November 4th is right around the corner, and it's a reminder for me every year of the duty that I have as a citizen with rights. The right to vote is a sacred honor. Over 41 million Americans have strapped up a pair of combat boots and placed themselves between our citizenry and those who mean us harm. At the very least, we owe it to them to exercise the rights they fought for on our behalf.
Throughout U.S. history, over 1.3 million of those men and women have taken their last breath on the battlefield in order to preserve and protect that right. One of those men was my son, Navy SEAL Aaron Carson Vaughn.
As a mother, and as a woman, I'm especially cognizant of the rights fought for on my behalf. Consider the atrocities the suffragettes endured in order to secure our right to be heard in this nation; then explain to me, as a woman, what's keeping you away from the polls? Too busy? Too tired? There is no excuse that can outweigh what we owe those who gave us the freedom to participate in America's political process.
This nation was built as a Representative Republic. If we refuse to vote, we surrender our right to be represented.
The most recent video in our "We Didn't Fight For This" series features former Marine Colonel Eddie Ray. Col. Ray explains that failed direction and failed leadership have allowed a cancerous ISIS to spread throughout Iraq and Syria. We didn't fight so that poor strategy and leadership that isn't committed to its mission can squander the sacrifices so many gave.
The future of this nation's existence hangs in the balance, and it's largely due to an apathetic citizenry. We need to snap out of our pleasure-induced coma and fight for our preservation. There are no excuses! Get out and do your duty. See you at the polls! Karen Vaughn Senior Military Families Advisor Concerned Veterans for America |
Home Hood Report Noonie Ward Chicago Activists Unchained, Destroy Black Leadership rebelpundit October 29, 2014 Hood Report, News, Rebel Pundit, RebelPundit TV 210 Comments Chicago activists Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins and Harold “Noonie” Ward recently went on the record with RebelPundit to deliver a message to black communities across the country. That message shed’s light on who they say are the “real oppressors” of their community–Black-liberal democrats. Although these men are recognized as leaders among the local community, local mainstream media refuses to give them a platform. McKinley explains that black americans are in an “abusive relationship with black leadership…There not pushing a black agenda, they’re not pushing a family agenda, they’re pushing a neo-liberal agenda.” They always talk about black on black crime, and when you here the words black on black crime, the first thing you think of is a black man is a black man robbing you or breaking in your house, and that is a black on black crime. But lets take it one step further. There’s a black on black crime down in city hall, there’s a black on black crime down in all the state capitols in America, where all the black folks are voting against our interests.” “We’re always talking about what the Republican’s ain’t done for us, but my life has been hurt by democrats,” Watkins says, “this lot where I stand right now, Ida B. Wells, where public housing residents used to live at, most of the people are homeless living in the street, it’s because of you Mr. President. “They (black leaders) forced us into a life of welfare, we don’t welfare,” Carter explains, “we want opportunities to go to work, we want opportunities to own businesses.” Carter says the strategy behind the president’s focus on raising minimum wage is because, “he (the president) knows this is a way to get a lot of the poor peoples attention, but, to hell with your minimum raise wage, we don’t have any jobs, minimum wage raise for what?” “Everywhere you go, there is poverty in black areas.” Ward says, “It’s the same way in every black community across the country….How can the same process happen over and over again, and can’t nobody do nothing about it?” Editorial Note: McKinley, Watson, Carter and Ward have all served time in prison in the past, and have since taken to the streets of Chicago to fight against the injustices in their community, making this story all the more interesting.
Another great video from Chicago leaders on a message of why we should vote.
Let's make this message have wings!!!
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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