Comment by JL Gawlik on July 29, 2011 at 7:26pm
Breit Bauer pointed out that IF the administration had gotten their wish back in Jan 2011 for a clean debt ceiling we would not even be having this debate. Jason Chaffetz who voted against the bill in the House stated that Speaker Boehner did a great job in moving forward even though he did not vote for the bill, he even pointed out that Boehner passed CC&B with a bipartisan vote and moved this whole debate forward. Chaffetz still believes the CC&B can still be in motion. Boehner bill was tabled NOT killed. They are going to use it to return back to the House with what they take out and add. *sigh* I am hoping for some miracle the CC&B can be revived... more coming up this weekend!
Comment by JL Gawlik on July 29, 2011 at 7:14pm

Mr. Heinold i take offense that you think Boehner is a RINO. He has worked very hard and actually passed that CUT CAP and BALANCE BILL after a OPEN DEBATE on the House floor and passed with bipartisan votes. He has done his job well period and the House has passed many bills this year on the budget over a half dozen of them since Jan 2011 and quiet a few dealing with the debt/deficit problem. He has been passing bills since Jan 2011 while the Senate has DONE absolutely NOTHING, not even passing a budget in the Senate for over 821+days (since April2009 over 3 years in the House.) WHY?


I am listening to McConnell criticizing Reid for moving to table the bill with a simple majority 51, and then not move to pass his bill tonight. IT is obvious Reid is going to use Boehner's bill and gut it and pass it off as the same bill. Lots of political posturing going on here.


More Legislative gimmickry. The goal for Reid and progressive Dems is to raise the debt ceiling to 2.4 Trillion. There is a lot more that is going to have to happen before is passed as a bill.


I have heard the Federal Reserve has NOTHING to do with the government period, it is separate from the government. CUT CAP & BALANCE was passed by the House but shelved by Reid in the Senate, essentially tabled. 

Comment by J.R. on July 29, 2011 at 6:47pm

Exactly, Dan. That is what I referenced and provided a link to below.  It is in U.S. Rep. Ron Paul's plan

that no one is looking at.

Comment by Daniel R. Carr on July 29, 2011 at 6:28pm
For some reason, this was heavily edited after posting. This is the Unadulterated version:
Consider this:
The U.S. Debt ceiling is now $14.3 Trillion.
The Federal Reserve holds approx. $1.6 Trillion in U.S. Treasury notes.
The Fed is essentially the U.S. Gov't., as is the Treasury.
So we have the U.S. Gov't. owing ITSELF $1.6 Trillion.
If this debt were simply CANCELED, there would be no lost jobs, no one would be fired, and there would be no deflationary pressures induced, as there is PLENTY of paper money in the system due to QE 1 and QE 2. The debt is then $1.6 Trillion under the ceiling.
This would give the Gov't. some "breathing room" to continue without shutting down, until Cut, Cap, and Balance could be passed, which is the ultimate solution!
Why isn't this being considered by TV's Talking Heads or the self-centered politicos we sent to D.C. to fix the system?
Simple - it would expose the whole phony house of cards that is our fiat currency system, made up of empty promises to fix it "in the next 10 years!"
Comment by Hank Heinold on July 29, 2011 at 5:49pm


strong conservative GOP challenger is what is needed for Ander Crenshaw. We replace him at the same time we change out Sen. Nelson and Obama. Boehner and the rest of the RINO's are in power ONLY because the Tea Party put them in power by the Nov 2010 LANDSLIDE. McConnell, Boehner etc are gutless and enablers of big government, have been for a long time. We need to replace more of the RINO's every election. Join the Duval County REC and make your voice heard, otherwise you get a voice only during elections. We need more conservative members on the REC so we can hold our local, state and federal officials to account. We get enough people on board then we can tell the politicians they will not get our support if they continue to violate GOP principles. Boehner's bill is another gutless capitulation. 

Comment by JL Gawlik on July 29, 2011 at 4:31pm
I wish we could edit our remarks. Did all hear APPLE is sitting on MORE money than our Federal Government is? LOL! Capitalism is GREAT!
Comment by JL Gawlik on July 29, 2011 at 4:29pm
I for one think with just a majority in a third of the govt GOP has done well, it is the bashing that i am astounded at and i do NOT think it is all coming from the TeaParty. I have been learning to twitter and i can not believe the number of Liberals/progressives who are trying to trash all the messages. Even Obama twittered today to jam twitter to Congressional members. Boehner has dealt with what he could deal with. Go look at all the bills they have passed this year all on a bipartisan votes. To say he is a failure is unfair and unfounded. Many steps have been made this year by the GOP. McCain is a moderate progressive period. You should see what he tweets about, he should NOT have been reelected period. There is nothing about this debt deal that is driving the markets, the markets are being driven by Obama-economics period.

National Debt Clock


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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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