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Romney Campaign Run by Charlie Crist's Political Aides

Mitt Romney’s “Charlie Crist” problem is this: Romney’s chief campaign strategist and several of his most senior campaign…


Added by DURWIN WALTER DAVIS on January 23, 2012 at 7:21pm — 1 Comment

ACTION REQUIRED: State of Florida Redistricting

For those who may not be aware, redistricting is on the agenda for a committee up in Tallahassee right now, and action may be required.  Most of the gerrymandered districts have been kept in place, and many districts are being nudged into the democratic columns including the one held by Allen West.  In fact the whole redistricting totally ignors the voters request for compact districts and is a nightmare, AND Allen West is one of the representatives who will be impacted and might…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 23, 2012 at 7:30am — 7 Comments

TU: State funding forecast looks bright for Florida ports

Interesting considering they are thinking of cutting the Mayport ferry to "save" money to create jobs?  We need to thank Governor Scott for being more friendly to our fine city than Crist was (is anyone surprised).


Posted: January 23, 2012


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 23, 2012 at 7:18am — No Comments

TU: Debate putting Jacksonville in country's spotlight

Although I wish no ill to UNF (and am glad for a little national spotlight time for them), I wish they had chosen a larger venue for this, so more people could go if the school truly didn't feel they had something larger.  As it is, many people, will be turned away after all the insiders get their seats.  It was a huge disappointment to me that UNF didn't use the sports complex where they have (at least used to have) graduations which has a huge amount of seating and could have…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 23, 2012 at 7:08am — 28 Comments

TU: Jacksonville Port Authority chairman supports Mayport ferry

This is something I believe we need to be vocal on.  There are many things going on right now that would destroy Mayport and should not be allowed to happen.  The ferry is part of this little seaport town and needs to be preserved for future generations.  Suggestions on how to do that???  On the blog related to this post, a couple of folks have indicated selling advertising on the ferry..........



Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 23, 2012 at 6:58am — No Comments

Soros Takeover and Gun Control Plan




     Who is buying gun manufacturing companies?  For the last several years a company called The Freedom Group has been buying up gun and ammunition manufacturers. Some of the companies are Bushmaster, Marlin, Remington, DPMS, Dakota Arms and…


Added by Danny Griffin on January 22, 2012 at 11:28pm — 6 Comments

The Patriot Update: US Textbooks: Muslims Discovered America

And you wonder why you can't have an intelligent conversation with so many young people.  Could it be because they are no longer taught anything of any use and certainly are not taught real world history or American history.  Liberals have turned out school system into a place where you are wasting your time sending your children unless you want them brainwashed into the liberal way of thinking.  This is a travesty.  K thru 12 are using Saudi funded textbooks?


US Textbooks:…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 22, 2012 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Christian Coalition Presidential Voter Guides Now Availible


Dear Tea Party friends,


Biblical Concepts Ministries has printed 50,000 Florida Family Policy Council Presidential primary Voter Guides and will be delivering them to hundreds of churches in Duval and Clay County. I will deliver a few hundred to the Tea Party office. If you are interested in voter guides for your church or group please feel free to contact me and I will arrange to get them to you Between Monday Jan23rd-Wednesday the 25th. Please be sure to distribute…


Added by Raymond Johnson on January 22, 2012 at 12:20pm — No Comments

A Deceptive Donation

     Our First Coast Tea Party runs completely on donations, volunteers, and prayer.  Each day when the mail arrives there is usually one or two envelopes containing donations from our members.  This week we received a donation that, in my opinion, was the greatest of all.

The letter was addressed in large block letters on the front and on the back it stated “donations.”…


Added by First Coast Tea Party on January 22, 2012 at 10:00am — 41 Comments

Well, it is official, you no longer have freedom of religion. Sebelius has over ridden your religious freedom.

Well, it is official, you no longer have freedom of religion.  The president and his charming head of health and human services have decided they will define what you can believe in and do.  And Ms Sebelius thinks she has struck a balance between our religious liberty and ????   No in a Chicago heart beat!  She has told people she doesn't care what they believe in, they will provide contraception and other birth control measures no matter their religious beliefs, but then again,…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 20, 2012 at 6:00pm — 6 Comments

January 19, 2012

In political terms this date, as David Halperin said, will be a whole chapter in the story of this election, no matter the outcome.

Perry dropped out and then gives his best political speech of his candidacy in endorsing Newt. Minutes later, Newt gets sideswiped by his ex-wife who claims that he, after his affair was discovered, wanted an open marriage.

Mitt sounds like Porky Pig every time he tries to explain his taxes and it is reported that he has millions parked offshore in…


Added by amanda choate on January 20, 2012 at 5:46pm — No Comments

Heritage Foundation: Under Obama, Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Is Down 40%

It didn't take Heritage long to come up with the numbers that prove Obama lied again today.  Thank you Heritage!


January 18, 2012 at 4:57 pm

In his announcement rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline today, President Obama…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 18, 2012 at 8:30pm — No Comments

U.S. Chamber of Commerce appeal for folks to write to Obama about his denial for the keystone pipeline

Although the president has said he considered the time limit for a decision to be political and arbitrary..........I guess, my first response was "what".  This is a man who has started using as his slogan "we can't wait (for congress to act)", and one of his appointments was never even given to the senate, but he is given 3 months to make a decision on this, and it is too hard????  Obama has some serious credibility issues for me, and I hope if you have some time, you will write…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 18, 2012 at 5:30pm — No Comments

TU: Senate finishes its redistricting work

When you read this, you will be quite angry.  These folks totally ignored the vote by the people of the state for compact districts and had in mind eliminating all the gerrymandered districts.  For our Florida senators and representatives have kept all the gerrymandered districts in place totally, so what was the point of asking people what they wanted????  This is a travesty and certainly our representatives at the state level have totally ignored the wishes of the people.  They…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 18, 2012 at 7:58am — No Comments

Opening of Newt campaign headquarters in Jacksonville

Grand opening of Newt's campaign headquarters to take place on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2012 at 4:30 pm.

1046 Riverside Ave., Jax.  Parking in back.  All are invited to attend.

Added by Pam Pavlick on January 17, 2012 at 9:54pm — No Comments

Newt Gingrich Headquarters Opening Tomorrow at 4:30.

The Duval County/Newt Gingrich Headquarters will be opening tomorrow at American Public Dialogue's office.  Jow Schmidt and I are honored to be hosting the campaign.  Our offices are located at 1046 Riverside Avenue, 32204.  We are between Bishops Gate and Lomax.  The building is a two story brick house.  There is plenty of parking behind the building.  Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Added by John H. Libby on January 17, 2012 at 10:43am — No Comments

Words Mean Things

As a consumer of news, a.k.a. a political junkie, I get annoyed when the pundits, "experts" and politicians, use euphemisms or false phrases to purposely mislead or confuse the listener.  The left uses this tactic all the time, i.e. Marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, liberal, leftist and now back to progressive.  Once people figure out they don't like the goods they are being sold, voila, just change the name and keep plugging along. To them it's never a problem with the message,…


Added by Cord Byrd on January 16, 2012 at 11:09am — 5 Comments

DAILY CALLER: Live free or die: either way, they’ll let you vote in New Hampshire

I have actually put 2 articles on this subject here, but have tried to separate them for you.  Very interesting and certainly Mr. Okeefe is still out there trying to change things (and I am grateful he is even if he uses some unconventional methods)!


You probably think a…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 16, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments

WND: Single state defies Obama detention plan, Rhode Island

Nullification at work in the State of Rhode Island and think other states should follow suit and pass similiar laws.  Rhode Island doesn't have this law on the books yet, but certainly has it in the works.  Wonder if Governor Scott will also put a bug in our legislators ears to get something like this done to protect the residents of Florida?


New law is 'repugnant to sensibilities' of founding…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 16, 2012 at 7:39am — No Comments

We have not lost our sense of humor....................

In the restroom at Cracker Barrel, someone had put this sticker on the hand drier…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 15, 2012 at 4:43pm — 1 Comment

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You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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