All Blog Posts (4,805)

“Don’t Tell Your Parents” 6th Grade Assignment at Milan Elementary, MS

As many of you already know, this is not the first school that has been caught using this form on children.  It has been used much closer to home up in Maryland (I keep a file of articles) and was caught there too when a child took something out of the classroom and home to show his parents.  The thing is once you uncover it in a couple of places, you then must question if it is being used in ALL schools and we just haven't caught it?  This is a never ending discovery process, and it…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 24, 2013 at 6:48am — No Comments

Schools Insist on Forced Medical Exams for Kids or Else

Welcome to the police state.  This is not just happening in one place or we could say perhaps some over zealous school system with progressive liberals in charge was over stepping and could be stopped, but parents are getting this type of treatment in places all over the country, and it is flat out scary.  What can be done?   and What's next???


Schools Insist on Forced Medical Exams for Kids or…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 24, 2013 at 6:11am — No Comments


Only 9 - that's "9" days left to get your tickets. Tickets will only be on sale until NOON, DEC. 2nd.

You don't want to miss this event.…


Added by FCTP on November 23, 2013 at 1:06pm — No Comments

Virginia Files Application for Convention of the States

We need more states to follow Virginia's lead on this, and a prayer it will be enough states to be able to ask for amendments to the constitution to reign in this administration and any other administration that should attempt to take our rights and our states rights and to get rid of the mess in DC, perhaps change the tax system to a fair tax and several other things like a balanced budget amendment.  We need to pare the federal government back to what the founders meant for…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 23, 2013 at 10:17am — No Comments

Senate's Nuclear Option Raises Stakes For 2014

Basically, what Mr. Reid did was to take away the voice of 45% of the country by not allowing their senators a voice in these decisions and making it one party rule which was never the founders intentions. This was supposed to be a really classy part of the government entrusted with some very important decisions and therefore, it was meant to be a very deliberate body with no snap decisions which is why initially senators were chosen by state legislators to be sure they…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 23, 2013 at 10:15am — No Comments

Announcing - Admin Asst. Position open for FCTP

If you or someone you know is interested in being considered for the position of FCTP Admin. Asst., please submit your resume, along with your references to:  Or you can cal 683-3945 for more information.

This job posting will be open to receive resumes from Nov. 23rd through Dec. 4th.  Don't hesitate if you are interested.

See the full announcement below:…


Added by Patsy Underwood on November 23, 2013 at 8:55am — No Comments

Who is to blame

Who’s to blame for the Government Shutdown?

Our system of government only works when our elected representatives are willing to compromise.  Both sides negotiate and make concessions to find the middle ground.  In this case, the sides started pretty far apart.  Republicans believe that Obamacare is the worst law ever passed by our government.  Their starting point was the full repeal.  Democrats believe that Obamacare is the salvation of the nation.  Their…


Added by Lonnie W Brooks III on November 23, 2013 at 12:25am — No Comments

Exclusive: US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees

This should come as no surprise, since the "one" puts no effort into anything and has no idea what he is doing most of the time.


Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 21, 2013 at 1:22pm — No Comments

Trouble with liberal spending (Part 1)

It is time that we as a nation of people examine liberal spending policy before it is too late… This is but one example identified but coupled with our current out of control spending shows the beginnings of a trend that is utterly destructive to the American way of…

Added by Eric Elliott on November 21, 2013 at 8:45am — 1 Comment


And Mr. Horowitz would know .......... he grew up as part of it, and his parents were members of the communist party.  He is a conservative now!

 12 Nov 2013

On Tuesday,…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 21, 2013 at 7:56am — No Comments

A Holiday Reminder for Donations

Holidays are sure your contributions go to the right organization.   SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT BEFORE YOU MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS:   Please keep the following facts in mind:
The American Red Cross

President and CEO Marsha J. Evans'

salary for the year was $651,957 plus expenses

It is called the March…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 20, 2013 at 2:57pm — No Comments

The Contempt is Revealed

Keith Koffler is a veteran White House reporter, and he writes the White House Dossier, because he believes power requires accountability.

by KEITH KOFFLER on NOVEMBER 18, 2013, 11:47 AM

President Obama claims his administration is all about helping the middle class. But…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 20, 2013 at 9:28am — No Comments

Limbaugh: If Obama Had Been Honest, He'd Never Have Been Re-Elected

And now, on top of the Obamacare debacle, we have the unemployment numbers debacle to add to the lies used by Obumbler to get himself a second term.  He defrauded the American people with his lies as the truth is not what we were told and the re-election of this man was swung based on his lies presented as the truth.  If liberals were ever honest, they would not win elections, and this man would not be our president had he told the…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 20, 2013 at 7:11am — No Comments

JBS: Common Core Advocates Placed on Defensive in Wisconsin

This gives me hope that you can win this fight, because for the sake of Florida children, we must win this fight and get Common Core out of the State of Florida.
By:  Bill Hahn…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 19, 2013 at 6:15am — 2 Comments

WSJ: Wisconsin Political Speech Raid

Once again, liberals are trying to silence those who do not agree with them using a legal system that is now loaded with liberal judges appointed by an equally corrupt executive administration in DC.  Some of what they are asking for indicates a fishing expedition more than anything else.  They couldn't possibly have any real evidence or they would use it, I would think?

Subpoenas hit allies of Scott Walker as his re-election campaign…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 19, 2013 at 6:12am — No Comments

Who can be educated?

This is our response to a liberal's comment against our principles and values. 1st is the liberal comment and 2nd is ours

Liberal view;

Please, this statement so very well describes the Conservatives and their stance as well. Arrogance & Overt Pride. The TP holds no great revelations for We the People! They claim to be "The only real Patriots in America".... "The Saviors of the Country".... and some sadly…


Added by Eric Elliott on November 17, 2013 at 2:22pm — 1 Comment

Place the blame at the feet of the guilty

Since the roll out of titled Obama Care we have seen many different fingers pointed over the skyrocketing costs in health insurance premiums contrary to what Obama promised the American people. Obama has tried to lay blame on “Bad Apple Insurers” as he terms it for the rising costs now being felt by millions of Americans. Are insurance companies not a business with employees who must be paid for their jobs? If the cost rises to produce a loaf of bread in a bakery…


Added by Eric Elliott on November 15, 2013 at 2:49pm — No Comments

Action Item: Articles of Impeachment Introduced Today Against Eric Holder


Added by Patricia M. McBride on November 15, 2013 at 6:48am — 8 Comments


Friends and Family:

I’ve spoken with Neil several times and although I don’t have a clue where he is, he has I said I can say the following: The white hats in the Pentagon and the Dragon Family are both protecting him with all the force that is necessary.  The bad guys are now being chased and…


Added by Holly Winsman on November 14, 2013 at 1:02pm — No Comments

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You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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