The phones are ringing off the hook for tea party interviews regarding the possible Government shutdown.  This is the biggest news in a long time and they want to hear from us.


We have our opinion and hope to hear yours.


What do you think about this potential shutdown? 


I will be on WTLV from 5:30 - 6:00 on a panel discussing this matter. 


I would love to share your thoughts with them.


Respond to this blog in the comments section. 


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Comment by JL Gawlik on April 9, 2011 at 12:47am
*sigh* perhaps i did not understood what is going on, i just know that two votes are going to come to come up to repeal the Health Care bill and the plan parenthood, and it will come before the Senate who will have to go on record before the 2012 elections. Those two riders were attached to the budget bills passed by the House, all four of them.
Comment by J.R. on April 9, 2011 at 12:23am
J.L., the Riders are still spending and should be approved in the House, not the Senate.  All money bills originate in and are passed in the House. It should have to go back to the House for approval. Do you know in which chamber the Riders were attached?  They should have to pass a clean budget bill, with no Riders and no earmarks.  These clowns don't follow the Constitution and they don't even follow their own chamber's rules. I'd sure like to see a House and Senate cleaning out of all the good-old-boys, vote traders and political gamblers. I can just hear them. "I'll bet you five riders, and raise you ten earmarks. "They make a mockery of what the Founding Fathers intended... and of the Constitution.
Comment by JL Gawlik on April 8, 2011 at 11:49pm
You know J.R. this is where it gets confusing. They agreed to about 39 billion dollars in cuts, BUT they had cuts in the last C.R.s (7 i think to date) so is the 39 Billion this CR then you can say more was cut from the previous 7? Plus they are going to put the Health Care bill, Planned Parenthood, EPA defunding and ALL the riders to a Senate vote, this IS WHERE moderate Dems need to be pressured to pass because of the upcoming 2012 elections. They witness the slaughter in 2010, we need to keep the pressure up. Also Bachmann is sponsoring a bill to remove active military from being defunded in these situations.
Comment by J.R. on April 8, 2011 at 11:35pm

U.S. Senate Passes Stopgap Spending Bill

"The U.S. Senate hurriedly passed a stopgap spending bill Friday to fund the federal government for one week to avert a government shutdown at midnight. Racing against the clock and with no debate, the Senate passed the bill by voice vote after congressional leaders reached a deal with President Barack Obama on a funding bill for the rest of the fiscal year that ends on Sept. 30.

The House of Representatives later on Friday was expected to give final approval to the measure for Obama to sign into law. The longer funding bill is seen passing Congress next week."



GOP, Obama Make 'Historic' Deal to Avoid Shutdown

 "Perilously close to a government shutdown, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders reached a historic agreement late Friday night to cut about $38 billion in federal spending and avert the first federal closure in 15 years.

Obama hailed the deal as "the biggest annual spending cut in history."

House Speaker John Boehner said that over the next decade it would cut government spending by $500 billion, and won an ovation from his rank and file tea party adherents among them..."


Comment by JL Gawlik on April 8, 2011 at 11:16pm
Did you hear all the Dems ran to the phones on KStreet to check with their Lobbyists before agreeing to the CR? The American people need to ask, shouldn't they have checked with us? We are the voters, we are the people, they are suppose to be our voice... wonder who dear Bill Nelson called?
Comment by Derby Ulloa on April 8, 2011 at 11:12pm

It might be a HISTORICAL BUDGET CUT, but it was from a HISTORICALLY HIGH BUDGET, what a joke!

Comment by Christy on April 8, 2011 at 11:04pm

We will win if we stick to TP fiscal issues, smaller gov and to follow the constitution.  I am ok w/the turn of events, we look ok.  Yes, fiscal issues=social issues and we win.  For now the only way not to fund Abortion is to not pay taxes, only way to do that is to find a way to be exempt as far as payroll taxes r concerned, send in a check with an extension of your tax filing or find someother way.  PP does not give mamo's and paps, they farm them out and majority r already on welfare health that pays for those.  78 1/2 billion is a good start.

Comment by Robert MacDonald on April 8, 2011 at 9:59pm
Until we can stop the cash flow drug addicts from writing the rules on getting & spending the cash, we are just a large Tea Pot echo chamber. We will need a minimum of 3 senatorial and 6 house election cycles, comparable to 2010, to replace the parasites in DC.  It is not necessarily the actual elected representatives that are the issue. It is the ingrained K Street lobbyists, bureaucratic lifers, congressional aids and government contractors. My belief is that an 18 year, nonstop campaign of financial drought on porkbarrel legislation, may remove the bribe money and post government bribe jobs that the current bureaucrats, aids, legislators & retiring military brass agree to take in exchange for pressure and votes on pending legislation.
Comment by JL Gawlik on April 8, 2011 at 9:33pm
The bottom line is that the way of doing business in Congress and Washington, D.C., needs to be changed drastically. It did not take overnight to get to here: http://www.usdebtclock.org  nor is it going to take over night to resolve this. This is just the beginning and the progressive liberals are going to fight uglier and uglier as we approach Nov 2012. We need to get the truth out and return our government to the U.S. Constitutional guidelines, we need to pass a Balance Budget Bill. Already Boehner and all who see the truth of the reality are setting bills in motion to change all of that and it is going be a lot of hard work, it is going to take time but meanwhile we the people need to make them accountable by our votes, phone calls, writing and emails and we the people need to spread the word to others on the truth of it all. Billie just did that with tonight with First Coast News, tonight we all need to spread the word and get people excited and involved so this continues to grow so we can change our country back to where it should be. And any young adult or teen who votes, point them to wallbuilders.com and let them know if they were getting a public education from K to universities, colleges they may have NOT learned our real history. Also i would give them a copy of The Original Constitution: What It Actually Said And Meant by Robert Natelson. Encourage them to read up on our real history and educate their friends for their future. These people work for us, not vice versa.
Comment by Tom Gniech on April 8, 2011 at 9:31pm
We can't continue to spend money we don't have.  It's imperative that we take a stand and bring government spending in line with income.  Otherwise, we'll jeopardize the financial viability of the USA.

National Debt Clock


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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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