Next weekend will be the weekend before Thanksgiving (can you believe it?) and many of us are planning our family gatherings. Some will be here in town and others will pack up their car and head over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house. Many will also pack their bags and fly to family reunions or winter getaways. This is a busy time of year at the airports and TV crews show up to see if the lines are long or if the weather has caused setbacks. It is a very exciting time and the thrill of getting away with family and friends is now being “manhandled” by the Federal government.

Our mission in the tea party is: Support the principles of our founding fathers which are limited government, personal responsibility and accountability and moral leadership. We believe TSA has gone over and above their call of duty and big government instead of limited government is reigning in America -- especially at the airports.

There are so many stories about TSA’s manhandling that I’m not sure how to even describe them all. Here are a few links for you to check out. Beware…some of them are X-rated and young children should not be nearby when you read them. You might just have a few cuss words that you can’t help but say!

· Here’s the first encounter by a mother traveling alone with an infant. This is X-rated and happened in the last few days. http://www.ourlittlechatterboxes.com/2010/11/tsa-sexual-assault.html

· The second encounter is with a man who is going pheasant hunting and does a little homework before he leaves for the airport. http://johnnyedge.blogspot.com/2010/11/these-events-took-place-roughly-between.html

· The third encounter is with a 3 year old being checked by TSA agents as her mother tries to calm her and her father takes the video. See video below.

To say that this is okay and we need to do it for everyone’s personal safety is nothing less than a joke or a lie. I am reminded of Ben Franklin who once said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

We are patting down 3 year olds, breast feeding mothers, 80 year olds in wheel chairs and we allow those wearing burqas to pass through without a pat down or a body scan. Loose fitting clothing with plastic explosives attached inside could easily slip by and end up on a plane.

Our world has gone mad and now Mothers are mad too! How dare TSA touch a woman in the manner they did! How dare TSA grope a 3 year old child! How dare TSA threaten a man with a civil suit if he doesn’t allow the pat down!

The next time you fly – be prepared to either be groped or your nude pictures could end up on the internet. Also be prepared to stand up for your rights. It's called Civil Disobedience and yes, these are the times that challenge our souls.

We are taking suggestions on how best to deal with this so here are a couple to start with and we would love to hear from you:

1. Call your airline carrier and ask them what they plan to do about this situation. Will they fully refund your money if you refuse to be radiated or groped?

2. Contact TSA and ask them what background checks they perform on their “handlers.” How do they know the people they are hiring do not have deviant attitudes about sexual encounters? Are they mentally and emotionally prepared to grope you and do they do it with sensitivity and respect? What is the process by which they were trained to grope you?

3. Purchase a burqa and wear it when you travel. You can slide right through without a problem. Consider setting up a kiosk at the airport “Rent-a-Burqua” and then turn it in when you land. (Might as well be a Capitalist and make some dollars off this insanity!)

4. Remember the movie “When Harry Met Sally” – the scene in the restaurant? You can refuse to be body scanned but ask for the groping. When they grope you, you can be “Sally” and you can embarrass the one who is groping you OR you can simply scream Rape as we taught our children to do if someone touched them in their private parts. It would be great if you can have a friend video it so you can post it on Youtube and make a lot of money as it goes viral! (Again, thinking of that Capitalism thing!)

5. Refuse to fly. Drive or take the train. It certainly is not as quick a trip but you will see the beauty of America and can chat with your family in the car, listen to your favorite music and play Car Bingo with your kids. Let the windows down and enjoy the breeze.

I’m sorry this posting was not motivational today. This is a serious situation and you should be warned and prepared as you fly to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving. In closing, here are the new lyrics to this great old song we sang back when days were easier and life in America was not so scary.

Have a great week and make those calls. We need to do something about this and if not us – then who?

Over the river and thru the wood,
To grandmother's house we go;
TSA knows the way
To make you pay,
As an American boarding a plane, oh!
Over the river and thru the wood,
Oh, how the glove does flow!
It touches the toes,
And other oh no’s,
As over the body they go.

Over the river and thru the wood,
To grandmother's house we go;
3 year olds groped by TSA
As Terrorists hide bombs in robes
As they touch our toes,
And other oh no’s,
As over the body they go.

Views: 25


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Comment by Patricia M. McBride on November 15, 2010 at 3:42pm
Many people who didn't bother to vote will be traveling over Thanksgiving and Christmas (and since they don't stay informed or only listen to the liberal media, this will all be a great shock to them). Let's hope some more people wake up after they have been assaulted a couple of times or maybe even stay better informed. Thanks for posting Billie, and thank you for the wonderful newsletter (sent it to all the group members).
Comment by Bob Honiker on November 15, 2010 at 3:32pm
TED LEE, we have a Constitution, and it doesn't allow the government to just run wild, for any reason.
The end D0ES NOT justify the means!
Comment by TED LEE on November 15, 2010 at 3:23pm
Tell the love ones of the 2300 plus that died on 911, TSA is to harsh.
Comment by Shavager on November 15, 2010 at 11:32am
This is but a taste of what it'll be like if the Comrade in chief and his Commiczars keep control of Congress and WHouse. He's lost the House now, so steps can be taken to stop funding of his marxist programs, next up is voting in a larger majority of conservatives in the House, take the Senate away from democRATS and RINOS and sending the muslim messiah back to Mobtown in Illinois, or let him go to Kenya and begin his reign over there if he wants to be king.
Comment by Verna Kathleen Molo on November 15, 2010 at 11:24am
It is time for a Teapartiers & citizens for action law suit against the TSA for sexual molestation(sexual assualt )charges. Every flyer must get the name of the person who does this intrusive procedure so that real people and real names are held accountable for this crime vs. Americans. The body scanner also exposes us to excessive radiation which causes cancer.The TSA must rethink procedure or be sued up the yingyang. State terrorism is unacceptable.
Comment by Ernest Lephart on November 15, 2010 at 11:21am
Here is where to file a complaint:
At the bottom
TSA's 43,000 security officers, inspectors, air marshals, managers, and directors are a reflection of this nation's great diversity. We are a reflection of you, the traveling public. Our goal and our mission is to protect our nation's transportation systems so that we all can travel safely. Our security officers work to protect over 2 million travelers each and every day.

We are committed to making each traveler's screening experience as pleasant and smooth as possible. We are also committed to treating each traveler with dignity and respect throughout the screening process.

Despite our commitment to integrity, you may be unhappy with your screening experience. You may feel that you were treated differently or less favorably by a security officer. You may even feel that the treatment you experienced was because of your race, national origin, age, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. If this is how you feel about a screening experience, we want to know about it.

The role of the Office of Civil Rights and Liberties is to review concerns about a screening experience where you believe you were treated differently or discriminated against because of your race, national origin, age, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. We can only attempt to resolve concerns when we know they exist.

Our Civil Rights Policy Statement

We treat all members of the traveling public in a manner free from unlawful discrimination, harassment or retaliation. To emphasize our commitment to TSA employees and the traveling public, TSA issued its Civil Rights Policy Statement.

Quite simply, our policy statement assures travelers they will be treated in a fair, lawful and nondiscriminatory manner. It also emphasizes we have no tolerance for harassment in the treatment of the public we serve. Finally, it outlines out how we ensure an environment free of discrimination through program, policy, and operational reviews.

» Click here to read the TSA Civil Rights Policy. (pdf, 77kb)

Mission of the External Compliance and Public Outreach Division (ECPO)

The mission of the External Compliance and Public Outreach Division is to ensure that the civil rights and liberties of the traveling public are respected throughout screening processes, without compromising security. The Division ensures that Agency processes and procedures do not discriminate against the traveling public, and abide by the constitutional freedoms of the traveling public.

The External Compliance Division meets its mission by providing civil rights guidance and services to TSA program offices, including security offices, technology offices, and communications offices; and by reviewing TSA policies and procedures to ensure that the civil rights and liberties of the traveling public are taken into account.

Reporting Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Complaints

How can you report a civil rights or civil liberties complaint? There are a number of ways in which you can report a concern. You can pursue any of the following steps.

During travel: While you are still at the checkpoint, you can ask to speak with a supervisor about the incident. You can also ask to speak with the Customer Service Manager of the airport. Depending on the time of day during which you are traveling or the size of the airport, the Customer Service Manager may or may not be readily accessible to you at the airport.

After traveling: You may contact the External Compliance Division of TSA's Office of Civil Rights and Liberties to file a complaint.

Our mailing address is:

Transportation Security Administration
Office of Civil Rights and Liberties (TSA-6)
External Compliance Division
601 S. 12th Street
Arlington, VA 20598

Our email address is:


You may also contact the Department of Homeland Security's Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties to file a complaint. The Department's procedures for filing and handling complaints can be found at: http://www.dhs.gov/xabout/structure/editorial_0373.shtm .
Comment by John Sauer on November 15, 2010 at 11:09am
This new procedure was a mandate from the White House. Last Summer I read that in Washington state teachers were being sent to private homes to "tutor" some children to prep them for the coming year. Today, the TSA is violating the citizens' privacy with this "enhanced pat down" to "protect us in our travels in our own country and they ignore the borders. This isn't the change the voters expected when they chose the "hope and change" purveyor in 2008. I can see two purposes for this enhancement; government intrusion into our privacy is part of the future Obama intends for us and we should lay down and take it, and Obama needs a diversion to get us and Congress off his failing back. These diversions have been used since Clinton. I wonder if it will get worse when us patriots decide to fly into DC for the next major Tea Party.
Comment by Ernest Lephart on November 15, 2010 at 10:23am
Back in 2006 my family and I were traveling by air leaving from Jax a giant of a man stepped between me and my 6 year old grand daughter and order me to take off my shoes. I tried to get around him to get a hold of my grand daughter and met resistance. He again demanded I take off my shoes, my wife darted around me and the growing force of TSA employees that were surrounding me. Seeing that my wife had secured my grand daughter I explained that I had bad knees and need to set down to be able to remove my shoes. They insisted I set on the floor and remove my shoes, which I did. The strange thing was after I removed my shoes they didn't examine them. They just wanted to make sure that they demonstrated that they were in-charge of the area in front of my family. My wife had to help me get off of the floor and over to a chair to put my shoes back on. My grand daughter was very up set about this incident. She asked what did grandpa do to make the police men made at him? Why did he have to take of his shoes but other people didn't. That was before they made everyone submit to this stupid practice. In my opinion all of this is just to condition the people to respond to the authority in a none questioning way. To accept these intrusions on our private lives until we accept this as normal.
Comment by Sherry Wonsey on November 15, 2010 at 8:58am
The people in the burkas are the ones that need to searched via full body pat downs and full body screening....why are we forced to bow down to these people while our little children are bullied?? Also, profiling needs to be top on the list for helping to detect these murderers....who cares if they don't like it? I am sick of this!!! If TSA can pat down little children and adults, body scan us....fine....just let it apply to ALL!!!
Comment by Shirley Johnston on November 15, 2010 at 8:37am
I agree Bob, the majority does allow suffering, unfortunately. Lets see how much apathy still remains among the majority when the November elections roll around. I will be honest with you, I was deeply disappointed in the Orange Park voter turnout with this last election, apathy...you bet. Until Americans wake up and are willing to stop the insanity..ie..illegal aliens, giving up "One Nation Under God", giving into the likes of Muslims, and other minority groups just to please then we will continue to be controlled by the "Government". Great empires have come and gone and America is no exception. We as a people have sunk to depravity, lawlessness, and every other imaginable thing all in the name of freedom. Freedom is earned it is not given. Freedom is worked for and is to be protected at all cost. This is my country and the country of my Fore Fathers who fought long and hard to protect what they so proudly believed in. If we as a people don't lose our apathy and complacency we as a nation our doomed to fall. May God help us all.

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The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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