Times Union: Jacksonville council hears from public on gay rights bill

Apparently a rather large group (100 people) got together in advance of the city council meeting and everyone got prepped on what to say in favor of this bill. Parts of this bill are really, really awful, including the parts where they removed references to the US Constitution, because it forces people to hire folks who refuse to behave in a manner that will not be offensive to some of private business' customers by cross dressing or not dressing appropriately for the work place. Personally, I had no objection to non discrimination of gays or lesbians, but I disagree with forcing someone to hire anyone who wants to be an exhibitionist who may cause damage to the employer's business, and as someone else said, since when does sex enter as a criteria for hiring? Sex should not be in the work place at all!  Your opinion??


Many spoke Tuesday to ban sexual orientation discrimination; council action  planned for June.

Those who filled Jacksonville's City Council chambers to  overflowing asked lawmakers Tuesday night to support legislation banning  discrimination based on sexual orientation.

The crowd came for a public hearing that could embrace or reject the bill (2012-296) filed this month by Councilman Warren Jones.

But the group spoke with nearly one voice, as dozens of people asked the  council to pass the legislation. About a half dozen spoke against it by 10:30  p.m.

Replay: Public hearing regarding bill to add gay rights to human rights  or...

"I've been surprised tonight, quite frankly, that the support for this bill  is so overwhelming. Sometimes we don't give our hometown enough credit," said  Jimmy Midyette, an attorney who spent Sunday helping run a community meeting  preparing about 100 people for Tuesday's meeting.

Read more at Jacksonville.com:  http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2012-05-22/story/jacksonville-co...


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Comment by Maxine Jessica Roberts on June 1, 2012 at 7:39pm

Jeanne they do have a right to establish Dress codes for their Employees. 

But if someone who is Gender Non-conforming, or who is Gender Identified as the opposite gender as the one they were born. Present as their preferred gender. Among other things.  Then they should be allowed to follow the dresscode of the gender they identify with. Not discriminated against because they chose the gender they are comfortable in. 

If you want them to not wear those types of clothing, then you need to make the dresscode uniform for all employees. If you dont want a transwoman wearing a dress skirt, then no woman should be allowed to. If that is what your dresscode says. 

Because if you say she can't because she is trans you are negating her experience and identity. You are discriminating, and harassing her. 

Comment by Jeanne DeSilver on June 1, 2012 at 5:07pm

  I really feel that business owners have the right to dictate how their employees dress, esp. if it could affect the reputation of the business and the business owner's livlihood.  Small business owners have rights too!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 1, 2012 at 4:06pm

I don't think you have to worry Jeff. I think you have a good job and could walk into another good job if you had to and find a place to live as well. I find it hard to believe that you couldn't do both. As I recall, you are a very bright person with a very outgoing personality. You say if this bill doesn't get passed you are afraid people will discriminate, and I believe if this bill pass, it is almost guaranteed some people who might not have otherwise will because they fear a lawsuit being brought even if they have only just treated the person like they would treat anyone else and that really is what is at the core of this. I feel the city has not discriminated and most people do not discriminate, and who wants to work for someone who hires based on being forced by law to do so but dislikes being forced and makes things less than pleasent at work.

Comment by Maxine Jessica Roberts on June 1, 2012 at 3:16pm

I have every right to worry about how some may start acting if it is not. 

Like I said, I am lucky. But If I try and rent a new place to stay, They could deny me because I'm non-binary. If I lose my job because of other reasons (Doubtful) I may have a lot of trouble finding a new job.

I have friends who transitioned and because of their appearance they couldn't find jobs.

I have a friend who is also transgender. She is gorgeous, she presents as female, she identifies as female. But she still has an M on her license. Even though shes gotten her legal name changed, she is still required to have an M on her license till she has surgery in the state of Florida. But She can't afford surgery because she can't find a job that will hire her. 

She eventually found out why, Everyone she applied too had taken a copy of her ID. It lists "M" as her gender. Even though she looks like a girl, Publix will require her to shave her head because they have a dress code that says Men can not have hair past their ears. 

She needs a job, but because of her gender expression she has been having trouble. I feel sorry for her, and I wish I could help her. I almost cried when I found she had shaved her head, and now still has trouble finding employment. 


Comment by Patricia M. McBride on June 1, 2012 at 2:56pm

Jeff, I have met you, and yes, you are not a show off in your face person but some folks will take advantage of this bill to wear everything on their sleeve and get into the faces of those who do not live their lifestyle or approve of the lifestyle (and they have rights too).  I don't have a problem at all with you or anyone like you, but I don't think we legislate to give you more or less advantages than anyone else, and you can't legislate morality.  There are many people who will not change how they feel, and I don't think anyone can TELL them they will be forced to change their belief system simply by legislating it and quite truthfully, it could work against non straight people who live as you do and fit into the mainstream.    All this bill really does is create a problem where there apparently were none here in Jacksonville.  They asked for folks to come forward if they felt the city had discriminated against them, and no one came.  And you freely admit you have a good job, live in a nice neighborhood, assume you have good friends, drive a nice car etc., so you are pretty main stream?  I have no truck with mainstream folks, and I also don't have to know about your personal life anymore than you have to know about mine, but I have every right to worry about how some folks will behave if this bill is passed. 

Comment by Maxine Jessica Roberts on June 1, 2012 at 2:39pm

Jean, You can't wear lingerie in public anyway. It doesn't matter if you are male or female. You have to be covered up to be in public. Please don't spread such a scare tactic. 

And Patricia, I'm glad you call me a Deviant. I never felt like one. 

I've been a member of the FCTP since I was in Highschool. I haven't been very active though because I fear people like you harassing me for being myself. 

"Gender Expression" doesn't mean looking like the guy from Hellraiser. It means being comfortable in your self. 

I have my nails painted, I have my hair in a nice conservative bangs and behind the ears pixie cut, I wear nice pants and shirts. I take hormones because without them my brain goes nuts and I feel suicidal. I have to wear a bra because of the hormones. I have breasts now I can't hide their presence, but I keep them covered. 

I live in a nice neighborhood, I drive a nice vehicle. I work a Corporate American Job, I pay my taxes. I work in an industry that saves lives every day. 

I simply refuse to accept that I am male simply because of what is between my legs. And I will always reject the notion that I am male because of it. I'm a woman, I have been gendered female the majority of the time the last few months. And soon I'll have my legal name, birth certificate, license, and gender markers all changed to reflect that. 

Gender Expression doesn't mean being a pervert in public. It means being allowed to feel comfortable in public. If I wear a skirt it isn't so you can look up it, its because it is what I feel comfortable wearing. 

Also one last Caveat. 

Highheeled shoes (which I do not and will not wear even though I identify as a woman.) Were created for Men, Specifically horse riders. Skirts and pantsless gowns, have been worn by men long before any of us were here. 

If a boy decides he wants to wear a skirt, this does nothing to harm you. 

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on May 23, 2012 at 12:47pm

Your son wrote a wonderful piece and he is right.  Right now deviant is being rammed down the throats of the majority.  And the majority does not favor this sort of thing and has no idea that a bunch of folks have gathered under the guidance of an attorney to turn our city into a nightmare of lawsuits and deviant behavior.  Sorry, but I don't want some guy dressed as a girl and wearing lots of studs and a spiky haircut serving my food to me in a restaurant because the restaurant owner was sued and forced to hire someone totally inappropriate for the job he had to offer.  Deviant behavior or non main stream leads to aids and countless othere problems unless it is someone who lives like most people do and many guys and lesbians do.  The folks they are opening the flood gates for, do not.

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