WE NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK: We're mad as heck at the TU and we need your help

As you will remember - the First Coast Tea Party leadership council voted to endorse 3 candidates in this election. We chose to focus on the Governor's race because it will be a determining factor in getting our economy in Florida moving again through creating a "Friend to Jobs" environment. The Governor will also be involved in the redistricting process and we did not want a Democrat in charge of that. It is too dangerous to put that responsibility into the hands of the left.

We endorsed Rick Scott after we did our homework and discovered the truth about the misinformation by the media regarding the medicare fraud issue. The tea party leaders across Florida who during the primary had been split on their candidate endorsements came together as a group and endorsed Rick as well. The tea party does not give endorsements lightly and we are proud to stand with Rick because we have done our homework. Do you trust us to do our homework and stand on principles? We hope so because we have done everything we can to prove that to you.

Our local paper - The Florida Times Union has done a hit job in the last week on Rick and his running mate, Jennifer Carroll. It has been devious and we are calling them out! Check out the Gulf Coast Business Review in their article - The Real Rick Scott - and the picture is vastly different. This is the picture the tea party members and leaders uncovered and this is the one we encourage you to read.


We need help to shutdown the TU's affect and we need it today and tomorrow. Here's what we are going to ask of you:

1. Print out copies of the Gulf Coast article and have them available for anyone who thinks Rick is a crook.

2. Rick's campaign really needs to have volunteers wave signs. Please call Matt at (954) 643-4577 or our office at 683-3945.

3. Times needed for Waving Signs - Today from 4-6 pm, tomorrow morning from 7-9 am, and tomorrow evening from 4-6 pm.

Also, Rick is going to be sign waiving at St. Johns Bluff and Beach Blvd tomorrow - Election Day -- at 11:00. Come stand with Rick Scott and stand up against the Liberal Media.

Let's show them we mean business and let's get to work!

AFTER THIS IS ALL OVER -- WE WILL CREATE A TEAM OF LOCAL TEA PARTY MEMBERS WHO WILL WANT TO HELP US HOLD THE MEDIA ACCOUNTABLE. IT'S TIME TO DO THAT AND WE WILL! (P.S. - TU if you are reading this blog - you should be ashamed of yourself. How about printing the Real Rick Scott article in tomorrow's paper? We're sure the Gulf Coast Business Review would let you publish it.)

Views: 46


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Comment by Pearl Davidson on November 2, 2010 at 1:39pm
For years I had the newspaper, Florida Times Union, delivered daily but got sick of their liberal stance and canceled over a year ago. last week I became a subscriber again and was reminded and surprised at their unfair and biased articles and reporting. I am waiting to see their response when hopefully the voters in our area show them where their subscribers stand. If this doesn't change their venue -they will have one less subscriber very soon!
Comment by Morgan Orlins on November 1, 2010 at 7:48pm
Great comments, and very usful information! Thanks.
Comment by FCTP on November 1, 2010 at 7:46pm
If you are planning to hold signs with Rick Scott tomorrow, please show up at the Tea Party office at 10:30. Rick will be there and we will all go together to the intersection. 11437 Central Parkway, Suite 107, Jacksonville 32224
Comment by Bioya1 on November 1, 2010 at 7:45pm
I once had a running "conversation" with Mike Clark, editorial guy at the TU. After listening to him tell me how fair the paper is I decided to grade it for a month. Actually, it was fairly balanced in most areas save one - LOCAL political commentary. I found that 60% of the time the TU uses Ronald Littlepage, a likely mouth-piece for the Dems, to present their side of things. The other 40% is not necessarily taken up by the opposing view. I concluded that someone had a picture of Mike and was holding him hostage. He didn't find humor in that. Wonder why?
Comment by Cindy Jordan on November 1, 2010 at 7:43pm
Good job Romona. Everyone should follow your example. My parents, and quite a few of my friends have just done the same thing. Why pay for such trash, and lies. It is like they are trying to brain wash us. They think just because they print it, and it is in black and white, we have to believe it.
Wrong! Let's send them a message also. Tell the truth, or get gone.
Comment by Karen M on November 1, 2010 at 7:27pm
DEMAND the Media tell the Truth! Media Research Center is doing a great job in getting the liberal bias exposed. Go to: http://www.mrc.org/public/default.aspx
Comment by Esther M. Espinosa on November 1, 2010 at 7:12pm
ENOUGH! Can't wait till tomorrow I am so sick and tired of all the political BS. The millions spent on TV ads & campaigning could have gone to many other worthy causes.
Comment by FCTP on November 1, 2010 at 6:24pm
Beware to all who get in conversations with John. He is stubborn and unwilling to listen. He does sit on his perch and looks down his nose at people. As in the zoo - Do not feed him. If you don't feed him, he will go away.
Comment by Morgan Orlins on November 1, 2010 at 6:14pm
Yes John, the TU DID endorse Alex Sink. You know her, the one who cheated during the debate, and then LIED about it? Here's the endorsement:

Comment by Earl Eye, MD on November 1, 2010 at 6:10pm
Glad you guys are catching up. I was so angry at the lack of journalism that i canceled the TM two weeks ago. Lets get everyone else we know to do the same thing. Funny, but hitting them in the wallet really does get their attention and shows that we are angry at their clear liberal bias. I for one want our elected conservatives to sponsor a bill that would have an independent watch dog label the media just like we do for films and video-they can do what they want, no encroachment on their 1st rights, but they would be neutral/balanced; right; left or propaganda as their label. At least people would understand what they are reading is slanted.

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The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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