Some days I wish I could stay in bed, put the pillow over my head and sleep until a new day dawns in America.  I’ve tried that but I keep waking up to a sun shining through my bedroom window and a voice saying “Get up, you have to get moving and do your part.” 


Today is one of those days.


We have so much to talk about and do for our country and if we were a single focus organization, it would make it easier.  We are not.  We are a Liberty-focused organization and everywhere you turn our liberties are being shackled.  Our leaders are laughing at us and they believe the laughter will drown out our concerns.  It will not.


Since we can’t do everything in one day, let’s take these five baby steps to ACT NOW for Liberty today.  It will take you no more than 15 minutes to accomplish all of this.  Can you give 15 to Liberty?  Here’s how:

1.  High Speed Rail in Florida:  A dear friend of mine in the Florida Tea Party Movement, Tom Tillison, had an encounter with Rep. Mica and it was very disturbing.  In one word, Rep. Mica has told the Tea Party – “get over it, I am supporting High Speed Rail, like it or not.”  You can read more about Tom’s encounter with Rep. Mica’s staff here:  http://www.floridapoliticalpress.com/2011/02/16/if-the-tea-party-wa...

  • Action:  From now until a decision is made on the Florida High Speed Rail we need Rep. Mica's phone to ring off the hook. We want his email box to overflow. This attitude with regard to the Tea Party Movement and especially toward our tax dollars cannot be tolerated. Below is his contact information. Just click on the link and then he has links to all his local offices.   More than anything, call Washington and ask for Rep. Mica and if he is not available ask for Mr. Dick Harkon. Let them know exactly how you feel. The fact is this High Speed Rail may be Rep. Mica’s project, but it will be paid for with our tax dollars and we do not want it or cannot pay for it.  It’s not right to continue down a “track” of spending just because it’s his baby project.
  • Action:  Please forward this information to all of your friends across the country. Ask them if they want their tax dollars coming to Florida to build a High Speed Train that will: 1. Never go fast; 2. Never break even; 3. Never have full ridership; 4. Will always suck money from their state. Then please give them Rep. Mica's Washington D.C. information and ask them to pass it on as well.
  • Contact Rep. Mica here:  http://mica.house.gov/Contact/OfficeInformation.htm
  • Action:  Call Governor Scott's office in Tallahassee. Tell them you do not want the High Speed Rail in Florida. Be nice, tell them you will support him in his decision to reject the high speed rail. Just make sure they know you are supporting this decision. Also, let Governor Scott know that you appreciate the fact that he is standing firm and doing exactly what he said he was going to do during the campaign. This man is taking fire from all sides and a kind word or two is always appreciated. Three minutes one time should be enough. (850) 488-7146

2.  Planned Parenthood Supported by $300,000,000 of our Tax Dollars:  The big news this week is the House of Representatives is looking at cost cutting so we can begin a new path of financial security in our country.  During their debates, the funding of Planned Parenthood will be debated.  We have recently learned that our tax dollars were going to fund abortions.  While we are a country of laws and abortion is legal in America, our tax dollars should not fund it.  How you feel about abortion is one thing but using our tax dollars to fund it is another.  In recent weeks, undercover videos of various Planned Parenthood offices shows their staff advising the undercover agent on how to get abortions for young girls brought in from foreign countries illegally.  This is absurd and their funding needs to stop. 

3. More Spending Cuts:  ACTION:  Go to Liberty Central.org at https://www.libertycentral.org/update-the-continuing-resolution-and... and sign the petition to encourage our Representatives to stay the course and cut, cut, cut as they go through each amendment this week.  It’s a big job – but somebody has to do it!


4.  Attend this Saturday’s Special Event:  ACTION:  Go to First Coast Tea Party website under events and check out the program “Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque.”  We are honored to host this special event and some of the nation’s largest experts on the Mosque at Ground Zero will be in attendance.  A local survivor of 9/11 will also be with us.  It’s free and educational and we hope you’ll RSVP today and bring a friend with you.  We’ll be there and would love to see you there.   Check it here for more information:  http://www.fctpcommunity.org/events/sacrificed-survivors-the

5.  Donate to your Local Tea PartyACTION:  Local Tea Parties are funded by local members and the month of February has been deemed “Love Your Local Tea Party” month.  All donations are used to fund events, pay for insurance/permits, produce written materials, and pay for small administrative costs.  We work cheap and no salaries are paid to any of our local leaders.  It’s all free, donated work, baby!  If you can help the First Coast Tea Party, please send a check to:  First Coast Tea Party, 11437 Central Parkway, Suite 107, Jacksonville, Florida 32244 or you can donate online at: 



It’s all the little steps we make that will secure the big picture – Liberty in America.  Help us today by taking 15 minutes and doing your part.

And, if you want to spend less than 2 minutes more, listen to this great analogy by Herman Cain about the Stupid People who are Ruining America.  Watch here for a good laugh at the other side:


God Save the USA!


Views: 46


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Comment by David J Macfarlane IV on February 16, 2011 at 12:33pm
It is a shame... I would love to see high speed rail but I just can't support the current public price tag.

I'd also like to own a G6... can't afford that either.
Comment by J.R. on February 16, 2011 at 12:18pm

Here is the url address to the Drudge Report where you can link to and read an article in the Miami Herald today related to Gov. Rick Scott's wise decision this morning to reject federal gov't. provision of money to fund high speed rail---with costly strings attached.  The article also provides information about outside input that came into play in his decision-making on this controversial issue, as well as expressions of disappointment at his final decision made. Mention is made of the Tea Party efforts to block the costly high-speed rail project that likely would have negatively impacted Florida citizens financially for many years to come.  This puts some attractive icing on the November 2nd blowout.



Comment by David P. Heimbold on February 16, 2011 at 12:17pm

Ellen and I belong to the St. Augustine Tea Party and support the Network. Pleased to hear Gov. Scott rejected the High Speed Rail. 

Comment by FCTP on February 16, 2011 at 12:09pm
Hi all:  Please do not think for one minute that my post indicates I stand for abortion.  I do NOT.  I just did not want to get into that debate today with the posting about Planned Parenthood.  If I had done that, it could have taken us down another path of debate and all I wanted to do today was get Planned Parenthood defunded.  Once we do that, we can then take up the other issue of abortion but we need to take baby steps - one day at a time.  I hate abortion and feel it is the deep rooted cause of many of our problems.  Liberty for babies is important too.  Defunding Planned Parenthood will be one way to accomplish it.  If my post was in any way supportive of abortion, know that I am not.  God bless the babies and keep up the baby steps.
Comment by Gerald G. Ward on February 16, 2011 at 12:05pm


This is my correspondence for today;

Dear Congressman Mica,

Today I sent Gov. Scott a letter of appreciation for rejecting funds for the un-necessary and unwanted

H/S rail system. Another earmark -like function of the federal government, in it's slow strangulation of our country, thru a continuing policy of fiscal incompetence. We are being forced to partake too much of "The Other White Meat."

I desire to continue supporting you, as I have in the past, but sensible spending, and taxation are prerequsites for my future support.



Comment by Edward Migues on February 16, 2011 at 12:04pm
For someone who loves to travel by train, I could not agree more with Gov. Scott in turning down federal money for this project. That is not to say I am against all high speed projects. High speed rail would only work when connecting two close highly populated cities, i.e. Boston and New York or even Philly. Also, the people supporting this project need to remember that in the end, the citizens of this state would have to provide the funding for running this rail line after it is built. Nothing comes free and government is highly inefficient when it comes to operating anything, just look at the post office. Come on guys, why catch a train, rent a car and have to wait for the specified departure times when you can get in your car and drive that distance in one hour. Thank you Gov Scott for not falling for the promise of free money because nothing is free in life.
Comment by Tom Platt on February 16, 2011 at 12:00pm
Governor Scott showed great wisdom in not creating another government-run railroad like the financial failure in existence already in the northeast. "CONRAIL" is one more boon-doggle subsidized by the taxpayers. If there is sufficient demand for a high-speed rail, then let private industry study the business model and determine if it will operate profitably; if not, then it's a dead horse.
The proposed subsidized high-speed rail in Florida would create a railroad service subsidized by 100% of the taxpayers, but utilized by a fraction of 1% of the taxpayers. This is the failed model of the Tennessee Valley Authority - created to provide lower electricity rates for 2% of the nation's population, but paid for by 100% of the nation's taxpayers. So, how do people living in Hawaii, Alaska, or Maine benefit from TVA electricity if they can't buy what they are subsidizing? Bread-and-circuses, folks, just bread-and-circuses from the progressives in Florida and their thieving, lying allies in the Democratic Party - all to get votes!
Comment by Dee Lucas on February 16, 2011 at 11:51am
Thank you Governor Rick Scott for turning down the high speed rail from Orlando to Tampa. I bet people did not know that they already have buses that provide transportation from Orlando toTampa for $10.00. I am disappointed in Mica for wanting this for Florida.
Comment by Maryanna Malone on February 16, 2011 at 11:30am
Thank you for standing behind your promises to be a fiscal conservative.  We appreciate you.
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on February 16, 2011 at 11:25am
I see in the paper today that the Obama budget wants to give Jacksonville "bus lanes" - millions of dollars for this but to which we would have to add millions more to complete the project. We need to contact our congresspeople and tell them NO on this waste! Very few people in Jacksonville ride the buses and the bus lanes are for the north side of Jacksonville only, one part of town which has the least traffic problems. I have nothing against public transportation (if it's done efficiently) and know that it is a God-send to some folks, but millions of dollars for bus lanes is a huge waste of money!

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The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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